The City Deceives The World

Chapter 52! Ahem~~[Third Update]

I didn’t expect it to be a big news, a big scam, and to overturn the world from the beginning.

That may indeed lead to the fastest growth, but it may also reveal his true colors. His current divine power does not have the ability to ignore the secular world.

The World Scroll is just an auxiliary, a tool, and a platform for him.

The key to helping him grow step by step is to rely on yourself!

What's the only secret to success?


Willing to endure hardship!

Thinking carefully!

Is it possible to reach the sky in one step? Do you want to be a master without enduring hardship?

That is impossible.

for example.

For example, Wang Sicong...ah, change it.

Why is Zhao Liying so popular?

Why is Pi Bingbing so famous?

Why can the international chapter enter the international perspective?


Just because they... are beautiful! ! !

Cough cough cough.

In conclusion, is it possible to reach the sky in one step?

The answer is maybe.

As long as you have a good father or are naturally beautiful...

————————Shamelessly ask for monthly tickets, flowers, and rewards. Thank you all————————

There are many delicious foods in Chengdu.

There are many choices for breakfast.

Rice porridge, flower rolls, fried dough sticks, square cakes, steamed dumplings...

But it was already a little late at this point, and his eyes swept past each house.

There was no one in the row of storefronts, and many of them had already collected breakfast and started preparing lunch buffets or meals.

Today is Saturday, so most people don’t need to go to work and can basically do it at home.

Those who have to go to work have gone early.

For many people, this point is actually noon.

Su Lie walked around but still didn't find his target. It wasn't that he had a bad taste, but he was used to eating two square oil cakes in the morning.

Crispy and tender, it tastes delicious.

Hard work paid off, Su Lie still saw the target on the tricycle at the corner of the street.

In an oil pan, golden and fragrant Cui Cui square oil cakes are coming out of oil.

"Aunt Fang, why are you here? You want me to have a good meal."

Su Lie greeted with a smile.

The proprietress is a kind-looking woman in her early forties, and she is familiar with Su Lie. After all, Su Lie eats breakfast here whenever she goes to work.

As for not going to work?

That's basically just eating lunch directly, um, today is an exception.

"Hey, Xiao Su, why are you here today!"

"Well, if you have anything to do, get up early."

Su Lie glanced and saw that there were only seven or eight pieces of square oil cake left, which might not be enough according to his increasing appetite.

"Give it all to me, Aunt Fang."

"Okay, it's five and six dollars in total, five dollars for you."

Aunt Fang neatly packed the package and handed it over with one hand, and collected the five yuan given by Su Lie with the other hand.

"Aunt Fang, do you still have the oil cake? Give me one."

A clean voice came to Su Lie's ears. The voice was crisp and full of energy.

Su Lie was stunned.

He would always remember this voice, and who wouldn't remember the lioness who pounced on her fiercely when her name was called.

"That Xiao Qin, the last share has been bought by Xiao Su."

Aunt Fang glanced at Su Lie awkwardly, and then added: "But he bought a lot, so you can ask him to give you half of it."

This woman is naturally Yang Mi'er, the violent policewoman that day. At this moment, this cool and tall figure is standing behind Su Lie in a heroic manner.

In her previous life, Yang Mi'er was about 1.6566 meters tall, but in this life she was 1.68 meters tall. She was almost no shorter than Su Lie when she put on shoes. Her beautiful legs were long, toned and tight, eye-catching.

At this time, the policewoman also recognized Su Lie. After the last time, she went to check Su Lie's information ruthlessly.

His face turned cold, but he still held back his temper when he saw the square oil cake on his finger.

"Teacher Su, right? Can you transfer it to me?"


Su Lie flatly refused.

It's true that what happened last time was not right or wrong. He didn't take into account the residents downstairs at first and made noise that affected Yang Mier's life.

In the end, Yang Mier tried to capture him indiscriminately, but he accidentally attacked him.

It’s already unclear.

But if he wanted half of it, he would forget it. The worst he could do was wait until noon, but what about all of it? That's not okay.

Damn, you are a martial arts practitioner, but I am not?

He took out a piece of cake and took a bite. He glanced at the beautiful policewoman and turned around and walked out.

Eastcom Plaza is actually a bit far away, and his eMule will definitely not be able to reach it.


Officer Qin, like a leopard, dodged and blocked Su Lie's way.

The pretty face forced a smile.

"You just want to leave like this?"

Su Lie raised his eyebrows. "Otherwise, why, do you want to fight?"

He was a little unreasonable last time, but not this time.

Perhaps because he has been slapping Zhou Dang in the face for a long time, Su Lie has become proficient in provoking skills.

Yang Mier chuckled with a smile on her face.

She was there for such a breakfast. She was just angry that she had been taken advantage of last time. That part of her had never been touched by a man before, let alone held hard.

Calm down, I want to calm down.

Yang Mier whispered in her heart.

Su Lie just looked at Yang Mi'er, holding the square oil cake and eating it piece by piece, squeaking.

But I have to say it.

This world is indeed blessed by nature, and there seems to be a mysterious energy in the air.

Not only are human beings physically stronger than in previous lives, their skin quality is generally better, but even the power of national martial arts is many times greater.

The focus of Chinese martial arts is to develop the potential of the human body and use every ounce of strength to the maximum, although it also has the effect of changing the bones and marrow of the Yi Ching.

But compared to the comprehensive transformation of human immortal martial arts, it is still far behind, but because this world has sufficient vitality, the distance has been shortened.

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