After the cult members left, the people around them dared to come out and hurried to them.

The old doctor ran up and immediately felt the pulse of the rich businessman's wife. Under the expectant eyes of everyone, he sighed and shook his head.

He was no longer breathing.

Everyone was instantly filled with grief and anger, damn the cult!

"Master, he is still breathing!" The apprentice shouted to the old doctor, pointing at the fainted rich businessman.

"Quick, quick, ask someone to carry him back to the clinic!"

Everyone helped to carry the rich businessman to the clinic.


The remaining people spontaneously went to Zhangjia Villa, to the owner of Zhang.

The news of the cult's evil deeds in the street spread out in an instant, causing a huge sensation.

They dared to kill people in the street on the territory of the sect, what else could they not do?

For a time, the people were all panicked, and their trust in the martial arts world was also in jeopardy.

At the gate of Zhangjia Villa

"Master, come out! Master, come out!"

"Coward! Come out if you can!"

"Why are you hiding? Why didn't you hide when we were collecting our money?"

"Bah, you useless people!"

The people cursed angrily! Venting their dissatisfaction.

They pay protection fees every year, but when something happens, they avoid us! What is this?

A group of hypocritical guys, wasting their skills!

"Click." The door of Zhangjia Villa slowly opened.

"Open the door, open the door."

Zhangzhuangzhu came out and said apologetically, "Everyone, I..."

Vegetable leaves followed, "It's him! Smash him! Smash him!" The people threw rotten leaves at him.

Zhangzhuangzhu's guards wanted to draw their swords immediately, but he stopped them.

Zhangzhuangzhu calmly accepted the anger of the people and let them vent. He owed them all this.

After everyone had thrown away their things, he raised his fist to them with red eyes and said, "It's me, it's me, I'm sorry! It's all my fault, please calm down."

He knew why they came. He had heard about the incident on the way back. Apart from endless regret and regret, he could do nothing.

The deputy leader had made it very clear, and he could only wait.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go to fight against the cult? So many people are under the tyranny of the cult and are living in dire straits. What's the point of you shrinking in here and not coming out?" A strong man shouted hoarsely.

"Yes! Yes! You can't just stand there and watch!"

"Master Zhang, I beg you, for the sake of the people, you just do it!" A man knelt down and cried to petition. He witnessed the tragic scene on the street today with his own eyes. Maybe it will be his and his family's turn next time.

The people began to beg.

"Everyone! Everyone!" Master Zhang couldn't bear to see this, he wanted to too! But if he did, he would be attacked by Shen Pingchuan, and then the entire Zhang Family Villa would be imprisoned!

He couldn't be a sinner in the world, nor could he be a sinner in the Zhang family!

Everyone quieted down.

"Give me some more time, and within a month, the leader will definitely lead us to fight against the cult!" Master Zhang's eyes were red, and his words were excited.

"Are you serious?" The people asked with a little doubt.

They finally gave a definite time, which was much better than waiting blindly without a deadline.

"It's true! Please believe me!" Master Zhang said with certainty.

"Okay! Master, I will believe you once!"

They had no other choice but to believe him, and hoped that what he said was true.

"Fellow villagers, disperse!"

The people then dispersed.

The guards closed the gate of the villa again.

He asked with a worried look, "Master, we don't know when the leader will come out of retreat. Will you say that..."

If the leader hasn't come out of retreat after a month, will they really attack the cult?

"There is no other way. Send the lady and the young lady far away, and we will face this fierce battle together." Master Zhang said with a firm face.

"Yes!" The guard answered firmly.


The four evil people who just bullied the rich businessman on the street were drinking in a remote tavern.

"Come on! Cheers!"


"Brother! It's really good for us to join the cult! We can eat whatever we want, and we won't be as cowardly as before." The fourth brother put down the wine bowl and said.

"Hahahaha, it's all because of our big brother's good vision!" The third brother laughed and ate peanuts.

"If you ask me, we should kill that Baili Manor Master." The second brother drank a bowl of wine angrily.

Before they joined the cult, they were bandits on a hill within the influence of Baili Manor., living by hijacking passing caravans.

As the number of robberies increased, they attracted the attention of Baili Villa. Baili Xi took people to destroy their nest, and then they fled and joined the cult.

"Second brother, it's not the right time yet. How can we be the opponent of Baili Xi? When the leader attacks Baili Villa, we will take revenge!" The eldest brother thought for a while and said.

Didn't he want to kill Baili Xi? To avenge his deep hatred!

"Brother is still thoughtful. I'll toast you a glass." The second brother brought out the wine glass, clinked glasses with him and drank it down.

Several people continued to drink.

Until they were full and drunk, they walked out in front of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to say much, he could only admit defeat. He couldn't afford to offend the cult members, and hurriedly asked the waiter to clean up the table.

The sky gradually darkened, and the four people walked in the dense forest, boasting about their great achievements.

The third brother looked at a red shadow in front of him and rubbed his eyes, "Brother, am I hallucinating? Is there a woman in front of me?"

The three of them looked forward and saw a woman in a red dress and holding a red umbrella.

"Third brother, this is not an illusion, it's really a woman!" The second brother said with amazement.

"Beauty!" The fourth brother drooled and rubbed his hands obscenely.

Unexpectedly, in this wilderness, they could actually meet such a stunning beauty! Their luck is too good!

The woman in red was holding an umbrella and smiling coldly.

The eldest brother swallowed his saliva. They actually met such a beautiful beauty.

The four of them ran up to them in a hurry. Before they could say anything, the woman in red said, "I've been looking for you for a long time, and finally found you."

The four of them looked at each other and confirmed that none of them knew the woman. The fourth one rubbed his hands and asked with a smile, "Beauty, are you looking for us?"

Could it be that their handsome appearance these days attracted this beauty?

"Yes! I'm looking for you." A smile appeared on the woman's face, but this smile was so cold, as if falling into a cold cave in the abyss.

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