The guards kept searching in every palace. The whole palace was brightly lit at night. The palace was destined to be restless tonight!

"Go away! Go away!" The guards drove the walking maids and eunuchs away in a hurry.

The concubines who knew the truth thought for a moment and understood what happened. The matter was finally exposed.

Looking at a group of guards entering the palace to search, they watched silently and dared not speak.

Liupin's plan was exposed by the emperor. I don't know if she can save her life. I feel lucky that none of them participated in kidnapping Concubine Xian.



In the dark and damp basement, only a few candles were shining, and it was extremely damp.

"Host, host!"

Qiuqiu shouted.

Feng Yuluan slowly opened her eyes when she heard the voice, but found that she was in such a strange place. After struggling for a while, she found that her hands and feet were tied behind her.

"Host, you were caught here by Concubine Qin's people." Qiuqiu recalled the face he had just seen and said.

Feng Yuluan was not surprised at all and sat up. This must be Concubine Qin's secret room, but the secret room was filled with a pungent smell of herbs.

"I knew she would lose her temper. Just wait." Feng Yuluan smiled, without a trace of panic in her eyes, as if everything was planned.

Qiuqiu didn't understand what she was going to do, but she must have her reasons for doing so, so she stopped asking.


Yongle Palace.

"Concubine, I am ordered by the emperor to search, please forgive me." The head of the guards stood at the door and bowed, with more than a dozen guards standing behind him, holding long swords and looking serious.

Concubine Qin and the nanny looked at each other, and the nanny nodded secretly.

Coughing and gently saying, "Since it is the emperor's order, then you go."

"Thank you, your majesty! Let's go!" After thanking him, the head of the guards led his men straight to Yongle Palace.

Concubine Qin made way for them and frowned as she watched them go in.

Seeing this, the nanny patted her hand gently.

Concubine Qin then relaxed.

"Look carefully, don't miss any corner!"

"Yes! My lord!"

The guards split up and searched in Yongle Palace.

After searching several times, the scattered guards gradually gathered in the courtyard, and after looking at the head of the guards, they shook their heads.

Until the last team, the guards still couldn't find it.

"Collect the team." The head of the guards ordered.

After saluting Concubine Qin, they walked out of Yongle Palace.

After Concubine Qin saw everyone leave, the nanny hurriedly helped her walk in.

The two walked into the room, and the nanny dismissed the maids who were waiting around, "Go and guard the door, the queen needs to rest."

After saying that, she closed the door.

Concubine Qin took a look at the wardrobe that had been turned over, and her heart was beating non-stop.

She walked forward, opened the wardrobe, pushed aside the clothes in the wardrobe, turned the buttons, and the door inside the wardrobe opened instantly, and a road leading to the lower floor appeared inside instantly.

Concubine Qin glanced at the nanny, and the nanny nodded in understanding.

So she walked into the wardrobe with peace of mind.

After she walked into the basement, the nanny closed the wardrobe again and stood guard beside the wardrobe.

Feng Yuluan heard the footsteps coming from the other side and looked over there.

As the footsteps became clearer, Concubine Qin gradually appeared in the darkness.

"Isn't this Sister Xianfei? Awake?" Concubine Qin looked at Feng Yuluan who was sitting on the ground and said with a smile.

Feng Yuluan pretended to be scared and shouted, "My Lady, why am I here?"

Qin Guifei approached without saying a word, and did not answer her, but went straight to the wooden barrel next to her.

"Do you know what's in it?"

Qin Guifei pointed at the wooden barrel and said.

Feng Yuluan shrank her neck and said, "I don't know."

Qin Guifei picked up the wooden spoon next to her, scooped up a ladle, and slowly poured it out. The green liquid dripped and fell back into the wooden barrel, emitting a burst of unpleasant smell.

"Disgusting! These are what I have to soak every month." Concubine Qin continued while scooping, "When I was 15 years old, assassins broke into the palace to assassinate me. I risked my life to protect the emperor, but I got sick and now I am in this sickly state."

"I finally got better. I soak herbs every month so that I can give birth to an heir for the emperor one day, but you actually showed up!"

Concubine Qin changed her tone, put down the scoop in her hand, and walked towards her, her face gradually ferocious.

"Why do you stay by the emperor's side day and night? It's obviously me who loves the emperor the most!"

"Please calm down, Concubine." Feng Yuluan looked at her face that was about to go crazy and said in a low voice.

"You are not qualified to give birth to children for the emperor, onlyI have it! Even if the emperor favors you again, what does it matter? You can't have children! "

Feng Yuluan frowned, and doubts arose in her heart.

Why did she say that? Did they poison the emperor?

"The emperor has no heirs, why can the queen have children?"

"Since you are going to die, I want you to die clearly. The poison in the emperor's body is a unique poison handed down from my Qin family. It is extremely difficult for ordinary women to have children. If you want to have children, you need to wash and soak in secret medicine every month for three years!" Concubine Qin said with a smile.

She learned this news from the nanny a few days ago. When she knew that she could have children and others couldn't, God knows how happy she was.

No wonder the nanny kept asking her to soak in herbs every month three years ago. She thought it was for healing.

"Get rid of you, and the emperor will be mine alone. "Concubine Qin pinched Feng Yuluan's chin, imagined the wonderful life in the future, and smiled.

"My queen, besides me, there will be more people serving the emperor in the future." Feng Yuluan looked straight at Concubine Qin without any fear.

Concubine Qin let go, pinched her hand, and slapped her hard on the face.

Feng Yuluan tilted her head and her cheeks quickly became red and swollen.

"When I have children, what will they be?"

Concubine Qin stood up and patted the dust on the corner of her clothes.

"I was going to kill you directly, but it would be too easy for you. I will lock you up here and let you watch my son being born and ascending the throne. I will make you want to live but not die!" Concubine Qin said with a sinister smile.

She wants to lock her up here for the rest of her life and make her a tool for venting.

"My queen, you can't do this to me. "Feng Yuluan begged bitterly.

Seeing her reaction, Concubine Qin was very satisfied and walked out in style.

Feng Yuluan's shouts came from behind.

Until Concubine Qin's footsteps disappeared, Feng Yuluan shut up, took out the knife that had been hidden long ago from her sleeve, and slid to cut the rope on her wrist.

"Host, you actually brought a knife." Qiuqiu exclaimed unexpectedly.

The host's foresight far exceeded his imagination.

"I knew there would be such a day, and I prepared for a long time in advance, and it finally came in handy."

"Click." The rope on her hand was cut.

Feng Yuluan shook her sore hands and continued to cut the rope on her feet.

"I didn't expect the emperor to be unable to give birth. It turned out to be the drug given by the Qin family. "Feng Yuluan smiled.

In order to make Concubine Qin the only one who can give birth to the royal family, they really took great pains.

The Qin family's ambition is really big!

"Host, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, let's see when the emperor can find this place." Feng Yuluan cut the rope on her feet and put away the knife.

Survey the surroundings.

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