The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1056: Three eyes open!

Ling Xiao Temple.

Everything is like an announcement to Yang Lan.

That is, die.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the bone king and the high priest of the bones and the ten tombs of the heavenly tomb are even more help with the Chaos God Bao Feng Tianshi, and finally... together with the Jade Emperor of this Wanjie Respect!

It’s just that this shocking momentum is enough to make people fall into despair.


At this moment, Yang Lan, look, still calm as water.

For all that happened in front of my own eyes, I did not look at it.

"Jiro, do you think you have other options?"

The Jade Emperor faintly opened, stepping from the platform, stepping down the steps, step by step, the soul of the ninety-nine dragons, along with the footsteps of the Jade Emperor, constantly approaching Yang Lan.

At the same time, this enveloped the **** array of the entire Lingxiao Temple.

With a hoarse sneer of the bone king, there was a **** sly face, and these **** scorpions were wide open, with fangs protruding from it.

It’s like...

Want to engulf Yang Lan, give it a bite.

"Since the realm of Wanjie, the heaven and earth Xianting, but with these evil spirits in one place, Zhang Bairen, you are really beyond my expectations."

Yang Lan faintly opened, his mouth slightly raised, and there was a strong irony in his voice.

The footsteps of the Jade Emperor stopped at the moment when Yang Lan’s voice was exported.

This remark fell into his ear and was extremely harsh!

He is Jade Emperor!

It is heaven and earth orthodoxy!

For a long time, he has compared himself to the only master of this world!

He is the supreme rule of all things in heaven and earth!

From the depths of his heart, he does not want to be in the same place as the bones. From the heart... He despise these strange and gloomy guys. He is a jade emperor. Is it that these filthy guys can be compared? !


The truth is in front of you!

The situation in Wanjie, together with the situation of development today, far exceeds the expectations of the Jade Emperor.

"You do not understand."

The sound of the Jade Emperor is very cold.

The soul of the ninety-nine dragons is also the sound of angry anger, a pair of double dragons, all staring at the center of the temple!

"I don't need to understand."

Yang Lan smiled coldly.

"Is it? Then don't blame this ruthlessness."

The Jade Emperor’s words were settled, and the ninety-nine dragons rushed toward Yang Lan without hesitation. Almost at the same time, the **** hustle and bustle of this blood-colored array was open and wide, from all directions. Yang Lan pounced!

A pair of eyes, including the third eye, are slowly closing their eyes.

In the ear, the roar of the soul of the dragon came, and the sinister smile of the endless **** sorrow came from, and the sound of the whistling wind.

‘I Yang Lan, since the day of birth, I don’t believe in the heavens, I don’t care about the gods, I don’t worship the gods, I don’t worship the Jurassic. When I open my eyes, this world... is already eclipsed in my eyes. ’

‘I am not afraid of heaven. ’

‘How can I be afraid of waiting! ’

this moment…!

Yang Lan, fiercely opened his eyes! Three eyes... open!

In a flash!


All rushed toward Yang Lan, whether it is the soul of the dragon, or the **** smash, it is bursting!

Boom! Booming!

This envelopes the **** array of the entire Lingxiao Temple. It is also in the tremor of madness. There are a series of cracks appearing in this array. If it is not a chaotic **** Baoshi Tianshi blessing, this blood color method...maybe, it is already Under a wave of shock, burst!


Zhang Bairen's brows are fierce.

I looked at the land of the blasting center and looked at it... Yang Lan.

Among the smoke, the wind is blowing and the dust is scattered.

The figure of Yang Lan, reflected in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, also reflected in the eyes of the bones of the bones and the high priests, all of which are...

There is, the color of surprise.

Even if it is the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, this jade emperor, who thinks that he will see through Yang Lan, this Yang Lan’s embarrassment, did not think of it.

It turned out that this is the real Yang Lan!

The land in the temple is surrounded by a stream of gold and red, and the three eyes of Yang Shuo, at the moment... these three eyes are all golden and red!

His eyes are not, only one!

But three!

This is the real Yang Lan, the really powerful Yang Lan!

Not rude to say!

If Jade Emperor and Yang Lan singled out, when Yang Lan’s eyes were opened, I’m afraid I’m caught off guard, and serious injuries are light.

Broken eye!

Yang Lan’s nephew swept a few people in the eye bones. When the time was over, these **** mists were scattered and disappeared without a trace. The ten-day tombs that were slightly lower were all rushing backwards. They have red smoke on their bodies.

Just a glance...

This ten bones will seem to be turned into fly ash under the burning of Yang Lan’s eyes.

Above the stage.

Jade Emperor...

Looking at Yang Lan at the moment, the eyes in his eyes, from shock, surprise, slowly... turned into thoughts, and finally, became ecstasy!

In the eyes of the Jade Emperor, there are two reasons for him to kill Yang Lan.

The first one, the rabbit died dog cooking language.

In the heart of the Jade Emperor, Yang Lan is definitely not a dog, but a... I will bite my wolf at any time!

The best way is to completely kill this wolf! After the end!

And the second one.

It is the eyes of Yang Lan!

The **** of killing under the Lingxiao Temple lost the infusion of the power of Shura. In this world... it is difficult to find a force that can replace Shura and awaken the power of killing God.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor will hit the mind of Yang Lan’s eyes.

However, the previous Jade Emperor was only an estimate. It is not certain that Yang Lan’s eyes can awaken the **** of killing, but now...

Not the same!

If the previous Jade Emperor was only an estimate, and the Jade Emperor at the moment, it is completely convinced!

One eye may not be able to do it!

However... three!

As long as Yang Lan’s three eyes are filled into the killing god, he can certainly wake it up!

Because of this, Jade Emperor will be ecstatic!

In his eyes, today's Yang Lan, the meat on the cutting board, can't escape anyway!


Outside the Lingxiao Temple.

A corner near the land of the Lingxiao Temple Square, where the figure is slowly appearing here.

Looking at the direction of the Lingxiao Temple, I looked at everything that happened in the Temple of Ling Xiao, where the brows were wrinkled.

"Three eyes... Are you burning your brain?!"

Mumbled and whispered, where I saw Yang Lan’s three eyes open, I couldn’t help but have the color of worry.

Heaven and earth, the world knows that Erlang Zhenjun Yang Lan has one day.

Once this eye is opened, it has the power to pass through!


Within the heavens and the earth, there are two people, knowing that he does not just have a celestial eye, but has already opened three eyes!

One of these two people is where.

The relationship between the two is irresistible, but it is the life and death.

The other one is Sun Wukong who is still sleeping in the sea of ​​Qin Feng! 2k novel reading network

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