When Feng Yuluan swam ashore, it was pitch black.

Because mermaids have opposite schedules to humans, they are active at night and rest during the day.

Feng Yuluan bought a set of clothes from the system. After changing into them, she lifted the hem of her skirt. As her tail gradually emerged from the water, her lavender tail gradually transformed into a pair of thin, white and slender legs.

Mermaids have scales on their tails that can cover their private parts, so they don't need to wear pants.

Feng Yuluan came to the shore, dried her feet, put on her shoes, and walked into the night.


Two days ago.

After Ye Sui and the others came ashore, they learned to walk with difficulty, but they thought it would be faster to jump. Then the two figures crawled and jumped in the village, and shuttled through the village naked in the dark night.

Occasionally, when they saw someone passing by, they would hide. When they saw that others were wearing clothes, they realized that they were actually naked. The two grown men couldn't help but blush in the dark night.

So they secretly stole the clothes that others hung outside.

After changing clothes, Ye Sui finally felt that they looked like human beings, but they were still a little bit short of walking.

Ah You said, "Wang, why don't we see how they walk? As long as we walk exactly the same as them, they will definitely not doubt our identity!"

"You make sense!" Ye Sui nodded repeatedly.

So the two mermaids squatted in the dark and observed how passers-by walked.

After a while, a drunkard holding a bottle of wine and walking back and forth came over. He was drunk and staggered left and right.

The two carefully studied the way that person walked and looked for the rules.

The man gradually walked away.

"I don't feel right." Ye Sui said with some doubt.

According to his childhood memory, few people walked like this.

"Wang, this must be the real way humans walk. It will be exposed when there is no one around, so we have to learn it well!" Ah You said with a firm face.

Ye Sui was also convinced by his serious expression. He stood up and practiced, swaying left and right. After two or three times, he mastered it.

He said with an expression of discovering a new world, "It's true! This is much simpler than the one we practiced before!"

"I told you!" Ah You had an expression that said I knew it.

Two footsteps were heard in the distance, and Ye Sui hurriedly said, "Hide quickly! Someone is coming!"

The two walked into the bushes swaying left and right and squatted down.

Two aunts passed by with baskets, "That old Li is really lucky! After he and his son picked up a treasure and presented it to the county magistrate, they got a lot of silver! Now the whole family has moved to the county town, where they still need to fish!"

"What? I said why I haven't seen the eldest sister recently." Another aunt said, and then asked, "What treasure did he pick up?"

"I'll scare you to death if I tell you, it's actually a mermaid!"

Ye Sui's pupils shrank slightly, and he held his breath, fearing that he would miss important news.

"Is it true? Are there really mermaids in this world?" Auntie said in disbelief.

"I don't know, I just heard it from others. This damn old Li refused to tell me no matter how I asked." Auntie rolled her eyes and said.

Isn't it just a broken treasure? Who cares? !

"This damn old Li is really hiding it."

The two walked away as they talked.

"Wang! Are they talking about Rongrong?" Ah You said excitedly.

Ye Sui nodded, "It should be!"

Rongrong must have been captured by that person!

As long as we find that person, there must be a way to find out Rongrong's whereabouts!

"But, is that person called Old Li or Dead Old Li?" Ah You nodded his head in confusion.

Ye Sui shook his head, "Ask both names at the same time!"


The two got up and walked away together, swaying from side to side.

They walked along the road and came to the town.

The two were surprised to find that wherever they went, people would stay away from them, which puzzled them.

They didn't even have the chance to ask people.

They just squatted on the ground and waited for others to pass by before asking.

A man dressed as a scholar walked past them, and Ye Sui immediately looked at him expectantly and said, "You..."

The scholar interrupted him, taking something out of his purse, and said, "Brothers, you have hands and feet, go find a job. It's immoral to ask for money here." Then he took out two coins from his purse and threw them on the ground.

He lowered his head, sighed and walked away.

Now the world is going downhill, two such healthy people are still asking for money on the street, alas, it's really infuriating.

Ye Sui looked at the coins spinning on the ground with a confused face.

What is this?

Ye SuiHe picked up the two coins on the ground, looked at them, and asked Ah You, "Do you know what this is?"

Ah You shook his head, not knowing what it was.

Then someone threw a few more coins to him. Ye Sui looked at him and picked them up.

It was getting later and later, and there were fewer and fewer people on the road.

Ye Sui already had a handful of coins in his hand.

Although he didn't know what these things were for, he decided to keep them for emergency use. Each of them had this thing, which meant that this thing should be very important.

After stuffing it into his clothes, he looked at the road and saw that there was no one there. He said to Ah You, "There are fewer and fewer people. Let's ask again tomorrow and find a place to sleep for a night."

"Okay!" Ah You nodded in agreement.

This human skin is useless and not warm at all. The cold wind blew on the street. He felt cold for the first time and couldn't help shrinking.

The two wandered aimlessly on the street and found an abandoned temple. They planned to stay there for a night. As soon as they entered, they saw a slovenly man lying inside and suddenly became alert.

Leaning against the wall opposite the man, the two kept looking at him.

When the man saw them coming, he only looked at them a few times, then turned over and fell asleep.

Ye Sui looked at the two for a long time, and seeing that he had no other reaction, he fell asleep half asleep and half awake.

The next morning, the slovenly man got some food from nowhere and gave them some. He actually took the initiative to talk to them.

The three of them became familiar with each other. When he learned that they were looking for someone named Lao Li, he promised them that he would take care of it. The two were very grateful to him.

They trusted him very much.

The man went to help them find out the news for a day, and ran back in a hurry at night, telling them that he had found where Lao Li lived, and hurriedly asked them to go with him.

They followed the man happily to Old Li's home.

Time goes back to the present.

Feng Yuluan randomly found a hotel, booked a room, and decided to rest for a night and meet up with the two of them early tomorrow morning.

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