"Oh, what does this have to do with me?" Su Yu responded indifferently, took a sip of coffee, and spit it back the same way.

Pah, what the hell, so bitter.

Cheng Bin was so anxious that he vomited blood, "I know all this has nothing to do with Miss Su, but for the sake of the world and the people, you should do something, right?"

"What does it have to do with me? The more you talk, the more outrageous it is. If you don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first." Su Yu felt puzzled. Where is there no death in war? Their Cheng family dared to say that they had never stained a drop of blood?

Su Yu stood up, picked up the chicken soup again and was about to leave.

"Wait! Miss Su." Cheng Bin hurriedly grabbed her hand tightly.

"Let go!" Su Yu struggled.

"Listen to me first before you leave."

"Let me go, tell me, what else do you have to say?" Su Yu shook his hand away.

Cheng Bin wanted to look around. The people around her looked at her in surprise. He said to her in a gentle voice, "Sit down and let's talk."

"You can talk if you want. If you don't want to talk, I'll leave." Su Yu ignored him.

"If you help me, you will be the wife of my Cheng family after I succeed." Cheng Bin made a painful promise. This woman was stubborn. He could only use this position to fool her. The wife of the Cheng family represented the supreme honor. She, a village girl, was really marrying up, Cheng Bin thought to herself.

Su Yu smiled, "Who do you think you are? You want to marry me? Dream on!"

Cheng Bin couldn't believe it. She didn't like him?

No one had ever dared to put him down like this. He was instantly angry and said, "What did you say?"

"Are you hard of hearing?" Su Yu was too lazy to pay attention to him anymore. She took the bucket of chicken soup and left.

Cheng Bin was not polite. He pulled her hand hard. Su Yu's hand was pinched so hard that it hurt. She couldn't shake it off.

"Let me go!"

Cheng Bin said threateningly with a dark face, "Look, if you die here today, what can the Hao family do to me?"

"Master Cheng, what are you doing?" Mrs. Nian's angry voice came from behind.

Cheng Bin froze in place.

Su Yuke seized the opportunity and cried, "Mrs. Nian saved me, he wanted to beat me."

Mrs. Nian felt distressed when she saw Su Yu crying, and walked up and said loudly, "Let go!"

Cheng Bin could only let go.

Su Yu's wrist had been gripped red by him.

Mrs. Nian said sternly, "I didn't expect that the young master of the Cheng family had no gentlemanly manners at all."

Cheng Bin pulled out an ugly smile, "Mrs. Nian is not what you see."

"I only believe the young master Cheng I saw, take care of yourself." Mrs. Nian said, supporting her and leaving.

Mrs. Nian took her to a quiet place. When applying medicine to her, she suddenly found the birthmark on her left forearm and asked in shock, "Child, have you had this birthmark on your hand since childhood?"

Su Yu nodded.

Mrs. Nian hugged her.

"Child! You are my child!" Mrs. Nian hugged her and cried bitterly.

She was the child who had been kidnapped by the kidnapper for almost sixteen years!

Su Yu recognized the Nian family in a daze and became the eldest daughter of the Nian family. She had two older brothers and the whole family loved her very much.

After Feng Yuluan stayed in the hospital for three days, Hao Ren confirmed that she was fine and took her home.

When Mrs. Hao knew that Feng Yuluan was pregnant, she prayed to the gods and Buddhas happily. She gave porridge to the outside for a month and prayed for the child in her belly.

Hao Ren was starting to take revenge on the Cheng family. Needless to say, the Feng family supported it.

The Cheng family's attack on her daughter had touched their thunder point.

After feeling the pressure from the two families, the Cheng family went to the Nian family for help.

After being driven out, the eldest son of the Nian family said at the door, "Get out of here, don't come here. How did your Chen family bully my sister? We all know, just wait."

The Cheng family can only accept the reality of being targeted by the three families and make up for the loss.

"You idiot!" Cheng Dashuai slapped Cheng Bin in the face. This was once his most valued son, but now the Cheng family is about to fall into the crisis of extinction. He hates him to death.

Cheng Bin knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Father! Father! I was wrong, please give me another chance!" Cheng Bin's eyes were full of cruelty.

Cheng Dashuai walked back and forth in the living room and finally decided, "You will go to the three families with me tomorrow to apologize."

"Yes, father." Cheng Bin clenched his fists tightly, and his veins bulged.


The gunshots in the middle of the night woke up the sleeping Cheng family.

"It's bad, the Marshal was shot!" The people in the mansion shouted.

Soon, important officers of the Cheng family got the news and rushed over.

"How is it possible?"

"Who did it?"

In the hall, five generals of the Cheng family quarreled fiercely.

Cheng Bin walked in with a sad face.Come.

"Master Cheng! Have you found the murderer?" a general asked impatiently.

"No, only this gun is left." He even handed the gun over.

The general took the gun and identified it carefully, "It's the gun of the Hao family!"

"Let me see!" Another general snatched it away.

"Yes! This is it!"

"It must be them, they are a bunch of bastards!" The general cursed angrily.

"We must seek justice for the general!"

"Yes! Kill Hao Ren!"

Cheng Bin lowered his head and smiled.


At this point, the Cheng family officially declared war on the Hao family on the grounds that the general was shot by the Hao family!

Cheng Bin succeeded the Cheng family's general and led the Cheng family to retreat to the bottom of the northern mountain as a base.

Cheng Bin asked Cheng Min to marry his uncle who helped him seize power. He was imprisoned in a small house all day long, living a life worse than death.

The Hao, Nian, and Feng families are preparing to concentrate their forces after the New Year to completely destroy the Cheng family's troops.

Six months later.

The New Year has already passed. Feng Yuluan, with her eight-month-old belly, looked at the troops outside ready to go, tidied up Hao Ren's clothes, and whispered, "Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back safely."

Hao Ren kissed her on the face.

"Don't worry, wait for me here obediently." Hao Ren said, covering her face.

"Okay." Feng Yuluan smiled brightly.

"I'm leaving." Hao Ren looked at her reluctantly.


Finally strode out.

He opened the car door, looked at Feng Yuluan again, and got in.

Wu Heng shouted, "Let's go!"

"Beep, beep." The horn sounded.

"Sister, go in." Su Yu saw that the crowd had gone far away and said softly.


"If everything goes well, I'll be back in about a month, and my godson will be born by then." Su Yu said as she supported her.

I'm really looking forward to what this child will look like. He must be as beautiful as his sister.

"Yes, almost. The due date is in the middle of next month." Feng Yuluan said while touching her belly.

"Let me stay with you more this month." Su Yu said with a smile.

"I couldn't ask for more." Feng Yuluan looked at her and smiled.

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