The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1093: Bodhi is coming

The seventh world.

The nameless small world, Fengxiang Pavilion.

At the top of the pavilion, Qin Feng's brows are tightly wrinkled. Whether it is the first body or the second body, it is the true soul!

The feeling between the two is also mutual bright!

At this time, the second body is suffering from unspeakable severe pain, which touches the wound of the soul, and the same... this pain will be transmitted into the first body of Qin Feng.

At this time, Qin Feng is holding his whole body and is used to resist this severe pain.


It is at this time.

Around him, the void trembled slightly, and there was a figure that slowly emerged from this void!

The person who appeared was an old man, an old man who had to be white and dressed in a white robe. He had a rod of dust in his hand, which was very meaningful.

For this person who appears, Qin Feng is no stranger!

Can circumvent all the ban of the Yaozu, so quietly sneak into the side of Qin Feng, the whole world, even if it is searched, now there are not many.

However, this one that appears in front of you is absolutely qualified!

The old man who appeared this is awesome... Bodhi ancestors!

With its cultivation, entering the demon territory, entering the seventh world, silently avoiding all the bans of the demon, it is completely a small skill, there is no difficulty at all.

"What is your breath on your body?!"

When Bodhi's ancestors appeared in the side of Qin Feng, they discovered the abnormality of the breath of Qin Feng. They could also see the suppressed painful color revealed by Qin Feng's expression. The white eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and the consonant exited.

In the Bodhi Taoist ancestors, Qin Feng was not wary, because he knew very well that his first life had already entrusted all the plans to Bodhi.

It can even be said that Bodhi is fully involved in every tenth of his tenth reincarnation.

It is the person who implemented the plan of the first generation!

In front of him, Qin Feng can be said that there is no secret at all, because for himself... Qin Feng believes that Bodhi knows more than himself.


Some things still can't let Bodhi know.

For example, at the moment Qin Feng’s second body is going through everything.

Qin Feng knows very well what is represented by his second physical experience. If it is really like the king of evil, then the strength of his second body can be unpredictable!

Before all of this really comes true, Qin Feng will not disclose all of this.

"No problem."

Qin Feng condensed his voice and forcibly endured the pain of the true soul, and looked at Bodhi's ancestors: "Predecessors come here, can there be something important?"

Qin Feng’s heart is very clear. If there is nothing to be done, Bodhi’s ancestors will generally not take it.

The existence of Bodhi's ancestors...

It has always been like a hidden hand, secretly manipulating everything.

"I came here this time, I want to ask you to be alone."

Bodhi's ancestors did not ask too much about the changes in Qin Feng's fascination, even though he knew that Qin Feng's answer was only perfunctory.

However, the Bodhi ancestor is more aware that Qin Feng... has his own secret.

And my own task...

It’s just IX!

When the first world explained to him, he already said that when he reincarnates the tenth, Bodhi's ancestors need not interfere too much.


"I don't know who the seniors want."

There are some doubts in Qin Feng’s heart. In the moment when Bodhi appeared, there were many things flashing in Qin’s mind. The most likely thing is about Sun Wukong.

However, he did not think that Bodhi ran this trick in order to ask himself for himself.

"The canopy."

Bodhi ancestors did not have much ink, and directly opened.

When I heard the word 'Tian Peng', Qin Feng gave a slight glimpse. He naturally knew who the canopy was, and it was the pig, but now Qin Feng does not know where the pig is going.

I don't know when this dead pig is disappearing from my side, and Qin Feng, who is riddled with all things, really has no time to consider where the pig is.

"Predecessors want him, naturally it is ok, just..."

After waiting for Qin Feng to finish, Bodhi went on to say: "Where is the other person, I already know, but I need to take him away for a long time, so I will know you."

“Thank you for your seniors.”

Qin Feng slightly handed a gift, he did not think that Bodhi actually took the opportunity to know himself before the take away of the pig, this face ... but give enough.

You know, what kind of character this Bodhi ancestor is.

Even if it is the face of such people as Xianting Jade Emperor and Buddha World, it is not given at all.

"That's all, I am leaving."

Bodhi’s ancestors were once again, but when they turned around, their footsteps were slightly stopped, and they said, “There is a woman who is now in the Buddha’s country. She should be waiting for you.”

After saying this, the body shape of Bodhi’s ancestors disappeared into place.

And Qin Feng, who heard this, has a fierce brow...

There is a name in his mind that suddenly appears: "Luo Qing Han!"

In the past, people who were arrested in the Buddha world had 'Yun Ling' and 'Luo Qing Han', while Yun Ling’s breath, Qin Feng, had different feelings in Wanhua Valley.

Although that sentiment is not very clear, there is a bit of Qin Feng can still judge, that is... Yun Ling, not in the Buddha world.

As a result, at this moment, now in the Buddha world, only Luo Qinghan.

In the view of Qin Feng, Bodhi did not inadvertently mention the existence of 'Luo Qing Han' with him, but instead... deliberately, it can even be said that the main purpose of Bodhi is not to say to him that he wants to take away the pigs. ', but tell myself, 'Luo Qinghan is still in the Buddha world'!

after all…

The pig **** is guided by Bodhi to his side. If Bodhi wants to take away the pig, he has no way to dissuade him and there is no need to discourage him.

As for the Buddha world...

Luo Qinghan in the Buddha world, what happened in the end? !

At this moment, Qin Feng, these thoughts in his mind floated past, and then there was no more energy to think about it. The whole person was a fierce glimpse, and he went straight down on one knee.

His forehead, with fine sweat, insulted out!


These pains!

It is beyond the limits that people can endure!

However, Qin Feng can clearly feel that his second body, the blood in the body is boiling faster and faster, and even the true soul in the second body of the body is beginning to boil!

Qin Feng can faintly discover that his second body, whether it is the flesh or the true soul, is undergoing qualitative changes.

The process of this change is extremely painful!

However, when this pain is over, it will be reborn!

The biting teeth of death, Qin Feng’s eyes have a firm color, he knows... he must bear it all!

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