The City Deceives The World

Chapter 100: Fierce God! 【Fifth Update】

But even though it was just a skin injury.

But Su Lie was indeed beaten severely by the blow to the armpit.

A figure carrying a short knife came over from the outer compartment, quietly, stepped over in two steps, and stabbed Su Lie in the back of the heart.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed before his eyes, his wrist hurt, and the dagger had been kicked away.

Yang Mi'er stared at him with a cold face and slowly retracted her long, round legs.

"Su Lie."


Su Lie turned around with a smile. "Thank you!"

Yang Mier's face was still cold. "I'm going to save you once. I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. I apologize. Now I'll write it off."


Su Lie nodded.

"However, I have to pay back the favor you took out of me."

Wu Qian paid it back as soon as he came back, but money is money and favors are favors. At that time, he didn't expect that Yang Mi'er would really come over.

Two blushes flew up from the policewoman's face.

He snorted and turned his head to ignore it.

Thinking of yesterday when she pretended to be Su Lie's wife and went to pick someone up, her face burned.

With her qualities as a police officer here, Yang Mier quickly calmed down, raised her eyebrows, and stared coldly at the tall, thin middle-aged man who sneaked up on Su Lie in front of her.

The situation is now clear.

Originally, Su Lie's attack was too harsh and directly crushed Yan Gaoyi's shoulder bone.

Causing injury or disability is punishable by punishment.

She was a police officer after all, how could she hold back when Yan Gaoyi questioned her.

On the other hand, she kind of hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. Does it mean that those who practice martial arts must be brave and fierce, and their shots are neither light nor heavy?

Her punches and kicks are fast because she gives up a certain amount of damage.

As soon as she fought with Su Lie, she knew that Su Lie had broken through just like her, and it had reached a terrifying level. This inner strength could not hurt him.

I just didn't expect that I misunderstood him this time.

Be reasonable.

Yang Mier is a member of the crime team. She has never been in contact with Su Lie and this is the first time she meets her. But he was directly called Su Lie by his real name.

Especially Yang Mier was undercover at the time and registered under a pseudonym.

In addition, Su Lie is still a warrior who attracts attention. In this case, Yang Mier just wants to subdue him, not defeat him. She is already kind by nature.

Others in the crime team are not so polite. This is a job that risks life and death.

In the final result, Su Lie did not suffer any loss at all and even made two gains. It is understandable that Yang Mier was angry at the time.

The second time was when Yang Mier tried to vent her anger, but was attacked again.

This time, Yang Mier was unreasonable, so she apologized simply.

Wrong is wrong.

She has a direct temper and won't beat around the bush. Even if it's hard to say something and she doesn't want to bow her head, she will still apologize.

The rise of China in this world is faster than that of the previous one.

Around the 1980s and 1990s, it was already one of the economic centers of Asia. Although it was still shamelessly known as the "development country", countries all over the world knew what was going on.

Just like the great immigration of the United States, many people in Asia, Europe and the United States moved towards China.

You can almost see white skin, dark skin, and brown people in the streets and alleys.

This resulted in certain racial disparities.

China is strong, and yellow-skinned people are naturally more respected. Ahem, that’s what racial discrimination is.

Therefore, Chinese women, especially beautiful women, are very valuable.

Human trafficking is usually carried out by large organizations.

First, they will target women with favorable conditions, ranging from 8 to 40 years old, and take them away through kidnapping, abduction, and various methods.

As goods, they are provided to such powerful groups with various needs to obtain their support in all aspects.

These women were never left alive, or their bodies were found miserable and rotting, and many committed suicide after being rescued.

The most Yang Mi'er wants to avenge Su Lie is to teach her a lesson.

For this kind of scumbag, he is full of murderous intentions.

He struck without mercy, kicked the short knife away, and Ying Ri followed.

Fierce! Fierce!

He has an aura that can kill him but never cripple him.

After all this time, Su Lie seemed to have never been injured.

The outflow of blood stimulated the thin blood of the ancient red body in Su Lie's body.


At this time, real murderous intent appeared in the red eyes, and the full state of [Baji Canglong] almost appeared automatically.

The futile and violent dragon nature in his body could hardly be suppressed. Countless red strange lines climbed up his neck, cheeks, and finally formed a winding and mysterious symbol on his eyebrows.

He pursed his lips tightly to hide the protruding fangs.

The nails on the ten fingers also elongate unnoticeably.

But his eyes remained calm.

Stabilizing his body shape, he pushed his bones one by one, and his arms were like two giant pythons, sweeping across the air and making an explosive cry.

Suddenly it was thrown to the right, forming a spinning posture.


He turned around in a circle, and the air waves he created pushed several people away, and a clear black circle was dug out of the quilt under his feet.

It's just that the agitated air blew in all directions, forming a small breeze.

After taking a breath, he used his fists and kicks to meet the three men's pursuit.

There's not much difference in speed, but there's a huge difference in strength.

The two steel rods were hammered into twists, then flew and hit the tempered glass on both sides, making two muffled sounds.

The two men's hands had bulging veins, and they screamed in agony. White bones protruded from their elbows, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

The other one was stopped by Su Lie's knee.

Then he slapped his face with his free right hand. Several bloody front teeth flew out of the air, one eyeball exploded, and half of his face was shattered.

Immediately after, Jiang Zhuang right, a more cruel and fierce momentum naturally appeared, and he was slapped directly on his waist.

There was a crisp sound, and an unknown number of bones were broken.

Simply folded in half.

It flew out like a shell and smashed into pieces between the seats.

No more movement.

Extremely cruel.

At this moment, Su Lie's doubts about whether it was correct to redeem the blood of the red dragon flashed across his mind.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he stared at the remaining two people with his blood-red eyes.


I shouldn't have listened to that deadbeat Yan Gaoyi and made this trip.

The two originally fierce and strong men were almost frightened by this sight, and their legs were so weak that they almost couldn't stand.

They looked at each other in horror, without any desire to fight anymore. They covered their useless right hand and turned around to run away.

Didn't run a few meters.

Two heavy luggage bags were thrown over, knocking them to the ground.

Su Lie caught up with him in two steps.

One punch per person.

Knocked out directly.

At this time.

A frightening warning flashed through his heart.

He turned his face sharply.

As soon as the silver shadow whizzed past his ear with the wind, it was nailed to the back of the chair in front of him.

The silver shadow appeared. It was a dagger, which was inserted into the steel frame of the backrest and penetrated directly. A sharp tip emerged from the other side.

Turn around.

Scarlet eyes stared sharply.

[That’s it for the level. I try to write it as excitingly as possible. In fact, I quite like writing fight scenes. 】.

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