The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1120: Breaking the line!

The witches are among the big men in the army.

The situation on the sand table, with the change of the cloud poisonous Xinjiang, began to change rapidly, clearly visible... There are countless giant figures on the sand table.

These giants, hard-boiled with the swordsmanship of the celestial array, madly attacked the four gates of the celestial beings, and suddenly wanted to break the sacred sacred squad.

On the outermost edge of this sand table, there is a white gold aperture, with a white gold mist that permeates the entire cloud-virus region.


The number of Terran troops is decreasing at an extremely crazy speed!

"This this…"

At the side of the night, I watched the change of the sand table and could not help but be shocked.

She, although she has never met the celestial array, this time... It was the first time that I saw the power of the celestial array, and it was already shocked by the strength of the celestial array.

In fact, from the depths of her heart, I did not think about the word "breaking".

She is a witch princess, and she has already made plans for the Yi people in her heart. However, she never thought of it.

The practice of cultivating the night of the night has already reached this point.

Actually... it’s faint to give this sacred sect to the broken posture!

Chong night, hands holding the side of the sand table, a smile on the corner of his mouth, although the whole person looks extremely weak, but the face is full of glory, at a glance!

Finally, take a look at the sand table, and turn to the night and walk straight toward the account.

"Hey? Where are you going?"

Yiyi was still shocked by the changes in the sand table, and found that Chongye had to go, and he quickly followed up. She was not at all worried about this night.

Ghost knows... what else does this guy have to do!

Chong night walked to the land of the account, the footsteps stopped slightly, the white face had absolute confidence, and the eyes were more determined!


A touch of the mouth, you can listen to these two words, listening to the heart of a burst of blood!

Looking at the night of the opening of the account, I don’t know why, Yiyi has an indescribable worship for this back.

It’s like a little girl worshipping idols!

The fairy tales and the four swords of the celestial beings are the treasures of the sacred sects of the sacred priests. They are the world's most powerful slashing squad. From the day of their birth, they have never been broken.

Wherever they go, they are sharply killed!

Today, Chong night said... he wants to break!

When Chongye walked out of the account, outside the account, there was already a flag of seventy-two people waiting for the night. These seventy-two people stood apart, before the big army account. Became a circle.

Everyone has a big banner in their hands.

On it, there is only one word: night!

These seventy-two people, when they saw the night, were turned around, kneeling down on one knee, and there was not much speech in the night. In the stunned eyes of Yiyi, they stepped into the center of the circle step by step.

The figure, at this time, slowly rises.

Ten feet...


Thousand feet...

lofty! !

When it rises to the height of a thousand feet, the whole cloud poisonous Xinjiang, whether it is a human race or a witch, can see the existence of the night, clearly visible!

Outside the fairy squad.


The Terran army, which is being trapped by internal and external diplomacy, is not surprised and angry when it sees the figure that rises in the center of the celestial circle!

They all know that this is the existence of this guy, so that this one of the Terran army is in trouble.

Before the army, the Tongtian teacher looked at the night when the sky was lifted up, and the brow was wrinkled, because... this face is strange.

He has never seen this person, and he has never heard of this character in the ruins of the ruins.

In the end... The guy who came out from there was actually such a deep rumor.

"Small generations, so make a mystery."

After all, the Master of Heaven is the Master of Heaven, and his identity and status do not allow him to have any emotional changes to the appearance of Chong Ye, just a cold cry.

Then the figure was slowly rising to the sky. The figure of the fairy in front of him went up together, and finally... it was the same height as the night.

Two people...

Will be on the battlefield, start a fight!

At the same time, the land of the Terran army, the diffuse speed of platinum fog is also a lot slower. The masters of the Tongtian Masters, as well as the masters of the teachings, are all rushed to the land of the army. A number of blockades have slowed the spread of platinum fog.

As for the swordsmanship, the same is true.

The innumerable giants appear, so that the chances of the martial arts to go to the offensive 'Million' defense are rare, and the speed of the 'Wanzhong' burst is drastically reduced. Naturally, the Witch warriors will I got a chance to breathe.

On both sides, there was a situation in which they did not advance.

No one can take advantage of it and get into a deadlock.

But no one knows, the deadlock... is always temporary, and this stalemate will be broken, and when it breaks, it is the moment of victory and defeat.

And all this...

It is all dragged on two people, then it is the Heavenly Master and the Night.

The win or loss between the two of them is the victory and defeat of the Terran and the Witch!

诛仙阵, the center of the center.

There is a look of anticipation in the look of the night, and today he has laid down this game, which is to break the line of this fairy! He just wants to let the people of the world know that this day's punishment is not unbreakable!

Other people can't, I worship night...can!

The way to fight against the Heavenly Masters is also the only way to fight against the Lord of Heaven and the Master of Heaven. It is better than the respect of the night.

Can be a battle!

Chongye’s hand was lifted slightly, even though the breath was weak, but it was a sigh: “The flag is coming!”

Between the time and the time, from the bottom of the land, the center of the seventy-two flagged vulture warriors, the ground has a golden array of appearances.

The lines on it are staggered, followed by...

From the golden pattern above, the interlaced golden light, there is a platinum flag, and it rises into the sky!

This flag, high nine feet!


Chongyue’s hand, holding the flag in his hand, the moment he holds it!

This ‘heavy’ big squad that blessed the Witch’s army was instantly known to the heart. In addition to this, there was also the Platinum Array that enveloped the cloud venom, and it was also in control!

Between the thoughts, the night can make this two big changes before and after!

His eyes, looking outside the celestial array, looked at the Heavenly Master, the arrogant war, burning in the eyes!

Today, he is going to make a rumor with his own array of methods, breaking the array of the immortal celestial being called the invincible world!

All the Witch Warriors, seeing the night of this time, are all invigorated, especially the eight million witches, and this time they are desperately giving their spiritual power to make more and more Many giants appear within this fairy squad. 2k novel reading network

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