The City Deceives The World

Chapter 79 Public Opinion Frenzy! 【11Th Update】

This night or day.

In the eastern and western hemispheres of the world, the intelligence agencies of almost all countries in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Moscow, Tokyo, Seoul, Sydney, and Jerusalem are boiling.

They are all irritable, excited, and fanatical.

First, someone finally challenged the repressive status of the US imperialism in the military field. Second, there are secrets in the world that are beyond the control of the country. They are not natural secrets, but man-made organizations.

This worries and excites them.

What’s even crazier is the foreign media.

Just a few hours later.

These dog-nosed media have already figured out the whole story.

The New York Times published a photo of the "Phantom Queen" on the home page of its official website with the title "Phantomqueen, made in America?"

The "London Evening News" published it only eleven minutes later. "Phantomqueen, made in China! (Phantomqueen, made in China)"

He directly boasted in the US imperialist media and slapped him back as soon as he left his mouth.

Article 907 details the content of a Chinese blog.

And after in-depth analysis, it is definitely pointed out that this cliff was developed by China, and at most it is based on the American B series.

But who is to blame for having your data stolen?

I can only say that I deserve it.

In addition, the article also strongly belittled the performance of the US B-2 currently in service, saying that it will soon fall behind the times, and greatly praised China's development in recent years, saying that the Oriental Dragon is developing very well.

Expressed suggestions for further cooperation between the government and China, etc.

Ahem, ahem, as for the British media's crazy bias, it is purely because in the flight mission announced by Gu Baobao, the US fighter planes were simply more punctual than my aunt.

I pass by or cruise almost every month.

This almost transformed every Britannian from a wet nurse paladin into a berserker.

Hell, not only reconnaissance planes, but also bombers often pass by their heads.

If there is a malfunction, or the wrong launch button is pressed.

They all have to meet Saber.

Too many times (beci), nothing is impossible.

When I think of this, many people's faces turn green. The hometown of gays is in danger of being bombed at any time. Who can not be afraid?

The Times

The Sydney Morning Herald and others have expressed their anger at this intrusion into airspace and expressed the need for an explanation.

Russia's "Pravda" directly expressed the hope that the government would retaliate in kind and send a big Ivan over to have fun together.

China's "Global Times" rearranged its layout overnight.

The headlines on the front page reported the ins and outs of the incident and claimed that the United States owed the world a reasonable explanation.

These are the leading media outlets in various countries around the world, and they are actually official spokespersons.

Some private media in various countries, in order to attract attention, directly reported the affairs of the six major families as certified news, regardless of whether it was true or not.

"Behind the Phantom Queen - an empire hidden in the dark side of the world!"

"The ancient nobles of the East possess military power beyond the world"

"What is hidden in a two-thousand-year-old family?"

In short, no matter how sensational it is, that’s why.

Fortunately, in the West, most people don't know much about Chinese culture. They just think that China is a large conglomerate like the American empire. This kind of conglomerate power is not uncommon in the West.

But the Eastern cultural circle is different.

For the Eastern cultural circle, this kind of aristocratic family is completely within the scope of understanding.

A century-old dynasty and a thousand-year-old family have long been spread in the East.

The more famous one is Quzhuo Confucianism, which has been spread for two thousand years. Its influence spreads throughout the East, and many countries are affected by Confucian culture.

Many people have known about such a Confucius family.

As for Zeng Jin, cough cough cough, you know.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Taizu destroyed the Four Olds.

Rihe's official media is still calling Dad, you're welcome, come over anytime.

Isn't it normal for a father to look at his son?

Officials, no matter which country they are from, are shameless. This is a kind of political correctness.

Naturally, this is not the case among the people. No one wants to be a son to others.

Whether it’s Japan, Nanbangzi, or South Asia.

The core of the discussion turned to the Phantom Queen, and the origins of the six major families, where they were hidden, and what their backgrounds were.

A considerable number of people believe that the six major families are a whole with a clear division of labor, and should have their own secret service department, their own military department, and research department members scattered in E.

There were even historians who joined in and thoroughly studied the history of the six families from ancient times to the present, and they really dug up a lot of questions.

During a certain dynasty, the family suffered a disaster, and then some of the core members disappeared, so it is speculated that this part of the clan may have been hiding, secretly manipulating and accumulating strength.

In fact, if you explain it this way, every family has such a history. Some families that suddenly perished and were destroyed and their traces were destroyed can also be said to be hidden from the world.

There are many things in the world. It is actually very simple to find a reasonable explanation for them.

Since it exists, we can only find reasonable evidence.

This is a kind of helplessness.

Abroad, the phantom queen, the ancient nobles of the East, the Zhou family of Runan, the Shen family of Wuxing, the Gu family of Kuaiji, the Li family of Longxi, the Chen family of Donghai, and the Zhang family of Zhongshan. Become a search hotspot.

There are also many foreign women who enter China with dream visas. The Cinderella dream is not just for domestic girls.

It's the same abroad, otherwise it would have been the Chinese who wrote the Cinderella fairy tale.


Many overseas Chinese with good family backgrounds should be careful if they have one of the surnames Zhou, Shen, Gu, Li, Chen, or Zhang.

Chance encounters are possible at any time.

I will be asked humbly at any time by people in previously arrogant circles. "**Ah, are you from the Runan Zhou family (Wuxing Shen family, Kuaiji Gu family, Longxi Li family, Donghai Chen family, Zhongshan Zhang family)? Sorry, brother, I was rude before."

Even they themselves couldn't help but ask their elders if their family was once part of an awesome and coaxing thousand-year-old family.

Experience all kinds of love, hate, and hatred, and leave with hatred.

Most of them were greeted with the same confused and confused faces. .

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