The City Deceives The World

Chapter 88 Beidou And Zero Burial! 【Third Update】

A terrible breakfast.

My sister-in-law's face was so red that she didn't dare to look at him.

As someone who has been through this before, Mrs. Liu is extremely observant, and even Su Lie's calm demeanor as if nothing had happened was noticed by her.

But after all, she believed in Su Lie's integrity as a brother-in-law. She actually knew very well that Su Lie must have a crush on Sissi. Who wouldn't like such a little girl who is generous and decent outside but eccentric at home?

It’s just that she believes that Su Lie can restrain herself. Aren’t men divided into those who can restrain themselves and those who cannot.

She could never imagine what kind of things Su Lie had experienced during this period and what kind of impact it had on him.

After the meal, Liu's mother hurriedly drove to the company.

Su Lie, on the other hand, was sending her sister-in-law to school.

bus stop.

My sister-in-law immediately changed as soon as she left the house.

She looks quiet and elegant, like a lady, and when talking to Su Lie, she smiles without showing her teeth and behaves well.

Cough cough cough.

Su Lie has long been used to it. I can only say that Mrs. Wang is amazing for making this little witch look like this outside.

Liu Yifei didn't dare to look at him and said softly: "Brother-in-law, actually you don't need to accompany me, I can just take the bus by myself.

Su Lie smiled and said, "I'm here now."

After waiting for about five minutes, a bus drove away.

Su Lie and Liu Yifei just got on the bus.

A handsome boy sitting in the back seat of the car waved excitedly to Liu Yifei: "Liu Yifei, here, here.

The boy and Liu Yifei are similar in age, so they are probably classmates.

However, maybe because of his young age or lack of social experience, he looks a little immature.

"Classmate Yi."

Liu Yifei nodded lightly.

Then I looked around and saw that there was a seat next to the boy in the back row.

"Brother-in-law, shall we sit in the back?"

"Okay." Su Lie nodded.

As soon as Liu Yifei came over, the little boy was overjoyed, but he didn't expect her and sat directly by the window. Then the young man who came with her sat directly next to Liu Yifei.

The boy looked at Liu Yifei and lowered his head but said nothing.

Looking at Su Lie warily: "What is your relationship with Liu Yifei?"

Su Lie glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

You don’t even know how to say hello first, that’s rude. Look at how well-behaved my little girl is. Even if she hates you, she will still nod.

"He must be Liu Yifei's boyfriend, right? I know Liu Yifei likes mature men, ah, damn, "Why don't you wait for me for a few more years? I can also grow into a mature and stable man."

Boys are crazy.

Mature and steady?

Lie thought about his usual appearance and admitted it directly

Not bad! That’s it.

Liu Yifei glanced at the boy and said calmly: "This is my brother-in-law.

"Oh, it turns out to be brother-in-law. Hello, brother-in-law." The boy said immediately. "My name is Yi Shuihan, and I am Liu Yifei's classmate..."

Su Lie interrupted categorically.

"I am Sissi's brother-in-law, and I have nothing to do with you.

Liu Yifei glanced at Yi Shuihan again and said calmly: "Yi Shuihan, my brother-in-law needs to rest, shut up."

In an instant, even Su Lie felt Liu's powerful aura.

Sweat slightly.

I had never seen this side of my sister-in-law before.

She is worthy of being the daughter of a wealthy family.

Low-key, low-key, but full of aura.

Yi Shuihan immediately didn't dare to say anything.

About thirty minutes later, the bus stopped at the entrance of Easton Noble High School.


People on the bus began to get off one after another, and Yi Shuihan also got off first.

"Baozi, I won't get out of the car. You go back to school." Su Lie said.

Hong Wentao made an appointment with him, and he had to go to the appointment.

Liu Yifei glanced around and saw that there was no one in the back row.

He immediately changed his appearance.


"Brother-in-law, don't even think about letting it go."

"Uh. ․Cough cough cough~~."

Su Lie thought he had been fooled, but he was not ready for a showdown yet.

In fact, he didn't even plan to show off his cards, but slowly made both parents accept it quietly.

Dry cough.

"Get down quickly, there are so many people watching."


He snorted in dissatisfaction and got out of the car.

Then, when the bus drove away, she withdrew her gaze and walked towards the school.

Yi Shuihan immediately ran over: "Liu Yifei, why haven't I heard that you have a sister?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Liu Yifei glanced at him lightly.

Entered the campus.

When Su Lie arrived, Hong Wentao was already waiting at the door.

This was the first time Su Lie saw him as Su Lie. Compared with the last time, he looked slumped and haggard and had deep despair in his eyes.

This time he looked high-spirited and a little bit fatter.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Hong Wentao is a smart man. Su Lie gave him dozens of drops of spiritual wine. Except for most of them being spent on him and his family, he exchanged favors for the rest.

Now he is the company's second-in-command and has won the trust of the company's directors.

In this society, connections are king.

But this is what Su Lie wants to see. If the secret is known by a third person, it is no longer a secret. It won't be long before the spirit wine thing is leaked out, and maybe someone will think of a kind of wine that Mr. Zhou once said.

Take your seat.

At this time, Hong Wentao happened to look over, took out a photo from his arms, looked at it, and then showed a surprised smile.

Su Lie did the same thing. He took out his wife's photo and looked at it pretendingly.

Then he waved his hand calmly and walked over.

Hong Wentao trotted over and (hao Zhaohao) noticed that Su Lie's right thumb had a jade ring that was much more luxurious than his. There was a small scarlet seal inside - zero!

His pupils shrank.

He had a vague feeling that his senior Su's status in the organization might be far superior to his own.

He extended his hand with a bright smile.

".~You are Senior Su, right? I finally met Senior in person."

Su Lie looked calm and had no intention of reaching out.

Just when Hong Wentao was a little embarrassed, Su Lie slowly spoke: "Where is the token?"

Hong Wentao suddenly realized.

He quickly took out the simple metal ring strung by a platinum chain from his collar, and smiled sarcastically: "Isn't it that I think we are a secret organization? It would be too conspicuous to wear it outside."

Su Lie seemed relieved and smiled.

Just reach out and close it at the touch of a hand.

"Don't mind, the owl group only recognizes the ring and not the person."

"It should, it should.

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