The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1128: Breeding a new soul

The seventh world, the autumn border.

The old Chu Palace, the current demon palace.

Although the name of this piece of Gongyu has changed, but the structure inside the palace has not changed, what kind of, what is still the same, the princess palace where the former Chu Princess Chu Wanqiu lived, naturally, has not changed.

After the temple, the garden land has a small pond that is clear enough to bottom out.

This is also the most common place for Chu Wanqiu.

The pond is clear and clear.

Under this moonlight, the entire pool surface, with a sparkling scene, a light red tulle dress, Chu Wanqiu is sitting next to the clear pool, a pair of white feet, swiping in the water, There are circles and laps that linger from the edge of the lake.

At this time, there was a figure that came out from the void and appeared quietly behind Chu Wanqiu.

This person who appeared is Qin Feng.

After he returned to the autumn monk, he had to deal with some important things. In fact, these things have already been fixed, but just waiting for Qin Feng to nod.

After that, Qin Feng came here the first time, just because... Now Chu Wanqiu is different from the past. At this moment, her body is very special.

Whether it is for Chu Wanqiu himself or for Qin Feng, it is the same.

The current Chu Wanqiu is not just a person.


One life.

In her body, in addition to Chu Wanqiu's own life, there is the child in her stomach.

Even though Qin Feng has the life of the previous ninth, but at present, Qin Feng only knows the life of those few worlds. Every world is different. Every world has its own different endings, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. That is...

The Qin dynasty of the first ninth, no matter what the world, has no children.

'Becoming a father' is absolutely the first time for Qin Feng. Even if he has experienced more wind and rain, he has walked on the edge of life and death many times. When he knows to be a father, his heart is also difficult to calm down. .

one more…

In any case, his former ninth is his first ninth, although the memory of the ninth world exists, but before the ninth oracles were fully assembled, he had only a simple understanding of those memory images, and it was not very strong. The sense of substitution.

However, Chu Wanqiu is not the same.

This is his tenth world, he is the woman who fell in love with Qin Feng.

When he fell in love with her, her name was... Zhao Wei.

And... Chu Wanqiu and Qin Feng officially worshipped the heavens and the earth, although Qin Feng did not recognize this world.

"Autumn autumn."

The voice of Qin Feng, a very gentle exit.

When I was sitting in Chu Wanqiu next to the pond, the whole person was a glimpse. Then I quickly took my ankles back from the pool. I stood up in a panic and stood barefoot on the ground. I turned and looked at Qin Feng. .

Cheeks... actually a blush.

The evening breeze, lightly blowing over the long skirt, slightly raised the skirt, this kind of Chu Wanqiu, through a shyness, makes people feel a little love and pity.

"You, how come you are."

Chu Wanqiu himself does not know why, why is his cheeks red, and this is his husband, seeing his husband, what is the good blush? !

Even though Chu Wanqiu thought this way, her cheeks were still red, and she was standing in the same place with uneasiness. The little white-footed scorpion couldn’t help but sway back and forth, and my heart became more and more nervous.

"How can I not come, can I see what special preparations I need for my own lady?"

Qin Feng mouth slightly raised, with a smile.

I don't know why, he wants to tease Chu Wanqiu.

Going forward, raising his hand to hook Chu Wanqiu's chin, this is the next... It is the breath of Chu Wanqiu's breath, and the small heart thumps.

Qin Feng’s face slowly approaches, little by little...

Getting closer!

"I, I... I..."

Chu Wanqiu seems to be unbearable, but actually subconsciously retreating backward...


The whole person is hanging, to fall into this pool.

However, before she fell into the water, Qin Feng had already taken her waist, and she took it into her arms. .

The rich manly atmosphere, toward Chu Wanqiu face away, her cheeks are more red, the whole person is relying on the arms of Qin Feng, hands ... unconsciously hung in the neck of Qin Feng.

At the moment, Qin Feng has a smile on his face.

However, his heart is slightly condensed.

When he met Chu Wanqiu, his spiritual power was already in the body of Chu Wanqiu, naturally... it was also able to perceive the fetus.

Chu Wanqiu is pregnant and the time is short.

But then short...

There should also be traces of the bed, but... Qin Feng's spiritual power penetrated into the body of Chu Wanqiu, and in the belly of Chu Wanqiu, he only noticed a gas.


Qin Feng is not only aware of the existence of the gas in Chu Wanqiu's body, but more accurately, the source of this gas... is the soul of Chu Wanqiu!

Everything is alive and well, and it keeps running in balance.

Reincarnation, but the soul remains the same.

Parents are just parents of the world.

For example, Qin Feng, who has experience of the ninth century, has different parents and friends with different experiences, but this soul is always the same soul.

However, what Qin Feng feels at the moment is completely different. The birth of Chu Wanqiu’s belly is not the flesh of the flesh, but the soul...!

Breeding a new soul!

Qin Feng just discovered this and is trying to check it again. After all... This is not a normal thing, it is good or bad, and it is unknown.

However, at this time, from above the sky, between the night sky.

With a dazzling golden streamer, directly smashing the void, and rushing down towards the direction of the demon palace, even more amazing is...

This golden streamer was able to completely ignore all the enchantment tactics. It was not blocked by the slightest. It directly entered the territory of the Yaozu, and it directly entered the seventh world and entered the Qiujiejie. Come to this demon palace!

The golden light, the whole night sky is illuminated, people can not open their eyes, but... that is for ordinary people.

Qin Feng’s nephew reflected this golden light that was galloping, and it was slightly condensed.

From this golden light, he noticed a very strong scent, which is not the place of ordinary fairyland.

This thing comes from Xianting.

The reason why this thing can completely ignore all the bans of the formation, the most important thing is that this object does not have any slight malice, so if it is nothing, it will break into many arrays of law and directly pass. 2k novel reading network

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