The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1118: Come up!

The **** cloud is already over the entire cloud of poisonous Xinjiang.

These appearing blood clouds, the height is far above the clouds that the swords are condensed, the rain falling from the blood clouds, the savage swords are annihilated.

After the sword thunder dissipated, the witch warriors who were running wildly took this opportunity and quickly entered the new ‘thousand’ enchantment and got a short-term stability.

Among the big accounts of the Chinese army.

The body is wilting, and it looks like it has become the middle-aged night. At this time, it is carrying a chest, a big mouth and a gasp, and the secret of the trick, for him, the load is extremely large.

At this time, from the outside of the account, I walked in with the door.

There was still an angry anger on the face. After entering the door, I saw the appearance of the night, and the anger suddenly disappeared without a trace. I quickly rushed forward and held the night.

"what happened to you?"

Her eyes were red in an instant, but it was just a few fragrant moments. The whole person was completely changed, and the body was very weak.

At first glance, the whole person looks like a dead person.

There is also this face, the original handsome face, now is full of wrinkles, old meaning.

"No problem."

Chongyue pushed away slightly to re-establish his body shape.

However, just as he stood firm, he coughed up fiercely, and a blood rushed from his heart and sprayed directly.

"It’s all like this and it’s okay!"

Seeing the appearance of Chongyue, especially seeing the blood that was spurted out by Chongye, it was qi and it was distressed by the face, and supported Chongye and slowly leaned back to the chair: "You first Sit and take a break."

After talking about the eye of the eye, she could see the **** rain that was falling down on the sand table. It was this **** rain that deflated the sword ray that had just been ravaged and annihilated the sword cloud. dissipate.

"Preach, pass on orders."

Just sitting down in the night, this time looking to Yiyi, the tone is very weak opening.

"Can you wait? You can't take a break first!!"

In order to look at the night, the distressed angry, can not help but open.

"No, no."

There is a dignified color in the eyes of Chongye: "Go, tell the Seventh and Nine Parts of the Chinese Army, and immediately occupy the various positions according to the original plan."

"Immediately, start!"

"One by one, go quickly."

Chong night looked at Yiyi, and there was a serious and serious color in his eyes.

I was looked at by the eyes of Chongyue, and I couldn’t help but bow. I never saw the serious appearance of Chongye in the past.

In her impression, Chong Ye is completely a unruly, self-sufficient son, no one can control him, and nothing is left to him.

He Zeng... I have seen this look.

"I know, I will order it, you have a good rest!"

I believe that it is useless to know how to persuade the night at this time. What I should do now is to do it according to the words of the night, and pass on his orders.

The Chinese army.

Within the camp of the Chinese army, there are eight million elite Wu ethnic warriors.

These eight million witches are elite, among the witch warriors, they are all one enemy! All are selected elites in the elite!

However, from the moment when the celestial squadron began, the eight million witches did not move their bodies, and they all looked at the land of the Chinese army and looked at everything that happened outside.

This large army battalion is also the safest place for the entire sacred sect, and the swordsmanship of the celestial squad cannot be invaded.

These witches are elite, and at the moment, those who are looking at the outermost robes are smothered by the swords and swords. They all have anger in their hearts. However, because they have military orders, they cannot step out of the Chinese army.

not to mention…

They can also see it.

Even though these elites are stronger than the ordinary witch warriors, even if they are caught in the sword storm of the celestial array, there is no **** left to be smashed, and it does not play any role at all.

This is the fairy squad, they... they only heard about their reputation.

However, when I actually saw it, it was an instant smash, and this sword array...has already been strong enough!

Really, all ghosts are gone!

At this time, the various branches of the Chinese military camp had sixteen commanders who came out from the Chinese army, and the generations went away.

For a time, the eight million witches were elite and excited.

Like the tide...

The Wu people who had not been moved before were extremely elite. At this time, they were rushing toward the eight sides, and they were divided into sixteen branches. It seems that they have already planned well, and they rushed to their respective well-defined positions.

at the same time.

Among the big accounts of the Chinese army.

"Okay, let it pass, can you take a rest?"

In order to look at the night, in a tone of blame, if she knew that Chong Ye was so desperate, she would never be angry and left the big army account.

Chong night leaned on the chair and suddenly laughed, but the laughter was a little weak and the breath was a little short.

"What are you laughing at? You look like this, do you think it is funny?"

In order to see the night is laughing, it is even more angry.

"One by one."

Chong night suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted what he wanted to continue.


In order to look at the night, there is a trace of doubt in the eyebrows. I don’t know what it means to use this tone suddenly.

"If I die."

The words of Chongyue have not been finished yet, and he will hold his mouth in a fierce manner: "Do you say it again!! Then I will kill you now!"

"Hey, hey...!"

Chongye tried to 'snap' a few times. In the end, I couldn’t help it. I laughed aloud, but I still didn’t laugh twice. Suddenly, I coughed up sharply, and I was scared and changed my face. Fortunately... this cough did not vomit blood.

"You... can't you die?"

With a gentle pat on the back of the night, the eyes are filled with distress.

"Of course, you don't know, I...but most afraid of death."

Chong night took a deep breath and smiled slowly.

In his eyes, this time there is a sharp meaning, his eyes... look at the sand table.

It is clearly visible that the land of the Chinese army in the sand table, the 16th Wuzu elite, has arrived at the designated place.

When these sixteen elites arrive at the same time, they have an amazing power, which is displayed in the land of this cloud-to-virus territory!

"Tong Tian teaches the Lord, Yan Xianzhen..."

Mumbled and whispered, there was a hint of color in the eyes of Chongye.

He has always been self-sufficient in the formation of the law!


He is about to break through, this is called the squad of the heavenly squad! 2k novel reading network

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