The next day.

The ceremony of crowning the queen arrived as scheduled.

Xuan Yi held Feng Yuluan's hand with a face full of affection, and walked towards the throne step by step under the gaze of the ministers.

After a series of etiquette, he finally took up the Phoenix Seal and showed it to the ministers.

"Your humble servant pays respect to the Queen! Long live the Queen!" The voices of the ministers' worship came one after another, mighty and resounding throughout the Golden Palace.

A few days after the ceremony, Xuan Yi was afraid that she would be too bored, so he allowed the Prime Minister's wife to come to the palace to chat.

The Prime Minister's wife occasionally came to the palace to take care of her diet and chat about family matters, which helped to kill some days.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of delivery.

Feng Yuluan was chatting with the Prime Minister's wife, and suddenly felt water flowing out of her lower body, looking at the water drops with a confused face.

No way, she won't pee on herself, right? Feng Yuluan was a little messy.

The prime minister's wife saw that something was wrong with her and saw the water flowing all over the floor. She stood up anxiously in an instant, "Hurry, hurry, the queen is about to give birth!"

The maids and nannies were busy in an instant.

Xuan Yi had already arranged a few midwives and doctors who had been in the queen's palace. They came to help immediately.

Others went to inform the emperor and the empress dowager.

Feng Yuluan in the delivery room was giving birth with difficulty.

In fact, she had already taken the pain-free pill. Now she didn't feel anything at all. She didn't give birth to the child immediately in order to conform to common sense.

The empress dowager hurried over and walked back and forth listening to the movement inside, "Amitabha, Amitabha!"

The emperor hurried over without caring about the morning court, and a group of ministers followed him, waiting outside the palace.

This is the emperor's legitimate son, so his status is natural, needless to say.

The emperor heard the noise inside and asked anxiously, "Why hasn't the baby been born yet?"

The queen mother fiddled with the Buddhist beads, "Queen, it will take a little longer to reincarnate, wait a little longer."

She kept praying in her heart.

After another half an hour, Feng Yuluan really didn't want to act anymore.

Then Feng Yuluan's painful cry came from inside, and a loud cry sounded.


Hearing the cry, the queen mother and Xuanyi were relieved.

Showing a happy smile.

The nanny happily carried the child out, "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the queen mother, the queen gave birth to a little prince!"

"Good!" The queen mother's eyes were filled with tears, and she walked forward tremblingly, looking at the child, her wrinkled little face, full of joy.

This is her own grandson!

Xuanyi was overjoyed and stepped forward, looking at his son, and his little heart melted instantly.

"Good! Reward! Everyone will get a reward!"

The ministers outside the door also learned about this and shouted loudly, "Congratulations to the emperor for having a baby!"

The palace was full of joy.

After the delivery room was cleaned up, Xuan Yi was allowed to enter. Looking at the pale Feng Yuluan, he felt very guilty.

Squatting beside the bed, gently stroking her sweaty hair, "Queen, you have worked hard."

Feng Yuluan smiled and shook her head gently, "I am very happy."

Xuan Yi smiled.

During the month of confinement, Xuan Yi ran to her after the morning court, fed her personally, washed her, and took care of her meticulously.

Xu Fengluan almost didn't get out of bed for a month. Even when she washed, Xuan Yi carried her to go. She felt that she was about to be useless.

A month later, Xuan Yi held a full moon banquet for the prince and named her Xuanqi. At the same time, he made him the prince on that day. He has been the focus of all the ministers since he was a child.

When Xuanqi was two years old, he was very naughty. After bullying his grandmother, he went to bully his father. Xuanyi scolded him with a stern face, and then cried to Feng Yuluan.

Feng Yuluan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xuanyi was also very troubled. What could he do with his son? He could only spoil him.

Xuanqi was a child who only remembered to eat but not to be beaten. He was fine after crying, and he would dare to do it again next time.

When Xuanqi was three years old, Feng Yuluan was pregnant again.

Xuanyi was extremely happy and hurriedly found a tutor for Xuanqi, asking him to learn how to govern the country and get rid of this little troublemaker.

Feng Yuluan couldn't help but worry. Would it be too young to learn these at the age of three?

Xuanyi waved his hand indifferently, "It's not too early. I still think it's too late. If he doesn't learn it, the whole palace will not be at peace. How can he take on the responsibility in the future?"

In fact, Xuanyi was just afraid that this little guy would bully Feng Yuluan. After all, she was pregnant. Feng Yuluan couldn't stand his naughtiness.

Feng Yuluan could only let him do what he wanted. She generally did not interfere in educating children, believing that he would train the next outstanding emperor.

The Queen Mother was reluctant to let Xuanqi study with the Grand Tutor from morning till night at such a young age, but when she learned that Feng Yuluan was pregnant again, she immediately changed her mind and agreed with it.

The Queen Mother was very happy. She sent large boxes of rewards to her and arranged everything from food, clothing, housing and transportation.

SeptemberAfter the pregnancy, she gave birth to a pair of twins.

The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and the queen mother was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling, and she gave a lot of things.

Feng Yuluan was also very satisfied with the points she exchanged for these treasures.

Xuanyi couldn't let go of them.

Especially the little princess.

Whatever she wanted, she gave her.

When the twins were five years old, the queen mother was about to die. Feng Yuluan was beside the bed. The queen mother took her hand with great gratitude, "Yuluan, thank you for giving birth to three children for the emperor."

The queen mother looked sick and said with gratitude.

"Mother, this is what a daughter-in-law should do." Feng Yuluan said softly.

Over the years, the queen mother has been very good to her and her children. She is a kind elder. Feng Yuluan is reluctant to let her go, but life and death are not something she can control.

The queen mother said some more words of gratitude, and then asked Xuanyi to treat Feng Yuluan well.

Xuanqi brought his two younger brothers and sisters to the bedside, crying "Grandma, Grandma".

Xuanyi was already eight years old, much more sensible, and studied very hard, and the Taifu praised him repeatedly.

The Queen Mother could not open her eyes, and was very happy to hear their voices. Finally, she could not hold on and left with a smile.

Xuanyi held a funeral for her and buried her in the imperial mausoleum.


In five years, under the guidance of Xuanyi and Taifu, Xuanqi has become capable of being independent, and is no longer the little brat who cried for his mother.

When he was thirteen years old, Xuanqi took the initiative to ask Xuanyi to let the daughter of the Shangshu Mansion say that he would be the future crown princess. Xuanyi also thought that the child was good, so he agreed.

Xuanqi, who was only fourteen years old, was forced to inherit the throne. He was busy every day. He finally understood why his father had not played with him since he was a child, and was very distressed why his father passed the throne to him so early.

After stepping down from the throne, Xuanyi took Feng Yuluan to travel around for a whole year.

Later, Xuan Yi fell ill, and the two returned to the palace, where Feng Yuluan took good care of him.

But his body was already at the end of its strength.

He was drugged by the Qin family, and no antidote had been found. They didn't know how long he could live, so they hurried to train Xuan Qi. Even if he died in the future, they would have someone to rely on.

With Feng Yuluan by his side, he just didn't have a headache, but his headache was always there.

He felt very lucky to have lived these extra years.

On his deathbed, he held Feng Yuluan's hand, "Yuluan, it's great to have you in this life."

Feng Yuluan held back her tears and held his hand tightly.

"Next... I'll come to you in the next life." After saying this, she died.

The three children knelt by the bed and cried bitterly.

Xuan Qi finally understood that the reason why his father was so anxious to train him was that his time was up, and he regretted not listening to his father's words.

The bells of mourning spread throughout the palace.

The emperor stopped court for three days to pay tribute to the emperor.

Not long after he left, Qiuqiu had already prompted that the task was completed. Feng Yuluan did not have much attachment to this world and left the plane.

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