The city of Monkey King

Chapter 110: One foot into the hole! [Three more]

Under the wind, the wind is great!

The wind, like a knife, whispers in this.

The fierce yak that was originally fierce, the thunder and the flames of the body were all wiped out in this wind! The wind is a condensed wind knife, the wind knife falls, and the cow is cut off a scar!

Accompanied by the roar of the thunderbolt!

The audience of the audience began to cheer and screamed!

Xiao Zhanyun stood in shape, with a confident smile on his lips, looking at the audience on the scene, suddenly between...


"Look at you, Xiao brother looked at me, so excited and excited!"

"Ah! Ah, Brother Xiao is so handsome! Why is there such a handsome man in the world!"

"Sister Xiao! I want to give you a bunch of monkeys!"

"so perfect!"

"Ah, Xiao brother is looking for strength...!"


In fact, the men are relatively calm, that is, the group of female students, one by one is crazy, as a fan of Xiao Zhanyun, screaming.

For these cheers, Xiao Zhanyun also enjoyed it very much, thinking that this yak is not dripping, and the blood-staining Dan prepared in advance seems to be unnecessary.

After all, at the crucial moment, Xiao Zhanyun did not want to use it. After all, this thing hurts, and once it is hurt, it can be used without it.

But when Xiao Zhanyun is very confident!

A shocking yak snorted, and the thunderfire yak, which was covered with blood slashes by the wind knife, suddenly became awkward! Two bulls eye congestion is generally full of bloodshot! Around the cow's body, the thunder and the flames and the explosion generally blasted away, and all the wind knives were blocked out!

"not good!"

Above the sky, that has been watching the dynamics of the field, Qiao Lingshi, white eyebrows wrinkled, this yak is too fierce! At this moment, the strength is even more refined. Is it necessary to build a foundation? !

Just as he frowned, Xiao Zhanyun was completely paralyzed... He had already begun to accept the cheers of victory, and he was not ready at all!

"Oh shit!"

He just screamed, the Thunderfire yak has already rushed over, Xiao Zhanyun can only subconsciously block with the long scorpion, but this time, a giant force came from Changchun.


Xiao Zhanyun flew away and the body squatted directly on the wall of Sendai, and a huge hole was thrown out.

The whole audience was awkward. No one expected that the situation would suddenly change into this. Xiao Zhanyun could not subdue this yak. ​​Who else? !

"Mom, dead animals, Laozi has killed you!"

At this time, from the hole that was pulled out, Xiao Zhanyun rushed out again, with blood on his head, anger and anger, and his eyes were hot!

But when he was going to rush to kill the yak, Qin Feng moved!

The figure is like the wind. This time, he is in the middle of Xiao Zhanyun and the yak. ​​The corner of his mouth is a smoke that has been burned to half.

"You and his mother are getting out of Laozi!"

Xiao Zhanyun saw the emergence of Qin Feng, but it was even more angry with the air, and angrily snorted!

"Don't you roll it? Don't roll Laozi and kill you together!"

Xiao Zhanyun squeezed his fists, and the long shackles of the fire blue rushed toward the Qin wind.

And the yak, also the rushing to the Qin wind.

Before and after the pinch, one person and one cow!

Everyone is holding their breath!

Even Qi Linger, holding his hand and looking at Qin Feng without looking at his eyes, is very nervous. After all, this scene seems to be too dangerous.

But then, the amazing scene happened...

When Xiao Zhanyun rushed to Qin Feng, he was preparing for a stab.


Qin Feng did not turn around, and kicked his legs, directly on the chest of Xiao Zhanyun!

Xiao Zhanyun, once again repeat the same mistakes.

The body fell backwards, or the hole, and he ran into it again.

Just at the same time!

Thunderfire yak is close at hand! The horns hit directly!

Qin Feng hands in one fell swoop, directly holding the yak's double horns, the body shape slipped back under this impact.

However, Qin Feng’s eyes are calm and incomparable.

After retreating about 50 meters, Qin Feng stepped on his footsteps and his body suddenly stopped at the same place. No matter how the yak rushed forward, the screaming of death would not work!

And this time!

The students of the entire Xianlingtai are all looking at it!

The changes on the field just now are too fast!

Just now, Xiao Zhanyun, who was still awkward, was just thrown into the wall by the unnamed generation on the court. !

On the south stage, Qi Linger was laughing at the belly and saw Xiao Zhanyun who was smashed into the hole. He almost didn't smile.

However, most people are caught by this scene, not only they worry!

On the east side of the stands, Gongsun Tong was a little unresponsive, especially the seven monks of the Xiao family, and the faces were flushed.

Lose your face! The old face is lost!

In the scene just now, they are looking at it in a solid way.

Qin Feng's foot, fast, accurate, hey! One foot into the hole, no ambiguity!

What do they think, no one cares now, there is only one concern, and that is what happens in the field.

Qin Feng glared at the extinguished cigarette, and looked coldly at the bloodshot, red and gold bull's eye. At this time, the thunderfire yak smashed up, suddenly, from the cow's body, Hundreds of thunder fireballs floated out.


Even Qiao Lingshi did not have time to react, and all of them have fallen on Qin Feng.


Qiao Xuan, the old man on the sky, stunned, and it’s going to be a man’s life.

Just when he wanted to shoot, the smoke that had blown up was gone!

And the scene where the smoke is scattered, even he... is also awkward!

To be honest, he has been hosting this kind of activity for so many years, and it is the first time he has encountered this situation.

Qin Feng, bombed by thunder fireballs, not to mention injuries, is that there are no hair roots.

"The corner is good, suitable for the refiner."

Qin Feng took the two hands of the Thunderfire yak and slammed it!

Two metres of horns that are more than one meter long are actually cut off by hard life!

In an instant, Qin Feng received the storage ring, this scene... Some people are smashed at the place.

What are you doing? !

Did he give the corner of the thunderfire yak? ! Everyone looks silly!

And let them be dumbfounded, still behind!

After the horns were finished, Qin Feng’s fierce kicked out and squatted directly on the bull's head. The thunder and yak was in mourning, and it turned out to be rolling back and rolling hundreds of meters.

When it was not stopped, Qin Feng was like a wind, and he followed it up.

The thunder fire yak has not yet rolled, Qin Feng's feet are lifted up, accurate!

Another kick was on the bull's head.


The Thunderfire yak made a mourning and rolled again.

Then, Qin Feng followed up, and it was a foot...

Repeatedly and repeatedly, repeated.

I have already played seven or eight feet in a short time.

Throughout the field, it was full of chins that could not be closed.

I can only see that Qin Feng is kicking the thunder and yak like a kicking ball...


Everyone has the same word in mind. 2k novel reading network

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