After saying goodbye to Miss Liang, Feng Yuluan returned to the law firm. Although the lawyer's office was not large, there were dozens of people.

When they saw Feng Yuluan coming, they all smiled and greeted her.

Feng Yuluan nodded in response.

"Mr. Feng, you have an invitation." The front desk assistant shouted hurriedly.

Feng Yuluan stopped, took the invitation and said thank you.

Back to the office, continue to finish the things that have not been handled before.

Now these cases can basically be handed over to the lawyers in her hands to complete, except for some difficult cases.

With their help, she can also be much more relaxed.

After the matter was handled, she sorted out her things and took out the invitation in the drawer.

Opened the invitation and read it.

This is an invitation to a dinner party from a leading group.

Before helping them win a lawsuit that almost faced a huge compensation, they intended to invite her to be their group's legal consultant.

They also quoted a sky-high lawyer fee.

Finding things can be handed over to others, but difficult things require her to do it herself.

And the requirements for her are also very relaxed.

Feng Yuluan thought this was a good opportunity. She looked at the time of the banquet and found that it would be half a month later.

After determining the venue of the banquet, she put away the invitation.

Packed up and prepared to go home.

Half a month later.

After Feng Yuluan finished her makeup, she drove to the hotel where the group banquet was held.

The car parked steadily in the parking space next to the hotel, and Feng Yuluan walked into the hotel with the invitation.

"Hello, ma'am, which hall do you want to go to?" The waiter at the door served enthusiastically.

"Go to 3D." Feng Yuluan said.

"Okay, please follow me."

Under the guidance of the waiter, Feng Yuluan walked to the venue of the banquet.

Almost all the people at the banquet had arrived.

Feng Yuluan walked into the banquet hall and greeted several people she knew enthusiastically, then took a glass of wine and sat down in an inconspicuous corner.

When the time came, the company's senior executives took the microphone and spoke on the stage.

"Everyone is here, so before the dinner begins, let me say a few words." The senior executive said with a smile.

The people standing below the stage gave thunderous applause.

"Everyone knows that this banquet is to celebrate the successful resolution of the last incident. Here, I would like to thank all employees for their perseverance and for sticking to their posts in times of crisis; secondly, I would like to thank one person in particular, that is Feng Yuluan, the lawyer who is fully responsible for this incident!" He looked at where Feng Yuluan was sitting.

Feng Yuluan smiled and stood up and waved to him.

Everyone looked at her.

Feng Yuluan was wearing an elegant evening dress, and her beauty and temperament immediately attracted many eyes.

"If it weren't for Lawyer Feng, our company would face huge compensation, which would have a great impact! After our negotiations, I officially announce here that Lawyer Feng's team is the chief consulting team of our company!" The senior executive announced this heavy news with a smile.

When the main executive announced the news, the audience was silent at first, as if time had frozen at this moment.

After a short silence, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

The audience stood up one after another, expressing their joy with applause.

"Now I declare the dinner officially open!" The executive said with a smile, and then walked off the stage.

Feng Yuluan picked up the wine glass and walked over, enthusiastically greeting the company's executives.

"Lawyer Feng is really young and promising!" The executive praised.

She is only in her 20s, but she actually defeated the lawyer who is already in his 50s.

They were just cramming at the last minute, and they didn't think much of her.

But she gave them such a big surprise.

She smiled and listened to their praise.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have the opportunity to work for your company. Thank you for giving our team the opportunity."

The group's executives nodded with satisfaction and raised their glasses to clink with her.

"Lawyer Feng, let me introduce you to our shareholder, Mr. Zhou." The senior executive introduced the man next to her.

Feng Yuluan looked at the middle-aged man and instantly recognized the characters in the plot.

He was Zhou Jiaojiao's father, Zhou Hao.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou." Feng Yuluan greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Lawyer Feng." Zhou Hao raised his glass and drank it all.

Feng Yuluan took a few sips.

After chatting with the senior executives for a few more words, they each went their separate ways.

Feng Yuluan stayed here for a while, and when she felt that the time was about right, she said hello to the senior executives and planned to leave.

She called Yin Huan, "Honey, come pick me up. I can't drive after drinking."

"Okay, I'll take a taxi right away." Yin Huan received the, immediately turned off the computer, put on shoes and hurried out.

As soon as Tong Luan walked into the hall, he heard a voice behind him shouting, "Lawyer Feng, please stay."

Feng Yuluan turned around in surprise, only to see Zhou Hao walking over slowly.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you have to do?" Feng Yuluan asked puzzledly.

After Zhou Hao approached, he pointed to the sofa next to him and said, "Lawyer Feng, let's go over there and talk."

Feng Yuluan glanced at him and nodded.

The two sat face to face on the sofa next to the hotel lobby, and the waiter brought them two cups of tea.

"Lawyer Feng, I'm sorry to disturb your time. I have a lawsuit and I want your team to help me." Zhou Hao apologized and spoke about his intentions.

Feng Yuluan smiled and nodded when she heard it, "You say."

"I want to divorce my wife, but she doesn't agree." Zhou Hao said seriously.

This surprised Feng Yuluan. She didn't expect that the lawsuit he was talking about was actually a divorce lawsuit.

"Well, no problem." Feng Yuluan nodded.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

"Come to my office when you have time to sign a power of attorney." Feng Yuluan said to him.


Zhou Rui roughly talked about why he wanted a divorce.

He thought that he and his wife no longer had any feelings for each other, and he also liked someone else, so he planned to divorce.

He was willing to give his wife more compensation.

Feng Yuluan also roughly understood his situation, and then said, "We will communicate about the specific details when the time comes. Do you think it's okay?"

"Yes." Zhou Hao nodded.

After the matter was settled, Zhou Hao breathed a sigh of relief. With Feng Yuluan helping him with the lawsuit, he felt much more at ease.

"To be honest, it was my girlfriend who recommended you to me." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

"Your girlfriend?" Feng Yuluan looked at him in confusion.

"Yes, my girlfriend's last name is Liang. She said she had consulted you about some legal issues before. She was very satisfied with your expertise and suggested that I ask you to handle the case." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

Feng Yuluan immediately identified the person.

It turned out that Miss Liang was Zhou Hao's girlfriend!

In the original plot, because the campus bullying incident had not been resolved, Feng Yuluan was busy with that incident and did not receive Zhou Hao's case.

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