The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1107: One-handed force

Deep in the eye, there is a smile.

In the heart of ‘Qin Feng’, there is still a touch of indescribable touch. He knows... his master is always trying to help himself.

Whether it is the past or the present.

Whether he is the former Sun Wukong, or the current demon statue, is now the righteousness of the heavens and the gods!

Your own master is always on your side.

Just like at the moment...

He can clearly feel the existence of the Bodhi in his golden body. As long as he is willing, this Bodhi can help him regain his own power.


It is not the best time yet!

The Bodhi that remained in the golden body is not yet fully mature.

‘Qin Feng’ can judge that if he activates the Bodhi that remains in the golden body, he has absolute certainty and regains his own strength in the golden body.

However, there is absolute certainty, that is, the 50% of the power of the district, as for more, the current "Qin Feng" does not dare to rumor, after all, this golden body has been covered with the ban imposed by Sakyamuni.

The power of 50% is not the purpose of ‘Qin Feng’.

What he wants is his own golden body, the full strength of his own golden body.

It is necessary to return to the absolute peak of your own!

Therefore, he must wait until the Bodhi in the golden body is fully mature.

After the maturity, if you want to get back the power of the golden body, just... beckoning both!

The previous ‘Qin Feng’ also worried that Sakyamuni had imposed so much imprisonment on his golden body, and he had completed the initial control of his golden body.

If you want to recapture the golden body, can you really do it?

But now, ‘Qin Feng’ does not need to worry about this at all. The Bodhi’s presence in the golden body is the absolute guarantee for his regaining the golden body!

The Bodhi in the golden body was refining for a long time after his own master Bodhi ancestors. After entering the golden body, it was hidden deep.

Even if Sakyamuni personally sought out, he could not find it, just wait until the Bodhi was fully mature.

By then...

If you want to get back the golden body, it is easy!

After clarifying this point, the ‘Qin Feng’ eye is slightly condensed, and now there is only one thing to do, that is... to kill this Buddha world.

At this time, the golden body of Sun Wukong, under the control of Sakyamuni, has already waved the silver iron rod and once again killed it toward 'Qin Feng'. 'Qin Feng' has no hesitation, gold in hand The hoops are fiercely connected!


The gold hoop hit the silver iron bar in one place, and the violent air waves swept across the square.

Because they are so close together, they are different from the strength of the previous golden body.

Although only a moment, Fang Qiao is also from his own golden body, and has fully absorbed the power of 30%. Although the power of this 30% cannot last for a long time, wait until the power of the 'Qin Feng' is exhausted. It will be scattered.

However, this is the power of Sun Wukong, which is controlled by Sakyamuni. The only thing that can be played is the power of 30%. As a result, the two are completely comparable.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Waving a silver iron rod, Sun Wukong's golden body madly slammed toward the 'Qin Feng', and the golden hoop in the hands of 'Qin Feng' was also waving like a wind, colliding with the silver iron rod in one place.

Every time the confrontation is like the thunder of the heavens and the earth, the sound is shocking!

It was a new impact. The figure of the two men retired when they were squatting. When the ‘Qinfeng’ stabilized the figure, the golden flames burned their eyes and swept the ground around them.

In the previous situation, I want to rush out...

Extremely difficult!


There is only one way!

That is, some people are helping out. As long as they can open this enchantment from the outside, ‘Qin Feng’ is sure to pass directly through the golden body and rush out of this Buddha world.

Just breathe, just breathe!

‘Qin Feng’ has absolute certainty, so that Sakyamuni is not able to respond, and directly destroys the void and leaves.


Sun Wukong Jin Jin once again rushed toward the 'Qin Feng', familiar face, cold eyes, waving the silver iron rod in his hand.

Time and time again, this is a very bad situation for ‘Qin Feng’, because every time you touch it, it will let the power that he absorbs dissipate.

This is also no way.

To know…

The reason why ‘Qin Feng’ can absorb its own golden body is because Qin Feng and Sun Wukong came out from a stone compatriot, and they changed other people and could not accept it.

However, even if this is the strength of Qin Feng’s body, it cannot be stored for a long time.

Sun Wukong’s own strength, only his own golden body, can be perfectly possessed!

The dissipation of power...

More and more, the situation has become worse.

‘Qin Feng’ is very clear. There is no Sakyamuni in it. It is impossible for him to gain strength from Kim. The power in his body is scattered by one point. The power he has now is one point weakened.

Continue to fight, today you have to fold here!

The eyes of ‘Qin Feng’ were placed on one person at this time. It was outside this enchantment... a person who appeared later.

The man, dressed in a white robe, is also watching the ‘Qin Feng’.

This place is a white robe, but it is... Tang Sanzang.

Although he knew that he had been fooled by Shakyamuni, he was the blind eye of Sakyamuni’s throwing out, and even to a certain extent, he had a ‘Qin Feng’.

At this moment, the eyes of the two men met in the air.

Everything that the mentor and the apprenter want to say is not in words.

In the past, I called you a master.

The disciples are the power of the demon, the celestial beings, the buddhas.

In the end, when you lost to Nantianmen, when you were suppressed by Xianfo, you did not appear, and you didn’t blame you.

You, have your way.

You, have your Buddha.

You, have your intentions.

Today, the disciples... just the master, a hand.

The rest of the phoenixes, as well as those of the Bodhisattva, watched this scene in the enchantment, especially when they found the 'Wansheng Buddha' in their eyes. When Sun Wukong’s golden body gradually took the upper hand, they all had smiles in their eyes. appear.

What they worried about earlier was that this Sun Wukong ideology had the power to fight against the sky, but now it seems that everything is under control.

Naturally, one by one is comfortable.

They are waiting, waiting... ‘Qin Feng’ is defeated, waiting for refining this Sun Wukong’s thoughts!

The phoenixes, in the eyes of these people, also have the color of expectation. They want to know when Sun Wukong’s thoughts are refining, when Sun Wukong’s golden body is completely controlled.

What will be the scene when this 10,000-win Buddha can play 10% of the power! 2k novel reading network

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