The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1087: Warrior!

These mortal leaders, one by one, are all at the highest peak.

They did not think of all of them. The Wan nationality coalition formed by them thought that it was only a matter of moments to destroy the evil spirits, but they did not expect that the Wan nationality coalition forces were destroyed by the evil people and the defeat was a mess.

Just after the two sides fought, the Wan nationality coalition did not have the room to fight back. It was completely beaten on the ground and was madly slaughtered!

In the face of these natural massacres of the evil people, their coalition forces are like chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep to be slaughtered.

And the only way to reverse the situation is to have one!

All the patriarchs of the family are looking at the king of evil, and there is a dignified color in their eyes. Only by killing the king of this evil family can you reverse everything!

Moreover, their main purpose this time is to kill this evil king!

Kill the king of evil first, then... give the whole evil to the genocide!

Qin Feng looked up at the sky, he was surprised to find...

Among the leaders of these tens of thousands of people, among the top ranks, there is actually a figure of the Taoist ancestor of the Qing dynasty, but it seems to be reasonable to think about it.

Since the ancient gods left, after the floods completely entered the war, the nations fought and were indiscriminate.

The headed by the three disciples who sat down by this scorpion and participated in the hegemony of the Terran.

"Jumping the clown."

The king of evil in the center of the center, sweeping the heads of these mortal people around, through the thick disdain in the voice!

That kind of domineering, unbeatable!

Even if Qin Feng at the moment, it is not to be convinced by this domineering.

One person faces thousands of sacred peaks, can breathe a steady, the look is unchanged, this ... the world can never find a second person!


"Destroy him!"



The heads of thousands of people, full of thousands of people, are the highest peak!

Now the number of the most holy peaks in the heavens and the thousands of heavens is comparable to the number in the years of the war. It’s just a little, a little, a small witch, a sacred peak in the midst of the war, and it’s awesome today. hundred times!

Thousands of sacred peaks are shot at the same time, and that powerful power can be known at will!

It’s hard to describe, but if it’s forced

Described, only four words can be used.

Destroy the sky!

Even if Qin Feng knows that all of this is illusory, when he sees these thousands of sacred peaks at the same time, his heart is a fierce one!

Strong! Too strong!

These forces are really manpower to resist? !

Looking up, the sky is completely obscured by the magic of the law. Thousands of holy peaks, each shot is an absolute killing, and thousands of shots are taken together, causing the repair to be fluctuating. It has reached an inexplicable point.

The void in the flood years is extremely strong.

However, the firmness of the void can not withstand this power. I saw this world, the madness of the broken, the vastness of the vast expanse, and at first glance, I could not see the original world!


Even under the spur of this power, the madness burst, and the gully spread like a spider web.

It is completely subconscious, and Qin Feng looks at the king of evil.

He can see the face of the evil king, he has to say...

This face, and his evil body, is indeed a four or five-point image, of course... the premise is that his evil body can restore the original face.

At this time, Qin Feng’s eyes slammed fiercely!

In his eyes, this evil king...

The eyes of the king of evil!

Every eye has ten stars, and it blooms when it starts!

The power of ten stars!

In the hands of the broken scorpio, at this moment, hands smashed, slammed into the ground!


A mad man went to the ultimate land of the tyrants, scattered from the body of the evil king, in the eyes of Qin Feng, the thousands of sacred peaks.

Under the power of this Tianba, it’s awesome...

Simply... strong is terrible!

And what happened next was to let Qin Feng completely smash, and saw that the body of the evil king moved. When he moved, the figure recovered the size of ordinary people.

The figure is directly disappearing in place.

The next time it appears, it is appearing around a leader of a mortal family. The sacred sacred priest directly gives his life to the result, and the flesh, spirit, and spirit are all bursting!

Once again and again, one after another leader of the ancestors, died in the majesty!

To know…

These tens of thousands of leaders, each with the strength of the highest peak, such a powerful strength, at this moment is like a pig and dog, was madly slaughtered by the king of evil!

In the past, Qin Feng only heard it, it was shocking.

Recently, when he really saw this scene, he was completely unbelievable!

The power of the king of evil is a horrible point!

It is no wonder that why the power of the evil king can lead Hongjun, and he will not hesitate to carry the strong pressure against the heavens, and the hardship will come to the flood, only to destroy this evil family.

It is indeed... too abnormal! Too bad!

One person fights against the Wanzu and kills all the people. This power is no longer the manpower of this world, and even the heavens of this world cannot be used for it!


This is also to make Qin Feng's heart extremely hot!

It turns out that the evil kings have awakened the power of ten stars, and they are able to be strong enough to this point!

If this evil body of his own wakes up ten stars, then who is his opponent? !

Everything will be solved!

Looking up again, but it was just a short time of ten, and the tens of millions of princes have been killed more than half!

Ten times of interest, thousands of people to the peak of the holy peak!

This kind of thing...

I can't imagine it!

However, it happened. In the hands of the king of evil, the peak of the Holy Ghost... and the ants are not the same!

Kill, just need a thought!


The remaining heads of the Wan nationality can no longer hold back. The fear has filled their hearts, and all of them are crazy turning, smashing into the air, and never dare to face the king of evil.

These bosses are running, the thousands of allied forces on the ground, the poor worms who are not known to the slaughtered relatives, are also crazy squatting, turning around is a runaway, just You have killed yourself, it is already thousands!

In the First World War, the absolute dominance of the evil people in the Wanzu is established!

When the killing stops, the look of Qin Feng is changed, because in his eyes, the surrounding scene, this world has also changed!

Another scene, reflected in his eyes...!

He saw a person...!

That is... Hongjun! 2k novel reading network

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