The City Deceives The World

Chapter 38 Mi'er Comes To Visit! 【Ask For Collection】

Liu Yifei has always been paying attention to this matter, as have many people in the school.

Mr. Zhou's affairs mostly attract the attention of young girls and young women at home. After all, in Tianya, there are many posts about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but there are still relatively few boys going to Tianya.

Some people also suspect that Mr. Zhou is the collective wisdom of Tianya moderators.

There are also some people who suspect that this matter is completely Tianya's hype, carefully designed to increase Tianya's click-through rate.

But these are people who don’t understand.

Those who followed the post had no doubt about Mr. Zhou’s identity.

Are you kidding, Tianya?

Even if you sell the entire website, you can't afford half of the manor. Who the hell can afford to rent such a manor? With this money, you don't have this face.

In short, Su Lie has no plans to let Mr. Zhou come out of the mountain for the time being.

In his previous life, Mr. Zhou became a legend because of the Zhouyi War. This time, he had almost no flaws and dug three holes.

When those three holes are filled, Mr. Zhou will become even more legendary. Countless people will dig up the existence of the six major families, and even alarm the government. However, Su Lie is not worried. Those who can trace his ID are still Not born.

The sister-in-law also said hello, which made Su Lie feel relieved. There were only a few people he trusted unconditionally, and among them was his sister-in-law Liu Yifei.

The days that followed continued the same.

He teaches students in class every day, and teaches Guan Xiaotong knowledge for an hour after school, and then the knight's training.

The Faerun Knight profession is different from other professions. Before activating fighting spirit, there is not much difference between it and ordinary people. In fact, it cannot reach the stars.

The reason why Su Lie has a median rating of one star is because of the thin red dragon bloodline in his body, which is the same bloodline as Saber. The difference is that Su Lie's is much thinner, which is equivalent to being genetically thinned for dozens of generations. Case.

But the ancient red dragon is a god's palace that surpasses the nine-star level. No matter how rare it is, it still has powerful uses.

Three days passed like this. With speed, strength, and reaction, Su Lie got closer and closer to the limit of his body.

In the living room.



Punch out.

The machine trembled.

The numbers on the electronic screen kept changing, and finally stabilized at 343.

"343 kilograms?"

Su Lie frowned slightly. If this figure were placed on ordinary people, it would naturally be a shocking figure. Even many lightweight boxing champions could not reach it.

Tyson, the former boxing champion, had a boxing strength of 223 kilograms at his peak.

The record for the highest punching power was set by world boxing champion Max Bell in 1931 at 300 kilograms.

His punching power can already break the world record in his previous life.

But it wasn't enough for him.

He has red dragon blood, which is far from his limit.


Su Lie picked up the barbell and hung it on his shoulders, then lowered his body and assumed a strange and exotic posture, and began training for the knight profession.

The moonlight illuminated his body, and his muscles were as soft and well-proportioned as a leopard's, slowly moving into strange postures, as if doing yoga.

In a moment, his body was like a layer of oil, glowing with light.

The sound of heavy breathing and beads of sweat falling on the floor was clearly audible.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Is there someone knocking on the door?"

Su Lie took a deep breath to calm her blood and then took off the barbell, walked to the door and opened it.

The moment I opened the door, the world seemed to light up.

Outside is a woman, tall and slim, with skin that is not too white, but has a healthy light wheat color, as pure and lustrous as ivory.

She has a tall figure, even limbs, and good limb proportions. Her face is actually a very delicate type, but because of her straight and thick eyebrows.

He looked sharp and vigorous.

Energetic and heroic.

Even Su Lie, a well-informed person, has to admit that this is a rare beauty, a pure natural beauty with no makeup or cosmetics.

And there is an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

At this moment, this fiery woman was looking at her angrily with her beautiful eyes.

But it seems that I have seen it somewhere.

He quickly remembered that it was the dangerous person he met before, and he investigated specifically.

People in this world seem to have very good physiques, as if they are moisturized by something, and their skin is generally delicate.

This caused the image of many people he was familiar with in his previous life to change drastically. He almost didn't recognize his mother when he first woke up.

He was obviously much younger. He was seventeen at the time and his mother would have been in her forties, but she looked only in her thirties at the time.

Another example is Liu Yifei. When Su Lie met her sister, she was only thirteen years old. She was as pretty as a porcelain doll.

Now my face has also changed, becoming more refined and beautiful.

The same goes for the woman in front of me.

She has surprisingly good skin, a small face, a pointed oval face, big shining eyes, a small and cute mouth, and a tall nose.

It's even more beautiful than the information I found.

"Yang Mi'er?"

Su Lie asked tentatively.

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