The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1074: Female marriage

"The wind is back."

"Quick and fast, Mom made a few dishes, hurry up and eat, and it will be cold if you don't eat."

When Song Yiyi saw Qin Feng, he quickly laughed and stood up and rushed to give Qin Feng a bowl of rice. Today... It should be regarded as the best day of her 20 years, her son and daughter are finally Going back to my side.

Although everything has changed, it doesn't matter, as long as you can still have a family reunion, it is enough.

"it is good."

Qin Feng also smiled and went up to the dinner table.


After an hour.

On the top of Fengxiange, Qin Feng stood beside the wooden fence, and the long hair was blown by the wind in the night. The long hair fluttered, and the whole person exuded a chic, and he was sitting behind the wood. On the bench, it was a slap in the face. At this time, it looked very unhappy. From time to time, I complained about Qin Feng’s eyes, and my mouth groaned.

"I blame you, eat so much, make me follow, I am going to be killed!"

Qi Linger sat, long breath, and licked his stomach, from time to time also hit a few full, in fact, she was already full, but Qin Feng is sitting there for a long time, because Song The reason for the embarrassment, Qi Linger is not good to eat, just smack the scalp and stay there for a long time, still have to have a good eat, eat more, eat fast.

"Some people are not eating well. In today's world, people who can live are already lucky."

Qin Feng smiled softly and turned to look at Qi Linger.

"Well... it seems to be."

Qi Linger glared at her stomach and listened to Qin Feng’s words. Then she looked up and thought about what she had experienced in the past few years. When she thought about it, there was a lot of things happening. So I can live down... really. It is not easy.

"Linger, you close your eyes first."

At this time, Qin Fengchao Qi Linger approached a few steps, the distance between the two was only half a meter, the voice was slightly gentle, passed into the ear of Qi Linger, that reflected into Qi Ling The face in the eyes of the child is accompanied by a very soft smile. People can't watch the spring breeze, and the whole person is sweet.

Is it...

Qi Linger seems to think of something, suddenly a heart trembled.

Everything was still normal in the early years. When she was still on the earth, she didn’t have to watch the idol drama of the country. In the most exciting moment, the man usually closed the eyes of the woman. This time Want that...

As soon as I thought about what might happen next, Qi Linger’s cheek’s cheek’s cheeks were red, whispering ‘hate’, and then slowly closing her eyes.

When Qi Linger closed his eyes, Qin Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. He didn’t understand why Qi Ling’s smile was so happy. Even his face was floating except for the blush, but... Qin’s smile on his face was slow. Slowly disappeared.

He didn't know what Qi Linger was thinking about at this time, but... his hand was lifted up. When the index finger and the ring finger were close together, it fell on the eyebrow of Qi Linger: "Linger, Keep your breath!"

Qin Feng whispered, and Qi Linger, who was still waiting for Qin Feng to surprise himself, was fierce and did not respond.

Immediately afterwards, there was no delay. Although Qi Linger’s heart was very unhappy, what was originally thought of, Fenghua, Xueyue, did not.

However, it was also done according to Qin Feng's method. When Qin Feng's finger fell between her eyebrows, she suddenly felt a raging knowledge and rushed into her own sea of ​​knowledge.

This is the knowledge of Qin Feng.

This time Qin Feng wants to thoroughly understand Qi Linger's life, Yue Yu, Yu Feng, between the two people in this world... In the end, what kind of entanglement there is.

He also wants to know, why the self of the world, so in the end will be so worried about the New Moon, he ... more want to know, what is the fate between the two people, what is it!

"There will be some uncomfortable, a little patience."

Qin Feng took a deep breath, he needed to control his own gods to be extremely fine, and this time... he even deepened his soul, belonging to the memory of the 'Yu Feng', and extracted a little from it. In the knowledge, it is to thoroughly understand the 'Yue Yu Yu Feng' I!


Qi Linger nodded slightly and her brow was lightly wrinkled. Apparently she also felt that something wrong with her knowledge of the sea.

The scorpion is microcoagulated, and the knowledge of Qin Feng has reached the entrance. As long as you go one step further, you can open the memory of the seal again!


With the Qin Feng's low drink...!

Qin Feng and Qi Linger, both of them can feel that their own consciousness, in a flash, is immersed in another world.


The vast mainland, boundless, its edge, the female country.

In the month of the month, the female country celebrates.

In the city, there are various colors of flowers on the building, at first glance, beautiful, the women in the month are all women with a good face and a soft body. On this day, they are walking on various streets and singing. Dance, not beautiful.

This day is the day of the month of the founding of the nation.

In the center of the city is the Queen's Palace, above the wall of the palace gate, there is a man, dressed in black robes, long black hair scattered freely, lying sideways on the wall, hands in the Pot of wine, holding his head with one hand, looking at the direction of the city gate, in the eyes... there is a touch of cold light.

This day is the day of the month of the founding of the nation, and it is also the day when the female king of the month is married!

At this moment, the female country of the month seems to be in the midst of joy, but the woman of the female country every month is full of grace.

Because everyone knows that their queen is about to marry the son of the two wings of the wing.

And the curse of the female family, but if the woman and the man are combined, the curse will be fulfilled, and it will surely die. Even if it is the Queen's moon, there is absolutely no chance of luck.

The land of the female city gate.


As the city gate with red cloth slowly pushed open, it was a large red guardian in the eyes of the women in the women's city of the moon. Each one was born with wings and the body was extremely proud.

This is the warrior of the wing.

At the forefront of these winged warriors, there is an eight-footed beast with four wings and a red flame. The body of the beast is three feet high. The body of the beast has a golden mat and a body. The red-red robes, with a red-green horned man on the forehead, sit on their knees.

The corner of the mouth, with a smug smile.

This man is the eldest son of the two chiefs of the wing family, Chang Tong.

It is a very worthwhile capital for him to be the queen of the female country.

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