The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1030: Enter the devil world!


this is…

The light ringtone, this ringtone came out from this black fire whirlpool, but it was such a slight ringtone, but it was the shape of Qin Feng, completely banned in place.

Just in the land of the black vortex, a move... can't move!

'how is this possible! ’

Qin Feng has a thrilling color! He is a sinister body, but he has enough power to fight the peak of the Most Holy, but in this ringtone, he is imprisoned!

‘mixed Peng! ’

These two words flashed in the mind of Qin Feng.

The entrance to this demon world must be a big ban on the ancestors! bad…! Qin Feng’s heart was awkward, and he even ignored this point!

Blame can only blame yourself too much!

Originally, Qin Feng thought that this mixed-peng ancestor had already left the world, and it is not known for many years now. Another time... When the flood was broken, the devil world was completely unknowingly knowing how many pieces.

It is not easy to have the four vicious beasts to guard this core.

Certainly, there will be no further bans.

Qin Feng thought it was too simple...!

'Roar! ’

‘...! ’


At this time, from behind him, the four beasts that were originally forced to retreat, this time are all rushing toward the Qin wind! These four beasts, this time are all exposed!

They naturally heard the ringtone that just came out. As a guardian of Warcraft, they naturally know what effect this light ringtone will have.

For them...!

Now is the opportunity to completely shred this intruder! With the sound of roaring roar, the four beasts rushed toward the Qin wind!

With the strength of these four beasts, even if the body of Qin Feng is the body of evil, it will be killed by these four beasts!

And this evil body, for Qin Feng, that is the absolute backhand!


Qin Feng’s eyes are slightly condensed. At this time, he can’t even turn his head, let alone other resistances!

The speed of the four beasts is extremely fast. Qin Feng can cross 100,000 feet in a blink of an eye. These four beasts are naturally also possible. Their bodies... are millions of feet.

Just need a lift, it is enough to step on the Qin Feng!

Qin Feng took a deep breath...

There is a long sigh in my heart, he is really no way.

This mixed ancestor is not a loss of the same name as Hongjun. The ban he left behind, even after so many years, the power of imprisonment is still terrible.

According to Qin Feng’s estimation, even those who are truly holy monks and monks come to the home, the Taoist Sanqing, the Buddha’s world, will be alive and banned by this prohibition, and can’t move.

Not to mention…

This evil body of his own only shines eight stars, and only makes the ninth star dominant.

If you want to be free from the restrictions of this prohibition, I am afraid that at least nine stars will be lit and the tenth star will be dominant, but obviously...

Qin Feng simply did not know when he could reach that step, let alone now... he did not even light up the ninth star.

Time is also... life is also.

Qin Feng only accepts the upcoming reality, looking at the black fire vortex in front of it, slowly... close his eyes.

However... just at this moment!

When the lore of the four murderers is about to come, from this black fire whirlpool, there is a light ringing sound, when the ringing sound comes out...!

These four beasts have stopped their actions.

The four beasts, all for a moment, were all kneeling on the ground, shivering...!

Qin Feng's eyes are fiercely opened...!

He was surprised to find that he had banned his own ban, and this time it was scattered. The subconscious slanted his head and looked at the four beasts. These four beasts were all kneeling, and the previous fierce momentum was scattered. Going, it’s like four weak cats, not afraid to have the slightest move.

All of this is because of a light ringtone that just appeared.

In fact, just judge from this ringtone...

To be honest, Qin Feng can't tell the difference between the two. The first ringtone and the second ringtone sound no different.

However, the effects and triggering mechanisms are quite different.

Qin Feng is very clear...

The first ringtone, apparently the ban on the entry of this demon world, realizes that someone has broken in, automatically triggered the imprisonment, and the use is also forbidden.

And the second ringtone...

It is let go!

The biggest difference between this and the first is that this second... is man-made!


who is it? !

Qin Feng looked at the black vortex in front of him. I saw the black vortex at this time, and it began to change. The black vortex actually began to flow in the opposite direction.

Take a deep breath...

Qin Feng can vaguely perceive that the previous prohibition and crisis of the entrance have all disappeared.

I don't know why, Qin Feng at this time always has the figure of the woman in her mind.

Without any hesitation, Qin Feng stepped out and stepped directly into the black vortex.

When Qin Feng stepped into this black fire vortex, this reverse swirling vortex once again restored the previous direction of circulation, and the four World of Warcraft lying on the ground also turned into black fire.

This covers the black fire of the entire fragmented continent, and it disappears without a trace.

On the land above the debris continent, the flowers in the endless heavens have no tears, and a folding fan is shaking, looking at the scattered continent below, with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, his purpose has been achieved.

"Qin brother, Qin brother, you have to be careful."

Grinning, this flower turned away without tears.


at the same time.

Fairyland, three thousand miles away from the Xuan Nu Mountain.

Two rainbows that broke through the air, at the moment... one of them, this time it was suddenly stopped.

The other is also to stop the body shape, Mo blame and subconsciously look back, watching the Qin Feng suddenly stopped, do not understand how this is going on, but also quickly and folded back, fell in Qin Behind the wind, head down and wait for the command of Qin Feng.

Mo said that this Mo Qiu's face is inexplicable, that is, Qi Linger around Qin Feng, this time is also looking at Qin Feng with a look of confusion, clearly did not say anything, how did this stop?

I don’t know if Qin Feng stopped without warning. What is it?

At the moment, Qin Feng...

In the eyes, there is an extremely complicated look...!

This kind of look is hard to say.

We must know that since the second body has been condensed for so long, Qin Feng has long been accustomed to two minds. The first body and the second body can move independently and will not interfere with each other.


I have encountered something that has a great impact on my heart. 2k novel reading network

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