The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1026: First world

Qin Feng is naturally able to clearly understand the words of this blood shadow.


He didn't have that mind.

He turned around and looked directly at the blood shadow. He could see the pair of eyes with blood and black holes. He could even see the shadow of the illusory red robe.

This, what a guy!

"Hey, look at you, look at my brain."

The **** ghost, suddenly raised his hand and patted his head, smiled: "I forgot, I respect you now, but I don't remember it."

"Hand over the person."

Qin Feng's scorpion fiercely condensed, from his body, with a faint purple gas, quickly shrouded the square, but also tightly locked Qi Linger's breath.

This time...

Never miss another hand.

"You don't know the Lord, then..."

I saw this person with a **** shadow, raised his hand slightly, in his palm, awesome... with a **** quaint token.

On top of the token, engrave this very strange word...


When I saw this word, Qin Feng looked like a sudden change!


His land of knowledge of the sea, the memory of the nine regiments sealed, the most first group... actually, it trembled!

how come…!

This is the memory of Qin Feng's first life!

“It seems that I still have some impressions.”

The person of the blood shadow, who turned his hand slightly, took the quaint token. When the token was put away, the first memory of Qin Feng’s tremor was restored to calm.

"You...who is it."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the person with the blood shadow.

That simple token can evoke the memory of his first life, that is to say... this blood shadow must be aware of his first life!

And the first world...

For Qin Feng, no matter what the world, there is no memory of the first world!

Everything nowadays, IX love, is the first life of the world, if it can wake up the memory of the first world, Qin Feng... at least not as confused as it is now.

"Where is the next person, you will know sooner or later."

The person of the blood shadow laughed, the gloomy laughter, the panic in the heart of the listener, but... but it was able to feel it. This **** person is very happy.

very satisfied…

The only response of Qin Feng to the quaint token.

"In the near future, I will meet with the Honorable Lord in the near future. I hope that my Excellency will remember who is under him."

Blood shadow people...

At this time, the unexpectedness of Qin Feng was directly dissipated in the same place. The blood that bound Qi Linger was also scattered. The strange and sinister atmosphere completely disappeared completely in the territory of the Seven Kingdoms.

Qi Linger resumed his freedom, and quickly ran to the side of Qin Feng, exhaling with a big mouth, but this scared her, and did not dare to gasp.

Subconsciously looking up at Qin Feng, it was found that Qin Feng Jianmei was close, looking at the position where the blood shadow left.

"What are you looking at? He has gone."

Qi Linger said out loud.

"It's nothing."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and thought that there would be a battle in the first battle, but he did not think that this blood shadow person, even if he did not even have a hand, he left.


Qin Feng can feel that for this blood shadow, he has already achieved his goal.

It’s like what the people of this blood shadow have done.

From letting the seven ancestors go to attack the old blame, Qi Linger will bring these seven sects, forcing himself to come to the seven sects to save people.

What you do is to let yourself see the quaint token.

What I want... is the reaction when I see the quaint token!

First world...

Your first life...

Qin Feng took a deep breath, IX love... This is the most important first world, what is the existence.

At this time, when Qin Feng fell into thinking about his first-generation identity, there was a scream of screams coming from the sky.

Slightly lifted, Qin Feng looked at the place where Mo is strange.

It is also Zhou Zhouchun and his five elders in the elders. At this moment, the six people including Na Zhouchun are losing weight at the speed visible to the naked eye until they are...

This scene was seen in the eyes of all the seven disciples, and turned into endless fear!

The remaining tens of thousands of sects of disciples, all of them are scared and violent, and they are rushing toward the Seven Miles.

I am afraid that in this life, these past seven sects of disciples will not be close to the Seven Emperors.

Since then, this is nowhere to go to the Seventh Emperor of the Immortal, completely collapsed.



Six people, including Zhou Chun, screamed and screamed, and ‘砰’ ‘砰’ ‘...’’s six consecutive sounds, all of which were broken.

Their souls are directly swallowed into the dantian by Mo, and the spirits of the six of them will be imprisoned in the land of Dantian.

Qin Feng just glanced at it, but he stopped looking.

For the outcome of these six people, it is not worth pity.

It’s a day, especially alive.

Do not live because of your work.

Whether forced or helpless, the cause and effect between the Qizong and Qin Feng is the revenge of life and death.


Qin Feng looked at Qi Linger and was just about to leave with Qi Linger.


It was at this time that his footsteps stopped.

The power of the evil projections on his body dissipated, and the illusory stars in his eyes disappeared, but... his eyes were reflected in a pair of eyes.

This figure is not what the first body of the moment sees.

But... the second flesh, evil!


Endless sky.

The center of the center.

The raging wilderness is frantically surging, in the heart of this frenzied center, the evil body of Qin Feng, at this moment... looking at the person who appeared in front.

The white surface is like a jade, the robes of the crown, a folding fan in the hand, a smile on the face, a look of a peerless beauty son.

"Oh, I said Qin brother, why are we so close?"

This jade noodles smiled and fanned the fan, and said to Qin Feng.

This person…

It was the identity of Qin Feng that was recognized at a glance!

You know, this is not the first body of Qin Feng, but the second body!

"you are…"

Qin Feng looked at this jade face son, although it was very strange to this handsome appearance, but the tone of the speech, Qin Feng is how can not forget!

"Flowers without tears."

When the name is said, Qin Feng is determined in the heart, this is the guy!

If it is this guy, recognize yourself... Qin Feng is not surprised at all.

This second body of the body is controlled by the gods of the Three Thousand Ways of Da Luo, and this Da Luo three thousand, or Qin Feng from the Monkey King of Sun Wukong.

Da Luo three thousand roads...

It is a flower-free eating stunt.

It is natural for him to see his identity at a glance.


Qin Feng is very strange, this guy is coming to the center of the endless Tianyu area to do...! 2k novel reading network

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