"Brother Fu! Old Ge said that there will be a large transaction at the drug factory in three days, and the transaction location will be announced two hours before the transaction day, so he said he can't come back for the time being!" The fat man said breathlessly.

He came to report to Captain Fu as soon as he received the news.

Indeed, if Old Fu came back at this time, all the efforts of the previous month would be in vain.

"Does he know about Lin Yaoyao?" Fu Jun asked after thinking for a while.

"I know, I have reminded him to be careful."

"Okay! Wait for the news in three days and let him evacuate as soon as possible."

"Yes! Captain Fu!"

Lin Yaoyao will not be moved for the time being, nor will she be informed of this operation. Give her a few more days and hope that she can report. He does not want to see a policeman rebel.

Three days later, 11 o'clock in the morning.

"Captain Fu! Received the news from Old Ge!" The fat man rushed in.

Fu Jun took his mobile phone and looked at the message sent by Old Ge carefully.

[13:00 p.m., Nanting Wharf]

"Notify them immediately and set off in ten minutes!" Fu Jun said, walked out of the office, went to the superior's office, and reported the situation.

The director attached great importance to it and sent several special police forces to cooperate with the operation!

A group of people hurried to the transaction site.

In order not to alert the enemy, the special police stayed far away and hid in the dark.

Fu Jun watched every move below with a telescope on the top of the mountain.

At 12:30, more than a dozen black cars and sedans drove over.

Parked at the wharf.

The people who got off the car looked around vigilantly, holding guns in their hands, almost everyone had one.

These are the largest drug trafficking gangs in the city. They are very cunning, often changing their hiding places, and have many subordinates, which makes the arrest very difficult.

After careful planning and deployment, Fu Jun and his team members finally determined the arrest plan.

Fu Jun drove down the mountain.

Ten minutes later, several other black convoys drove over.

After a few pleasantries, the people on both sides took out two huge boxes from their cars.

Then they opened them together, one filled with white items, and the other filled with red money.

"Action!" The captain's voice came from the headset.

A team of members and special police immediately moved out upon hearing the sound, forming a siege, throwing all the roads with punctures, and gradually moving inward.

Fu Jun and his team members quietly approached the criminals, and they moved carefully to avoid being discovered by the criminals.

When they were about to get close, they were seen by a person who was on guard, and the person hurriedly shouted, "No, there are police!"

Upon hearing the sound, people on both sides moved, and the criminals immediately zipped up the suitcases and carried them into the car, shouting, "Retreat, retreat!"

Fu Jun, with special police behind him, immediately whipped to cover and moved forward.

The criminals seemed to be ready to deal with the police raid.

They all shot at the police.

Suddenly, the dock was filled with gunfire.

The SWAT officers were not intimidated by the criminals' momentum. They responded calmly and started a fierce gunfight with the criminals.

This gunman was as skilled as a god. Under the siege, he quickly knocked down all the criminals who shot.

One or two cars rushed out like crazy and crashed into the SWAT officers.

They immediately dodged, and the vehicles drove straight towards the tire spikes. The tires were gradually punctured by the tire spikes and were tangled together by the chains and could not be driven.

The criminal cursed inwardly, immediately opened the car door, and ran out quickly.

Fu Jun's quick shot hit his thigh.

The criminal fell to the ground with a plop.

He crawled forward in fear and fired randomly at the back.

Until there was no bullet in the gun, the SWAT officers quickly subdued him.

Old Ge happened to be sitting in the back seat of another car. Old Ge suddenly pulled down the seat and dragged it backwards. The criminal couldn't step on the accelerator or touch the steering wheel, and the vehicle lost control instantly.

The criminal immediately resisted, and Old Ge shot him in the shoulder blade. The criminal could only let go and shouted angrily, "So you are a traitor!"

The vehicle crashed directly into the hillside, and the two were thrown in front of the car by inertia.

Lost consciousness instantly.

The special police immediately ran forward and rescued the two.

"Captain Fu! Old Ge is here!" Someone in the crowd shouted at him.

Fu Jun immediately ran over and looked at Old Ge who was ejected and unconscious, and said anxiously, "Hurry up! Send him to the hospital!"

The fat man drove over immediately, and the two of them put him in the car together and drove straight to the hospital.

Fu Jun watched the prisoners being caught into the police car one by one, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

He opened the suitcase and was shocked by the box full of white powder.

He had never paidSo much powder has been seized.

They could be sentenced to death several times.

These people are too bold! They actually engaged in such transactions in broad daylight!

They carried all the powder and stolen money into the car, and left early after dealing with the last things, and hurried to the hospital.

Half an hour later, this vigorous action was widely reported by various media. The police seized hundreds of kilograms of powder, which attracted many citizens to praise.

"Wow, this is too scary, there are so many!"

"Thank you for the hard work of the police!"

"I hope to protect the personal information of these police officers! Don't let them be retaliated by criminals."

"Wow, there are so many, isn't it too scary?"

"Sentence them all to death, this thing is too harmful!"

"Support support."

The success of this mission made the C City Police Department famous.

Fu Jun and his team were also commended and rewarded by their superiors.

Team One has another honorary flag!


Leng Yejue stared at the report on TV, holding the cup tightly in his hand, and his veins popped out in anger.

Then, with a snap, he smashed the cup on the TV, and the TV screen instantly went dark.

Lin Yaoyao, who heard the noise in the room, slowly opened the door and walked downstairs.

Leng Yejue then made a call, but no one answered the phone.

He patiently called again.

The result was still the same.

He kicked the coffee table angrily, and the teacups and teapots on the coffee table fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Waste, a bunch of fucking waste!" Leng Yejue shouted angrily.

The transactions over the years have not been investigated by the police, so why was it suddenly shut down this time?

Either there is an insider, or the other party leaked the secret!

Thinking about it, he made another call.

"Investigate! Give me the tea inside and out, I would rather kill by mistake than let him go!" Leng Yejue said with a bloodthirsty face.

If there really is a traitor, he must find him out and tear him to pieces in front of everyone.

Lin Yaoyao's heart skipped a beat. Seeing Leng Yejue so furious, something must have happened.

She retracted her foot down the stairs and quietly returned to the room.

"Go to the Xijiao factory and see why the phone was not answered there?" Leng Yejue frowned and said.

He will go to a charity event soon, otherwise he will bring people there personally.

"Yes! Master Leng!"

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