The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1058: Pingtiandi

Qin Feng is looking up to the seal.

What is happening in Xianting, Yang Yu’s security and danger, even if Qin Feng wants to intervene now, it is difficult to do.

What he can do is to let Yan Jun order those demon who are lurking in Xianting, and make a good response to Yang Lan outside the Lingxiao Hall.

If Yang Lan can rush out of the Lingxiao Temple, then he has a living path.

If... can't.

That ending is self-evident.

In Qin Feng's view, in the midst of that situation, Yang Lan wants to rush out of the Lingxiao Temple. It is almost impossible, but if there is Li, there may be opportunities.

"Holy, I have already determined where the woman named Yunshang is."

Said the secluded opening.

The sound is extremely certain. For the secret, it is simply a matter of pediatrics to plan a person's position. It is not worth mentioning.


Qin Feng brows tight, Yunshang is the sister of Yunshuang.

In that world, he has already lost the cloud frost. If he is involved in her sister, Qin Feng’s heart is really too embarrassing.

Because Qin Feng is very clear, Wanhua Valley has been isolated from the world for many years, even though it has a certain strength, it is impossible to be caught by the bones.

The reason why the bones grabbed the clouds, most of them were implicated by themselves.

Feng You heard the inquiries from Qin Feng, his brows were slightly wrinkled, hesitated, but he was only silent for a moment, said openly.


Qin Feng's eyebrows, this moment... fiercely condensed!

Huaguoshan...? !

What do these bones want to do? !

Why, will bring the clouds to Huaguoshan!

The secrets of myself and Sun Wukong, there are few people under the heavens and the earth knowing, it is difficult to be... What do the bones know? !

"I know."

Qin Feng nodded.

Turned around, walked back to the pavilion, sitting beside the stone pavilion at the pavilion, and fell into meditation.

Hum ~!

The sky is filled with dark clouds.

The rain, accompanied by the thunder and the smashing down, 奕君 and 封幽, the two looked at each other, they all bowed and bowed down.

They all know that Huaguoshan... is a very special place for their holy people.

Among the pavilions.

Qin Feng looked at the rain outside the gazebo, and the eyes... slowly closed.


Endless sky.

The most central part of this frenzied world.

There is a fragmented and unspoiled continent on the mainland. On this continent, there is a figure, knees in the air, and there is a constant violent wildness around him, madly pouring into his body.

The second body of Qin Feng, the body of evil.

Eyes, when you open!

At the moment of opening, the eight stars in each eye exude a ray of light, bursting in this darkness, and the ninth star has a ray of light, and then falls into silence.

Slowly, Qin Feng stood up.

He is very clear about his own strength, Huaguoshan... It must be some conspiracy to hide the bones. Choosing in Huaguoshan is definitely not a hole in the wind.

With my own first body, naturally there is no such strength to go this trick.

To go, you can only use your own second body, use this evil body, after all, the current evil body, but even to the holy peak can be a rigid existence.

Although it can't be won, it can at least save lives.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng smashed away. In this dark endless field, he left a purple-black Changhong. Around the Changhong, the violent wildness is still rushing, crazy. The rushing toward the Qin Feng body.


at the same time.

Xianting, Lingxiao Temple.

‘嗒’, ‘嗒’, ‘嗒’’...’

The Lingxiao Temple, which was enveloped by the blood color array method, was very quiet and quiet at this time... People felt a terrible feeling, only footsteps, echoing alone.

This footstep comes from the jade emperor Zhang Bairen.

Step by step, the Jade Emperor walked from the land of the station to the Highness.

The soul of the ninety-nine dragons, this time maintained a consistent silence, did not make a semi-sounding sound, only the sound of the dragon, slightly transmitted.

The Jade Emperor did not shoot, the bone king and the high priest of the bones, and the tomb of the tomb of the day, naturally, will not be shot.

After all this time...

This is the Jade Emperor at the request of the Alliance, so that the bones assist him to win Yang Lan.

Yang Lan is a thorn for the Jade Emperor. For the bones, it is also a potential enemy of the future. At this time, it will not be removed, and it will become a strong enemy in the future. This will be agreed.


From the beginning to the end, the Jade Emperor did not tell the bones that he had the purpose of killing Yang Lan. The bones also knew what the Jade Emperor was hiding.

Therefore, although the bones have promised to assist in the shot, they will never be stupid enough to let themselves play the striker.

Just like now, Jade Emperor does not shoot, they naturally will not shoot.

However, the **** array method they set up is also enough to trap Yang Lan and prevent him from leaving the scope of Ling Xiao Temple.

Anyway, no matter how to say, Yang Lan... Even if it is even more powerful, how can it be against the sky!

As long as he can't achieve chaotic sacredness today, there is only one ending, death!

"Oh, it’s your fault."

In the last step, the Jade Emperor stepped down and stood in the place of the Highness.

With his hand on his back, he looked at Yang Lan, who was a hundred feet away from the front, and looked at the three eyes that radiated the golden light. The heart of the Jade Emperor had an extremely hot color.

He wants these three eyes.

"Oh, for the sake of heaven and earth."

"Oh, master the spirits of the universe."

"Yuchang, then Wanjiean."

"If you are dying, then the world will be chaotic."

Every step, the Jade Emperor is a voice.

Each of these words puts himself in the highest point of the heavens and the world, just like...the heavens and the world are his own.

Yang Lan’s look was cold, listening to the words of the Jade Emperor, with a sneer in his mouth.

These words fell in the ears of Yang Lan.

That's... a bunch of shit!

"Jiro, I know what you want, you want this world to be peaceful, I want to be so good, you have already believed in it once, why, no longer believe in the second time?!"

Zhang Bairen’s voice echoed in this temple.

At the moment when these words were exported, the three-pointed and two-edged knives in the hands of Yang Lan had a golden red glow and a arrogant knife, echoing in the temple.

Yang Lan’s eyes were cold and he looked at the Jade Emperor.

"trust you?"

Hand, a reverse holding the knife in his hand, he... previously believed that Zhang Bairen once, this became a chess piece.

Although, Yang Lan does not feel that there is anything called.

Because in Yang Lan’s opinion, one person can’t live in the world, and the three immortals and Buddhas are essentially the same.

Previously, Yang Lan could hold the mentality of trying it out, but now the Jade Emperor still wants to use this to persuade himself, that... it is simply insulting his mind! 2k novel reading network

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