The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1009: Kodama, grace!

Heaven and earth, caught in a gray.

Everything is turned into nothingness, turned into fly ash, in this world... completely dissipated, became a powder, and there is no trace of it.

Heaven, earth, lake, people, everything, is like a mirror, broken.

This piece of illusory dream, at the moment... there is only one person left.

Then, it is the nine-day mysterious woman.

The dull standing in the same place, the tears in her eyes rushed, but at this time, the tears...dissipated little by little.

Her eyes...

In the metamorphosis!

This was originally a process of countless years.

But at the moment, it happened in a short period of time. In her eyes, there was no such happiness as before, and there was no such desire to be a man in the middle of a man.

Her face has a noble and cold frost, and her eyes are like... overlooking the world.

She is no longer the little girl who is a ‘焱哥哥’.

At the moment, he is... Xuan Zun!

The last drop of tears, gently slipping from the corner of the eye, with the wind of nothingness, slipping and falling.

"You, what to do."

Her mouth was slightly moving, and her eyes... showed a chilly color.

Looking at her right.

This dream, at this moment, only this dark lake, a figure, slowly appeared in the front of the nine-day Xuan Nuang.

This person appeared... exactly, Qin Feng.

To be precise, it is the body of his soul.

There is a circle of shackles, from under his body, scattered all directions.

"Take you back."

Qin Feng did not say much. He also knows that it is useless to say what he said in the mood of the nine-day mysterious woman.

"go back?"

Nine days of mysterious female snorted, and then her eyes turned sharply: "Hey!"

A big drink, so that Qin Feng did not wrinkle slightly.

"You ruined my world, now... still ruining my dreams?!"

When the eyes of the nine-day mysterious girl became red, it was a dream... everything... was a dream, she, I don’t know!

She just didn't want to wake up.

Compared with the cold world, he hopes that he can fall into a dream forever. At least in this dream, she has an arm to rely on.

At least...and him.

"I do not have."

Qin Feng doesn't know why, and feels an indescribable feeling in his heart. He can only speak like this. When he sees the transformation of the nine-day mysterious woman, he...has no idea what face to use to face the nine-day mysterious woman. .

A woman's change...

Nothing more than death.

Obviously, the ‘焱’ of his own life made the nine-day mysterious woman dying, and it was hard to rekindle some of it, but it was extinguished again because of her appearance.

Although the nine-day mysterious woman is a high-ranking mysterious man, she is worshipped by the people of the world, but after all, she is just a woman.

A woman who needs to be cared for and held in her hand.

Once, she was also a little girl.

"Get out of my soulland."

Nine-day Xuan female bite her lip and stare at Qin Feng, and the cold words are exported.

"If you are indulging in this, you will... so old."

Qin Fengmei was wrinkled, and his heart began to feel a little anxious. The time of a fragrant incense from the title page is now two-thirds.


The nine-day mysterious girl smiled coldly: "The ancient times are ancient times."

"Hey, I tell you."

The nine-day mysterious woman raised her hand. In her hand, the jade jade... did not dissipate. This dreamland, everything is fake and illusory.

This is the only jade, it is true!

She will give her this jade jade as a thing she has been guarding for her life, and sealed it in her most important place, and sealed it in her own soul!

Qin Feng naturally saw this jade in her hand. Unsurprisingly, this jade jade should be the love token of Yu and the nine-day mysterious woman.

In other words, in this jade, it contains the insights of the world.

But now, at this time, Qin Feng has no time to manage this jade jade. He only wants the nine-day mysterious woman to no longer sink into the dreamland. As for the other... he can't manage it for the time being.

"Life, I have already paid you back."


Nine-day Xuan Nuan looked at the jade in her hand, and her eyes showed a decisive color. Her eyes became fierce, and her hand slammed toward the Qin wind. This hook-and-your rushed to Qin Feng!

"This jade jade, I am repairing myself with three percent, and protecting it for thousands of years. Whenever it is, every hundred years, I will use the blood of the soul to maintain its spirituality, and today... I will return it to you!"

Qin Feng’s subconscious raises his hand and catches this jade jade. He instantly feels the insight of this jade, which is the way of fire.

He can also feel that this jade jade... This enlightenment contained in the jade is so complete under the protection of the nine-day mysterious woman, he can even imagine that for this jade, for this jade person , she, how much!

There are countless days and nights, that one, looking forward to the hearts of countless thousands of years...

However, Qin Feng has no such thoughts to understand the way of this jade, his ear, with the voice of nine days of mysterious woman.

This voice, full of cold, full of indifference, full of disappointment, full of desperate, full of... strange.

"From today, you, hey, me, Huang Xuan, graceful!"


Xuan Nu Shan, Xuan Nuo Palace, Xuan Nuo Temple.

Beyond the temple, the many elders of the mysterious mountain, the old man, the cloud, and the sword, are waiting here. At this time... they are all frowned.

These people are highly cultivated, and they can feel it with a little bit of wind and grass.

Everyone is aware of a strange change, like everything that is stable, about... a complete disorder!

"A Xuan..."

The old-fashioned uncle of the nine-day mysterious woman, with one hand behind her, and the other with a faucet, looked at the door of the square in front of him, and could not help but sigh.

She can guess...

There must have been something wrong, and she is a teacher of the nine-day mysterious woman, but she can't do anything.

"Xuan Zun!"

The elders of the mysterious women, all of them felt that things were not good, but they all went on their knees and went to the direction of the temple.

The place above the roof of the temple, surrounded by the hands of the knife, at this moment a pair of scorpions with a strong knife reverberating, looking at the lower hall, the eyebrows ... wrinkled.

He knows the previous diagnosis of the title page, and he knows what this attempt represents.

If this is a failure...

The nine-day mysterious woman, from today, will never be able to wake up.

Even more serious, it is possible... the soul is flying! 2k novel reading network

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