The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1042: Lost in the sky

Previously, the second body fell into a dreamland. This level of dreams, even if it was the first body of Qin Feng, fell into it together.

Just opened his eyes, the ear is the voice of Qi Linger, Qin Feng was slightly surprised.

All his previous attention was poured into the dream, and he was not aware of anyone approaching himself.


Qin Feng looked at Qi Linger with a slight head and said calmly.


Qi Linger was very unhappy, oh, and then he groaned: "If you don't say it, don't say it, what is fierce?"

Although the sound is small, Qin Feng is naturally listening clearly, and there is a bitter smile in my heart.

But instead, I thought that my attitude was really not very good. This is also a way of no way. The second physical experience in the core demon world is impossible to make Qin Feng’s mood better.

And his own tone falls in the ears of Qi Linger, naturally it seems a bit harsh.

Just when Qin Feng wants to say something, there is a Changhong dawn, Changhong is also in this peak, it is... Nangong Yiren.

When the Nangong Yi people appeared, the subconscious was to see Qi Linger around Qin Feng.

Qi Linger just came to Xuan Nu Mountain and sneaked into the peak with Qin Feng. There was no time to think about anything else. I didn’t even think of it... Nangong Yiren was in this Xuan Nu Mountain, and suddenly his face smiled. The people in the South Palace are rushing up.

"Iraq! You are here too!"

Qi Linger took the hand of the Nangong Yi people, which was called a kind.


It was because they had been arrested together for the reason of Xianting. In the first few days, they were waiting in the opposite mood.

In those few days, the relationship between the two women was fast and harmonious.


Nangong Yiren is also very surprised. She had previously seen Qin Feng leave Xuan Nu Shan. I don’t know what Qin Feng is going to do. Now I see Qi Linger, and everything is understood.

However, the Nangong Yi people also know that she is not coming to the cold, she has something to tell Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced at the face of the Nangong Yi people.

"What happened?"

It is possible for Nangong Yi people to report that Qin Feng first thought of the nine-day mysterious woman awakening, or... there are other accidents.

"The Wanhua Valley owner is missing."

The Nangong Yi people did not delay, and they quickly told the Donghua Emperor to pass on the words of Qin Feng.


Qin Feng brows a wrinkle.

Yunshang has the strength of the top seven, how can it be missing? !

"She should be back to Wanhua Valley."

Qin Feng said that the Nangong Yi people were busy answering the words: "The emperor said, he saw the Yungu master with you and left. Now you have been back for so long, and you have not seen the trace of the Yungu master."

"Leave with me?"

I don't know why, Qin Feng has an inexplicable worry in his heart.


With the hot character of Yunshang, if she did follow her own to the seven ancestors, she did not need to take her own shots, and Yunshang would wipe out the whole seven ancestors.

Previously, in the Seven Emperors, whether on the way to go or on the way back, Qin Feng did not find traces of Yunshang.

It stands to reason that this person, Yunshang, will never appear if he keeps up.

That is to say...

Before he had reached the Seventh Emperor, Yunshang had already encountered something.

This made Qin Feng think of the **** shadow in the Seven Emperors. The guy obviously knows a lot about his own affairs, and he calls himself a ‘respected lord’, but...

Except for a mess, there is no other action at all.

It makes people feel... extremely redundant.


Now Qin Feng wants to come, it is more like delaying time and delaying the time of returning to it!

"Where is the emperor?"

Qin Feng Jian brow wrinkles, if his inference is not wrong, then the blood color illusion... Perhaps the real purpose is Yunshang!

"He, he is..."

The Nangong Yi people saw Qin Feng's look tightening, and they couldn't help but feel nervous. This sentence has not been finished yet. Qin Feng did not care. He left the room directly and went straight to the Xuan Nu Temple.

Needless to ask, the East China Emperor must be in the Xuan Nu Temple.

At this moment, the nine-day mysterious woman is still in a coma, and the ruins and the East China Emperor will surely protect the law in the vicinity until they wake up.


at the same time.

Wanhua Valley.

Among the peach forests, Yunxiao looked at the peach tree in front of him, and it had a golden golden glow, which seemed to indicate something.

"Less Lord, don't worry anymore, the Valley Lord and a group of elders will not have anything to do."

On the side of Yunxiao, there is a little girl who is talking about it. This little girl’s eyes are full of worry and distress. The young master of this family has not left for several days. Since the departure of Gu’s owner, he has been standing. Before the peach tree, I am in a daze.

"No, it must have happened."

The cloud whispered, and there was a dignified color in his eyes.

He has been in the peach tree these days...

Peach trees have never been as bright as they are now.

To know…

This peach tree is the golden body of her own sister, but after so many years of cultivation of the second sister, this peach tree is also able to sense her second sister.

At this moment, this peach tree peach gold shines constantly, it is showing that... my second sister, something happened!

A fierce turn, Yunxiao walked a few steps, and the little girl behind him quickly followed up: "Less master, less master, you have to go..."

Not waiting for this little girl to finish, the head directly hit the shoulders of the clouds, the footsteps of the clouds... stopped.

His hand is squatting tightly.

There is a feeling of powerlessness coming from the heart, even though... he knows that his second sister is in a bad situation.

However, he has no way!

Whether it is from strength or method...!

He doesn't even know where the second sister is now, let alone help her second sister!


Even if he knows where his second sister is, what can he do? !

What is his point of repair? !

Nothing is possible.

The existence that even the second sister can't cope with is the existence that he can't match.

one more…

He remembered the words of the second sister before he left. He is the young master of the Wanhua Valley. He can't... let his own temper.

If there is an accident in the second sister, then the burden of Wanhuagu will fall on his shoulders.

He is not impulsive.

The biting teeth of the dead and the dead, the clouds looked at the peach tree with the light shining, and the look in the eyes was complicated and tangled.

At this time, from this Taolin, there was a figure slowly walking out.

The slender figure, wearing a simple gray shirt, the hair is scattered casually behind, but the breath of his body... but a lot of stability.

This is the person who appears. 2k novel reading network

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