The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1067: Gentleman's wind

Under the lake.

Silence to fear, no sound came out.

In the center of the bottom of the lake, Qin Feng took the hand to stand in the same place, his eyes closed, and in his body, the waters of the Wanzhang area were abandoned.

There is a very strange atmosphere, flowing under the bottom of the lake, Qin Feng's brow... slowly wrinkled.

Eyes, when you slammed open.

With a very doubtful color, he had previously felt that something was wrong, did not expect... really!

Under the bottom of the lake, there is a secret that is unknown.


I don't know why, Qin Feng felt his power of evil, but after he perceived the strange atmosphere, he had a slight tremor.

Frowning, Qin Feng walked slowly along the direction of this source of breath.

He would have to take a look at this, the scent that can make his own evil spirits tremble, and where is the origin.


Xianting, Xianjie.

At this moment, the immortal world, the rushing into the heavenly soldiers, the number is getting more and more.

However, if the number of these soldiers is increased, there is no use for them, and for Yang Lan, killing these Heavenly Soldiers is very simple for them to cut vegetables and cut vegetables.

Even if the strength is only 30% of the peak, it is enough to let these soldiers, how much, how much!

"There must be fraud."

Yang Lan and He Wei, the two looked at each other, they all saw the dignified color in their eyes. This jade emperor Zhang Bairen, just looking outside the battle circle, in the end... is planning what.

at the same time.

In the emptiness outside this fairy court.

There is a road of yin and yang, which appears in the clouds.

Among them, the head is a black-and-white half-headed old man. The old man is watching the direction of Xianting tightly. His eyes are tightly colored. This person... is Yuding real person.

That is the master of Yang Lan.

This time, the Taoist Sanqing did not count the suspicions, let Yu Ding shot to save Yang Lan, but also in the Yuan Shi Tianzun and Yu Ding real people.

However, at this time, the brow of Yu Ding's real person is crumpled.

Within the Xianting, there is no power of the Taoist world. Even if you want to help, you can only go outside this Xianting. The premise is that Yang Lan can rush out of Xianting.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is judged from some news.

At all... no possibility.

"The seal of the fairy, very strong, if you want to rush out, it is difficult."

Beside the real person of Yuding, there is one person. This person is white and wins the snow. He holds a long sword in his arms, and his long hair flutters in the air. He has two squats scattered in front of the forehead, with the handsome face, giving people a chic The meaning.

The voice of this person is faint.

This white man is Lu Dongbin, who is known as the celestial arrogance in the Taoist world. The outside world calls it: Lu Zu.

"Can it be attacked from the outside?"

Yu Ding’s eyes have an axious color, and the subconscious exit asks.

However, if this is said, it is regrettable to just export.

Because Yu Ding is also clear about himself, what is the extent of this squad, which is a three-day sacred array that is comparable to the Three Holy Palaces. It is simply delusional to rely on oneself and want to attack from the outside.

Lu Dongbin did not answer the words of Yu Ding's real person, because he knew that Yu Ding's real person knew the answer himself, only to be anxious to ask the question that was not marginal.

"Now I have to wait."

After Lu Dongbin said this, his eyes were blue and blue, and his eyes were... everything of.

The handsome eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

In his eyes, he also has doubts. Why... The Ming Dynasty Jade Emperor can directly shoot, but he does not shoot, but instead let his own Heavenly Soldiers rush to the scene of a complete death.

Even if Jade Emperor doesn't care about his own hands, there is absolutely no reason for these Heavenly Soldiers to die.

after all…

For the Jade Emperor, these Heavenly Soldiers also have their own use.

In the face of the peak power, these Heavenly Soldiers do not play any role, but if they are in a large-scale battle of power, the existence of these Heavenly Soldiers can form a comprehensive perfect suppression of the opposing forces!

From this point of view, both the Taoist and the Buddha world are far less than Xianting.

Therefore, Lu Dongbin will be confused.

Everyone is a wise man, and he is unwilling to do things. He will definitely not do it, especially the savvy existence of Jade Emperor.

From the point of savvy, the whole world, I am afraid that no one can compare the jade emperor Zhang Bairen.

Otherwise, Zhang Bairen is not likely to sneak out the control of Xian Ting from the control of the Taoist world under the eyelids of the Qing Dynasty.

Such people will never make a loss.

"Dongbin, can the ban be done?"

Yu Ding's real heart is very clear. It is impossible to force a strong attack. It can only be a matter of pressure in the heart, and he looks at Lu Dongbin and asks.

This prohibition, that is, the prohibition set outside this Xianting, until Yang Lan rushed out of Xianting, these prohibitions will be launched, enough to delay the people of Xianting.

The effort of ten interest is enough to let Yang Lan escape from the fairy world. As long as Yang Lan escapes from the fairy world, even if it is Zhang Bairen, there is no way to take it back.

"Real people can rest assured that all the bans are made by me personally. As long as Yang Lan can rush out, I will leave it innocent."

Lv Dongbin embraced the sword in his arms and said a little.

"Thank you."

Yu Ding was silent for a moment and returned.

Lv Dongbin did not answer, but looked at the direction of Xianting, but Yuding was a real person, but he was deeply glanced at Lu Dongbin, and he was deeply impressed by this younger generation.

Everyone knows the road.

Lu Dongbin is the first rookie of the Taoist world. He was given high hopes by Sansheng. It is also the current Taoist world. The only hope is to achieve the existence of the Fourth Holy.

Therefore, what Lu Dongbin has touched is almost the absolute secret of the Tao.

There is one thing in it.

That is, this Xianting's Taoist personnel arrangement, after Lu Dongbin's achievement of the Holy Ghost, Sansheng is to hand over the Taoist personnel of Xianting to Lu Dongbin.

It can be said that the repairs of the Taoist circles in Xianting in the past are almost all arranged by Lu Dongbin, and Yang Lan’s front-end time is in Xianting’s actions, which is equivalent to sweeping Lu Dongbin’s Wanxian layout in Xianting. It’s empty.

It’s enough to make people angry when they’re in the air.

However, Lu Dongbin was not the case. Even this time, Yang Lan was assisted, and no one asked Lu Dongbin to help, but Lu Dongbin asked himself to come.

This is the heart and the volume of the heart. These are the worlds that few people can match.

Lv Dongbin, the wind of the innocent gentleman.

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