The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1081: About...焱.

I don't know why.

However, for the sake of it, it is also a good thing to have a shallow Shura power behind Yunshang.

If Yunshang does not have the faint temperament of Shura, there is no way to lock the position of Yunshang. After all, he has no power to seal the eternal calculus.

For this matter, after Yang Lan asked a question, he did not continue to ask more questions. He is in a relationship with life and death. Since he said that he would tell himself later, he would definitely tell it later. ,

The shape of the two men shuttled between the frost and the dead, in the periphery, clearly visible, with a frozen cheekbones floating.

These are the early years, not afraid of life and death, want to come to this deadly beaten monk, but it is obvious that in the end all ended in failure, even their own lives are taken up.


At this time, Yang Lan figured out and snorted.

The shape of the dragonfly is also stopped at the same time. He is very clear... Yang Lan has three eyes, and the situation that he can survey is much clearer than him.

Since Yang Lan feels that there is a problem, then... there is a problem.

"There is still a bit of interest."

Yang Yan's brows wrinkled tightly. The three eyes were shining and looking at the front. He couldn't see what the person was, but... he could see the huge body.


There is nothing to question.

This kind of desperate death, if it is not the slightest danger, then this place is not worth calling a dangerous situation. As soon as he raises his hand, in his hand, there is a purple gold fire gun.


At this moment, the emptiness of the front, there is a very strong blue cold fog, from the cold fog, there is a roaring sound, the cold fog tumbling, watching its posture, a violent posture .

In the hands of Yang Lan, at the moment, the three-pointed and two-edged knives are also in hand.

The three eyes of the sky shimmered and looked at the cold fog behemoth.

He can perceive that the giant beast hidden in the cold fog is extremely powerful. The most heart-wrenching thing is that the body of this cold misty beast carries a very wild and wild atmosphere.

"More than one place, there are!"

Just as the cold mist appeared in front of the hidden behemoth, Yang Lan’s voice reappeared, and the sound appeared at the same time, on the left and right sides of Yang Lan and He, including behind them.

All of them have blue cold fog, these cold fogs, all of which are hidden, in the slightest... are invisible.

From this cold fog, there is also the sound of screaming, with the fog rolling, the hidden giant beast figure, looming!


Fairy world.

Xuan Nu Shan.

The recent Xuan Nu Mountain has an excellent atmosphere.

Up and down the entire mountain gate, especially the high-rises of the Xuan Nushan, all have a smile on their faces. There are only one reason why these mysterious female disciples are happy. That is the master of their mysterious mountain, their mysterious, The nine-day mysterious girl is already safe and sound.

The first peak of the Xuan Nu Mountain, the land of the peaks.

Have one person, stand here.

The purple-blue long skirt flutters in the wind, and the long hair flutters behind the body. This person... is the nine-day mysterious woman.

"For the brother, I don't know what your plan is, but there are some words that I have to tell you before the brother leaves."

Around the nine-day mysterious woman, a figure slowly condensed and finally turned into an entity.

The person who appeared this is the Emperor of Donghua.

Silver-white long hair flies behind him, and today he wears a plain white robe, lined with long silver hair, elegant and ethereal.

"Brother, are you leaving?"

The nine-day mysterious girl frowned and looked at the East China Emperor.

"Not only me, a few people with a knife, I have to leave Mystery Mountain with me."

Donghua Emperor said, this sudden news made the frown of the nine-day mysterious woman more and more tight, and she did not know about it beforehand.

Even if you want to leave the Xuan Nu Mountain, you should talk to yourself in advance.

"Is it something that the elder brother has encountered?"

The nine-day mysterious girl opened her mouth. In her opinion, only this way can explain the rush of the East China Emperor.

"A Xuan you have more thoughts."

The Emperor of Donghua smiled and looked up at the clouds that drifted across the sky.

"Between the world, what can make the emperor embarrassed?"

In a word, domineering.

But it is also to let the nine-day mysterious woman turn to think, the East China Emperor said that yes, the strength and identity of the East China Emperor, has long been the existence of the top of these heavens.

"You don't think much, this time, for the brothers and the swords, there are reasons to have to leave, you will know in the future."

The Emperor of Donghua continued to sink in tone.

"A Xuan, I know what you are thinking about in the near future."

This sentence made the face of the nine-day mysterious woman change, and then it was like a little girl who was generally angry: "Brother is wrong."


The Emperor of Donghua then smiled: "I haven’t said it for my brother, how do you know that your brother is wrong?"

The nine-day Xuan girl suddenly stunned, and then the cheek was actually a blush: ""

I want to say something, but I still haven’t opened it.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Donghua Emperor laughed, actually he knew...

During this time, there was only one thing that the nine-day mysterious woman thought. To be precise, there was only one person who thought.

That person is jealous.

Also, it is called Xiao Chenyi.

Also, it is called Qin Feng.

In the view of Donghua Emperor, he should have more names.

Smile, slowly put away.

The face of Donghua Emperor was replaced with a positive color. He could not come back for a long time. Before that, he needed to dispel the doubts in the heart of the nine-day Xuan.

At least, eliminate a part.

Don't let her live so uncomfortable, live so entangled, then... don't know myself.

"Axuan, the words that the brother said next, you remember in your heart, how much you can understand, and how much you guess, are your own fate."

Donghua Emperor said openly, once he heard the words of Donghua Emperor, especially the seriousness in the tone, the nine-day mysterious look was condensed, and the eyebrows wrinkled again: "Little sister knows, must remember in mind, brother but said Yes."

"For the brother to say..."

Donghua Emperor slightly looked at the nine-day mysterious woman.

"Yes, hey."

When the words came out, especially the word "焱", it was clearly visible. The shape of the nine-day mysterious woman trembled lightly, and even her face was unnatural.


She did not say anything, she promised Donghua Emperor, will listen to the East China Emperor finished.

Seeing the appearance of the nine-day mysterious woman, the Donghua Emperor once again sank and continued to speak. What he was worried about was the chaos of the nine-day mysterious woman, but now it seems to be fine.

Since it is okay, Donghua Emperor can tell him what he wants to say and tell the nine-day mysterious woman.

Those ones…

His own guess, about 焱, about Xiao Chenyi, about Qin Feng...! 2k novel reading network

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