The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1104: Double enchantment

South of Lingshan, before the hill.

Qin Feng looked at the hill in front of him. In his eyes, the flames burned. Everything around this hill was reflected in his eyes, the golden runes hidden in the void.


When Qin Feng looked up slightly.

The ''word above Lingshan is looming, there is a golden light scattered from it, it is awesome... It is on the top of this hill, it has become a new ''word, and the sky above the Lingshan The word echoes.

Two roads, Qin Feng chose.

A road to life, a dead end.

However, for Qin Feng, this is not two, but one.

He knows very clearly that Luo Qinghan is in the hill in front of it, and there is a refining array of ‘into the near death’.

However, Qin Feng did not think too much, he could not retreat!

One step, stepping directly into this hill.

And when Qin Feng entered the hill, the whole hill was surrounded by golden charms that were hidden in the void.

Sanskrit, which radiates golden light, is connected in this void, and the golden light is connected to each other.

On the top of the hill, there is a golden bowl!

Down the buckle!

When this golden bowl appeared in an instant, the top of Lingshan, just set foot on the Tang Sanzang of this mountainous land, the look of a fierce!

Suddenly, looking towards the south side of Lingshan.

When I saw the golden enchantment that was like a bowl, there was a horror in my eyes.

He is naturally able to recognize the existence of this enchantment.


It is the array of nine lotus forging gods!

Power geometry, there is no need to say more.

At least he entered the Tang Sanzang, and he will surely die.

The moment when the golden bowl enchantment appeared, not only was Tang Sanzang noticed, but the Buddhas of the entire Buddha world were also aware of it.

And almost at the same time, the entire Lingshan Mountains...

At the outermost edge, there is also a ‘’ word appearing, and a golden rune appears in the void, condensing into an enchantment with eight diamonds.

These ‘’ characters, and the ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’


More than one!

There are two enchantments, one on the south hill and the other on the entire Lingshan.

Make sure that the shackles that catch you are not going to run anyway!

Tang Sanzang stood at the top of Lingshan, and he fell silent.

In his eyes, the original horror, slowly recovered from normal, restored the most normal look, and finally... his mouth, with a smile.

He laughed.


too naive!

In the heart of Tang Sanzang, there is only ridicule and irony of himself.

He had always thought that his own master, the Buddha of the Buddha, did not know all of this, but now think of it.

However, it is his own innocent thoughts, even his apprentice can be aware of it, and the Buddha of the Buddha’s respect, Sakyamuni, may not know.

It is unceremonious to say that the grass and wood in this Buddha world, even if it is a breath of air, can be detected by Sakyamuni.

I want to escape the perception of Sakyamuni, simply... impossible.

When these two enchantments appeared, it was able to see that there were countless Changhongs in the entire world of Buddhism.

These Changhongs are all gathered towards the hill on the south side of Lingshan.

"The buddhas set off, today, the monkey, refining here."

There is a voice that echoes in this Buddha world and falls into the ears of every Buddha.

The source of this sound, it is awesome... It is the Great Hall!

The wind is roaring between the heavens and the earth.

The buddhas, the volley in the top of the hill, has a very strong pressure, falling toward the bottom, the entire hill around, the fairy auspicious, are not afraid of the slightest movement, have been crouching on the ground, One by one shivering.

at the same time.

The center of everything, among the hills.

A small stream of turbulent water, in the middle of the stream, a thatched cottage, before the straw house, Luo Qinghan a worn robe.

Looking up at the day, watching the golden enchantment that appeared, my eyes were shocked.

Above the golden enchantment, it is awesome... There are ‘’ characters appearing, and these ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

She, I don't know what these are.


She can feel that when these appear, the air between the heavens and the earth seems to be stagnant.

Call ~!

At this time, from the air, there was a golden flame, and these flames were burning with the void.

The vegetation on the ground was actually invisible, and it quickly withered and turned into gray and scattered.

"this is……"

Luo Qinghan looked at everything that happened, and he had an unbelievable color in his eyes.

However, it is only after the interest.

Her body swayed fiercely, and she felt her body as if it were about to melt. There was another golden flame around her.

These flames, around her, these flames... did not cause any harm to her body.

However, the injury...

It is the soul!

The golden flame burns the soul, so that Luo Qinghan is almost completely burned out.


Luo Qinghan the whole person is falling to the ground, his face has a very weak color, the whole person's vitality, passing at a very fast speed.

It is clearly visible that in the body of Luo Qinghan, there are dark green stars, and these stars continue to float from Luo Qinghan.

This is the spirit of the soul of Luo Qinghan.

The moment when it was thoroughly refining, it was when Luo was cold and the soul was destroyed.

Luo Qing Han, I don't know how it is going on.

For all that happened suddenly, she did not have the slightest resistance, all of this...beyond her own ability.

She can only feel that her consciousness has gradually become blurred.

Everything... seems to be less real.


In her eyes, there seems to be a figure in the blur, that is... a man, that one... a familiar face.

When the man is close, she is standing in front of her.

When the man's face, the familiar facial features, the familiar eyes, the familiar nose, the familiar mouth, and everything familiar is in the eyes.

Luo Qing Han, very calm.


She doesn't think it's all true, she just, think of it as an illusion.

'is it you…'

‘No, how is it possible, you...may not come...’

‘I am dying...’

‘This illusion before death is so good...’


Luo Qinghan has no strength to speak, her face has a smile. 2k novel reading network

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