The City Deceives The World

Chapter 65: A Big Shock In The Music World! [Please Collect Flowers]

She originally didn't like to read girls' literature, mainly because it often had a tragedy, and she liked happy endings. She originally thought that the end of the world wouldn't be cruel to the protagonist, but Shen Jiazi's book was hard to comment on.

It says that the protagonist is not abusive, but it is even more depressing than that book.

God World just comforted the girls in the group with a few words.

At this time, there was a loud bang outside the office, which startled him.

God World frowned, came out of the office, and walked over.

As a company leader, he is still very dignified. He glances around and calms down the noisy situation instantly.

"What's wrong?"

"Zhang Zheng and the others didn't know what was going on. They suddenly smashed the keyboard and started crying and cursing."

God World was not angry and walked up to Zhang Zheng, preparing to ask.

Suddenly I saw the page on the screen that I hadn't closed yet.

It all came to light.

He patted Zhang Zheng on the shoulder with understanding. "Look at it too."

Zhang Zheng, who was anxious, was overjoyed and nodded happily.

"Yes, Director Zhang, are you watching too? Let me tell you..."

Several people discussed it with great interest for a long time.

One is about meeting like-minded people, and the other ones are more like a bright future.

at last.

Zhang Zheng smiled playfully. "Dr. Zhang, thank you for your magnanimity and not caring about us..."

God World gave him a strange look.

"Who says I don't care? Triple compensation and one demerit."

There were several wailings in an instant.

God World snorted.

Who told you not to do business at work? If you go home and smash your own computer, you will be fine.

When I returned to the office, I couldn't calm down and work.

Playing the songs in the book, God's World is refreshed from time to time to see if the pitfall will be discovered by conscience, more often than not.

Of course it's impossible.

Finally, God World got a little restless. He glanced at this week's music rankings in the news and hummed.

Get moving.


The music industry in the entertainment industry has been turned upside down these days.


Suddenly, a bomb was dropped on the music scene.


Suddenly, a song landed in the top ten of this month's new song chart, and headed towards the top three with an unstoppable momentum.

Several entertainment companies and famous singers who are making rankings are confused.

[Chapter 1 of the Human Epic - Act 2 Dawn, Composer: Human Epic, Lyrics: Human Epic, Singer: Human Epic]

What the fuck is this?

What's up with that Erbian Entertainment Company?

You created such a ridiculous thing, but you didn't release any information, such as the members of the group Human Epic, etc. The most important thing is the name of the group Human Epic, I really can't complain about it.

Then they listened too.

Scared to the point of peeing again.

What the hell kind of song is this? Not to mention the singer’s voice, the conditions are actually average, but the technique, switching between true and false tones, and the emotional rhythm.

This indescribable magic.

It's so bad.

Which music industry boss is kidding us, Eason Chan? Lao Zhou? If I don’t release new songs to them, I will definitely send an announcement.

And they may not have this level.

not only that.

The previous one was like testing the waters.

Immediately afterwards, the first chapter of the human epic, the first scene of Aurora 1. Aurora 2. Aurora 3. Aurora 4, four pieces of pure music also came up.

Then Dawn 234, several songs obviously sung by the same person also landed in the top ten.

They cried.

It's so sad, even sadder than that song.

Then when I reported it, my boss got mad.

With such a big investment, what are you going to do? Such a good song, and it's an old singer who invested millions, but you told me that you were squeezed out.

But they are also helpless and sad.

These eight singing competitions are like a chariot charging across the battlefield, extremely ferocious.

Crushing and crushing all the way, just one day later, he was ranked fourth to eleventh, and his rising momentum did not decrease at all. He just sat there and was more stable than the big boss.

Even [Old Boy], who is currently at the top of the list, was not so ferocious at the time.

Then these entertainment companies finally panicked and began to investigate which pornographic company was responsible for such an incident.

Good songs don't have publicity or airtightness, so they come to distract people.

Finally found out.

Someone in the company reported that they had planned to collect several songs.

At that time, several entertainment companies stupidly forced a group of people.

it turns out.


Is it the soundtrack to a novel? Or is it free?

Do you fucking know the concept of a song like this? How valuable is it?

You don't waste things like you, you idiot!

It is confirmed that the copyright is still there. The reader on the list probably recorded it himself, so the sound quality is actually not very good.

First I played a song.

It's just that the owner of the song didn't pursue it, so he dared to release it all.

Finally, the top company leader said, no matter what method is used, get the copyright of the song for me.

Otherwise, you all go home and eat shit.

Then the aggrieved people in charge began to knock on the door even more bitterly, entering Tianhe Weibo.


It's so arrogant, and there is no information at all.


Worri, the function is turned off.

Private letter?

The function to get rid of you is turned off.

Finally, I clicked on the author column, entered Weibo, and found that I could reply under Weibo.

"Hello, I am the ** of Gold Medal Entertainment..."

Just took a breath.


The grass disappeared all of a sudden,

Looking at the number of replies, there are more than 17,000, and after refreshing, there are dozens more.

His face turned blue.

There is nothing we can do, the military order is issued and we have to continue.

No more sleep.

The uncle is at odds with you.

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