The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1077: I am carrying everything for you.

"How? Reluctant?"

Before the moon's female palace, the wind whistled.

At this moment, the sky is already near the setting sun. The sun is shining like the blood, the sunset is over, the two people in front of the palace, the ground... there are two oblique shadows, perhaps because of the angle, these two The shadows, as the sun sets, are almost completely coincident.

A golden sword in his hand is handed in front of the moon.

Yu Feng, the corner of the mouth with the iconic smirk.

A voice exit, the moon did not answer, because... she did not know how to answer.

And just at this time, this smirk... disappeared.

Even the New Moon in front of him did not respond for a while, and then... What made Yue Yue not think that Yu Feng stepped forward, the sword of the right hand turned slightly, and the golden hilt was held. Left hand... I brought the moon to my arms.

this moment…!

Everyone is stunned!

No one thought at all, Yu Feng... actually would do this, and it is today!

The tens of thousands of people who were crouching on the ground of the month were even more shocked and stood up, their eyes rolling round, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

City gates.

On the other side of the beast, Changtong, who was originally sitting, saw the moment when Yu Feng took the moon into his arms, and the smile on his face suddenly froze, reflecting the scene in front of the palace of the moon, The cold light is in the eyes, the wine glass in his hand, instantly... burst!

At the moment when the cup in his hand was broken, all the winged squadrons around him were all in shape, and the blade of the squadron was brightened and the killings came out.

The moon-female people at the gates of the city, some women who did not have the strength to fight back, looked at these winged warriors in horror, and the guards of the moon-woman family came out, although they were all women, though The strength is extremely different from that of the wing family.

But the women’s bans in these months are all in the face, and no one is back.

"District women and girls, dare to resist my wing?!"

There are wing generals, fans flapping behind them, screaming and screaming, the pressure from the body, so that the ban of the female races of these months, the body shape can not be stabilized, can not stop backwards, the wing family Soldiers, this moment is a step forward.

Extremely powerful pressure, the body of the female woman in these months.


The winged warriors slammed into the sound of the ground, like a landslide, shaking the entire month of the female city.


At this time, Chang Tong, who was sitting on the back of the beast, slowly stood up and shouted a light 'um,' and all the winged warriors were afraid to move again. Those who were originally arrogant The generals are also one by one.

Chang Tong stood above this beast, with a pair of eyes, looking at the place at the gate of the palace.


Once again, I smiled.

But this laugh, but with a bit of cruelty, with a few points... playful!

"This son, the most favorite thing to grab."

Muttered, then...

Jumping forward, jumped off the body of this beast.

"Everyone, without the orders of this son, move and kill."

In a word, falling in the ears of these winged people, one by one is scared to squat, no one... and dare to move, it is like a pillar standing in the same place.

Step by step, Chang Tong walked in the direction of the moon female palace door.

Before the month of the women's palace.

Yu Yue, who was in the arms of Yu Feng, just reacted. Just want to talk, a gentle voice has already fallen into her ears.

"I know what you want to say."

"I know what you are worried about."

"I know what you have been carrying."

"I know, I know everything, let go of all of you, I... for you, take care of everything."

When the words were settled, Yu Feng slowly let go of the moon, and looked down at the moonlight slightly, watching the face of the moon, which was shocked and nowhere to be placed, with a small piece of blush floating, Yu Feng’s mouth, with A smile.

The left hand was lifted up, and the nose of the moon was slightly stroked.

"From today, you are the woman of my Yu Feng, any person who wants to dye you."

Yu Feng, slowly turned over and looked at Chang Tong, the eldest son of the two ancestors of the winged family. There was a very embarrassing killing in his eyes: "kill."

Yu Feng’s foot, stepping forward, is also going towards Changtong.

Yue Yue extended his hand and wanted to catch Yu Feng, but it was a late step, looking at Yu Feng’s back, I don’t know why... She felt the ease she had never felt at this moment, she put everything on her shoulders. On the body.

And at this time...

In her heart, she has more to rely on, a ... can rely on her own dependence.

That is the man in front of me.

With him in, my heart is stable.

Laugh, I don’t know when it’s already appearing on the face of the New Moon.

However, this smile did not last long, it was replaced by a deep worry, she... know the strength of this winged two sons, extremely powerful!

Yu Feng...

From her knowledge of Yu Feng to the present, she did not find that Yu Feng’s strength is a bit.

In the view of the New Moon, Yu Feng and the eldest brother of the two ancestors, the chance of failure, is extremely large.

Her eyes, subconsciously placed in the hands of Yu Feng's golden sword, she...have not seen this sword, but I don't know why, from this sword, she feels a very noble, amazing Dare to look up.

This breath, she is somewhat familiar, always feels where she perceives it, but for a moment, she can't think of it.

She couldn't help but think, this man named Yu Feng...

Where did it come from! He...who is it? ! And even if he doesn't even know who he is, he already has a heart... I think that here, the cheeks of the moon are actually uncontrollable and have a more obvious blush.

And this moment...

Not only is the moonlight's gaze placed on Yu Feng's body.

The whole month of the female country, all the females of the month, their eyes are placed on Yu Feng's body.

Because... everyone knows.

The only thing that happened was that it had already indicated the attitude of the Queen of the Moon, and refused to marry!

There is only one price for the female refusal to marry.

That is, the family is gone!

That is to say, the survival of the women of the moon today is all pinned on Yu Feng’s body.

If Yu Feng is defeated by the eldest son of the two ancestors of the wing, the female family will be completely destroyed by the winged family. The female of the month will be completely reduced to the plaything of the wing, and it is better for people to die!

The main entrance of the month of the female city, and the main entrance of the Moon Palace, is a boulevard. At this moment, all the people are on both sides of the screen.

There are two people, all walking slowly and heading towards the center of the avenue.

One is the eldest son of the two ancestors, Chang Tong.

The other side is... Yu Feng. 2k novel reading network

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