The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1132: Three eyes open!

West Heaven, Buddha World.

At this moment, the Buddha world is caught in a chilling silence.

At the top of Lingshan, among the Daxiong Hall, there is a Buddha's voice echoing in this hall. The Buddha in the entire Buddha world is gathered at this Daxiong Hall.

Every big Buddha seems to be calm, but in fact, his heart is not flustered.

The first place, the Buddhism Buddha statue, the body radiates golden light, a pair of Buddhas glance at the many large Buddhas and Bodhisattvas below, the double wells of the ancient wells, the depths of the eyes are a chill.

What happened before, he is a Buddha! The heart is already uncomfortable to the extreme!

The thought of Sun Wukong, originally regarded by Sakyamuni as an absolute bag, was such a bureau that he had laid down, and it was so hard that he let the monkey read and ran in his own face.

Of course, the reason for this is that Sakyamuni’s heart is naturally clear.

If it weren't for his own apprentice, if it wasn't for the golden scorpion secretly helping out the front line, and opening a hole for the splashing monkey, then the splashing monkey... is definitely unable to open the forge of God.


Sakyamuni’s heart is called a hate.

Kim Jong-il is his second-born disciple, and his relationship with him is self-evident. If this matter is picked out, the golden scorpion will be punished in the face of the Buddha.

Not the wish of Sakyamuni.

So he chose to put this matter down. As for his own disciple... Sakyamuni’s eyes, he swept his eyes to the left side of the front of the hall, the golden scorpion wearing a white robes, and the eyes were filled with iron and iron. The meaning.

Originally, he used to arrange Jin Zizi to participate in the trip to the West.

First, nature is to seize the control of Xiantian on the heavens and the world, so that the right to speak of the Buddha world in the heavens and the world is improved.

Second, it is to temper this golden scorpion.

Eyelids, slowly recovering.

The voice of Sakyamuni sounded in this great hall.

"The Xianting Peach Blossom Festival is about to begin. This seat will leave the Buddhism for a period of time. You should do your duty and keep this piece of peace."

The words are settled, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in this hall are all hands folded together and bowed.

"I want to follow my Buddha's words."



The sound is a harmony.

These phoenixes are also relieved in their hearts.

Fortunately, there is no sin in the house, and if they sin... they are all hard to escape from guilt.

at the same time.

Road boundary.

Among the three sacred temples, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Tai Shang Lao Jun, Tong Tian Jiao Zhu, all three are sitting high above this holy position, which is full of the top of the Taoist temple.

"This trip to Taotao, I will go to Xianting with my younger brother."

The voice of Taijun Laojun slowly reverberated in the three temples. His younger brother... naturally is the master of heaven.

According to the deliberation between the three clearings, this grand peach festival was attended by Taishang Laojun and Tongtian, and Yuanshi Tianzun stayed in the Taoist world and presided over the overall situation.


Not only the Taoist world and the Buddha world, but the entire world of the world, but all the forces with a little strength, have received the invitation of the Taotao event, are beginning to rush to the first world.

This time the movement...

It’s much bigger than the last Jiuxuan event!

However, at the same time.

The second world, the northern part of the precinct, is extremely cold here, even the emptiness of the ice is the frost of the ice, and the place where the next place is the most famous frost in the world. .

And in the depths of this frosty death, there is... a continent.

Or, it is a frosty continent.

Days, formed by the condensation of ice.

The ground is covered with chills.

Everywhere, at first glance, they look exactly the same, and there are ice fields everywhere.

At this moment, there are two people walking side by side on the mainland. Both of them are frowning. These two people are looking for the Wanhua Guzhu and Yang Lan.

Looking for such a long time, even broke into the core of this frosty death, still can not find the whereabouts of Yunshang.

"How far is it."

Yang Lan looked at the ice sheet in front of him and asked for an export.

Going this way, there is no purpose.

The two of them had already set foot on the frosty continent a few days ago. What surprised the two was that the frost that died in this dead land died. This piece of frosty continent did not have any slight movement.

Everything is quiet and quiet.

In this frosty land, except for the sound of snoring, the other creatures did not see it. The two walked on the frosty land for a few days, but they did not encounter any other crisis.

Quiet is terrible.

However, Yang Lan and He Wei, neither of them are ordinary people.

The two have come from the experience of the floods, experienced wars, experienced floods and collapses, experienced countless dangers, and told them the intuition of walking on the edge of life and death.

In general, it is too quiet, and what is often waiting is the real murder.

Even though there is no slight movement around, the two are not relaxed, they are all vigilant.

"According to the breath, it is nearby."

When he whispered back, he was also very strange. He used his Shura breath to sense the sky, and indeed... just around here.

However, looking for a few days, but still did not find the slightest trace of Yunshang.

Is it that your own induction is wrong? !

Nothing is possible!

The temperament of Shura in the world is rare!

Moreover... except for those who are Shura, others are not aware of this breath, even if they are themselves, they do not know that they are contaminated with Shura.

In this way, even if you take the bone king of Yunshang, you can't hide the Shura's spirit on Yunshang.

It can only be said that Yunshang was hidden by a very strange means.

"Nearby? Give me a specific range."

Yang Lan stopped and swept his eyes around him. At first glance, they were all ice sheets. They were all long. They continued to go and did not know where to go.

Where is the same footstep stop, standing in the same place, then closed his eyes, using his own sense of the power of Shura to judge a rough range.

I thought about it for a long time, and I had a long time, and I slowly opened my eyes, my brows wrinkled slightly, and then I said.

"It will not exceed 100,000 square feet."

"it is good."

After getting the answer, Yang Yan’s figure is suddenly rising from the sky. The whole person is volley above a thousand feet. His three eyes... At this time, they are unfolding!

With a golden glow, it blooms from these three eyes.

Jinguang, fanned out, completely shrouded the 100,000 square circle below it!

Since he couldn’t completely determine the position where Yunshang was imprisoned by virtue of Shura’s gas, then Yang Lan used his three eyes to thoroughly see the 100,000 feet of land. He did not believe... Still not found! 2k novel reading network

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