The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1135: Shaping dreams

At night, the coldness of the rustling.

Cry, echoing in the ear.

Fallen leaves, flying with the wind.

Qin Feng looked at Luo Qing, who was kneeling on the ground, and stepped forward slightly. However, this footstep had not yet landed, and the sound of Luo Qinghan sounded.

"You, don't come over!"

In a word, let Qin Feng stop.

"I, I... I want to be quiet."

Luo Qinghan no longer cries at this time, just raised his head, the pair is already completely red eyes, with crystal tears, tears falling from the eyes, under this moonlight, it is even more peculiar .

She does not want to see Qin Feng.

she was…

Just don't know how to face it.

So between the subconscious, she chose to avoid.

Then, after waiting for what Qin Feng said, Luo Qinghan got up and turned into the temple. ‘Dangdang’ shut the door of the temple.

Among the courtyards, only Qin Feng was left.

Looking at the direction of the temple door, Qin Feng was silent for a long time, and finally turned around, his body shape disappeared in place.

He does not understand how the woman's mood is.

He, too, does not know why Luo Qinghan has such emotions.

However, Qin Feng chose to respect.

Qin Feng did not go to other places, but left the Qiujie world, but did not leave the seventh world, what he went to... is her mother and sister, and the unknown name of Qi Linger .

The trip to Xianting tomorrow.

I don't know why, Qin Feng's heart always has an unspeakable worry, maybe... I won't go back.

This is not impossible.

Although it is superficially analyzed, this kind of thing is almost impossible.

After all, tomorrow’s 蟠 peach festival will go to the powerful forces of the entire world, and the Taoist and Buddhist circles will attend.

If Zhang Bairen dared to come to the Taotao event, it is estimated that he was the first to die.

But in any case, there is never an absolute thing in this world. No one can guess the next moment and guess what tomorrow will happen.

Even if it is a secret, with the ability to measure the world, he... is not sure.

A cup of tea.

Just a time of tea, Qin Feng has already arrived in that nameless small world.

Now, it should not be called a nameless small world.

Qin Feng took a name for this small world, just one word: Ann.

An Jie.

What he hopes is his mother and sister, who can be quiet and peaceful, and have no worries in this small world.

Directly entering the boundary gate, Qin Feng's body shape instantly fell on the ground and came to Fengxiang Pavilion. His mother Song Yi and his sister Qin Chuxue lived in this Fengxiang Pavilion.

Of course, there are still Qi Linger, and... Tian Jiuyun.

In fact, this time to come to Anjie, Qin Feng also has a purpose, is to find the sky nine clouds, some things ... he should do.

The blood of the last king of the nine-tailed family can no longer remain silent here. Qin Feng has long arranged for the man to be a man, and he has been sneaking into the nine-tailed family for a long time. Revenge lays the foundation.

And now, this foundation... is almost the same.

one more…

This is also an absolute good opportunity.

Because the Peach Blossom Festival will be held tomorrow, the current Wolf King has already been attached to Xianting, and naturally will also attend the Peach Blossom Festival.

The nine-tailed family of the swallowing family must be empty.

At this time... It is also the easiest opportunity for Tian Jiuyun to recapture the throne!

The shape of Qin Feng appeared before this Fengxiang Pavilion, and looked up slightly... He could see that the lamp in the Fengxiang Pavilion was still lit.

An Jie, and the time of the autumn and the fall world is a little bit worse.

Hard to count, the current Anjie has entered the early morning, should not be lit with lights.

Qin Feng stepped into this Fengxiang Pavilion. His body shape was hidden at the moment he stepped in. Others could not see the figure.

The second floor of the pavilion.

Qin Feng stepped into the room where the lamp was lit. The first thing I saw was my mother, Song Wei.

At this time, Song Hao, sitting next to the candlelight, looked at the same thing in his hand.

Qin Feng walked over and concealed his figure. Song Hao naturally could not see it.

Standing behind his mother, Qin Feng can clearly see, in the hands of Song Yu, is a photo.

That is…

Qin Feng's father Qin Xiao's photo.

Heart, fierce one.

Those memories that have been around for a long time are in the heart of this moment.

Experienced so much...

Especially the special nature of the ninth love, Qin Feng from time to time is to accept a new identity, plus many things ridden, Qin Feng also has no time to think more.

Even many times, Qin Feng is forgotten, his name... is called Qin Feng.

No matter what his name is in front of the ninth, what he has done, what he has experienced, at least... In this world, his name is Qin Feng.

His father, called Qin Xiao.

His mother, called Song Wei.

He has a sister, her name is Qin Chuxue.

Qin Feng has always ignored this. He ignored his mother and his love and love for his father.

The heart, like the tens of thousands of stones pressed, let Qin Feng almost breathless.

Qin Feng stood behind Song Yu and looked at the photo in the hands of Song Yu. This photo, Qin Feng remembers, was taken by his parents on the 20th anniversary.

Looking at the man on the photo, looking at the smiling face of the man, Qin Feng once complained countless times.

This embarrassment of oneself, when facing the mother and sister, is a smile.

It is a serious face to face yourself.

This is the original, and later Qin Feng naturally understands.

Take a deep breath, Qin Feng scorpion micro-condensation, a voice, when he was uploaded from his body.


Just three interest rates.

Behind Qin Feng, there is an illusory figure.

This figure appeared to be the projection of Jun Jun. Obviously, Jun Jun has something urgent to deal with. After receiving the command of Qin Feng, he just came by the projection.

"The deity needs to borrow the illusion of your family."

The sound of Qin Feng slowly opened.

Naturally, this voice can't be heard, and only the monk behind him can hear it.

When Jun Jun had a slight meal, he did not quite understand why Qin Feng wanted his own illusion of the Dream Fox family. However, since the Holy Spirit opened up, naturally there is no reason to refuse.


After he finished his hand, he raised his hand, and when he was in his hand, he had three purple charms.

"These three illusions can be used to apply my dream fox to high illusion three times."

"Thank you."

Qin Feng took over the purple illusion in the hands of Jun Jun, and a ‘thank you’ was to let the monarchs bow to the ceremony.

"Subordinates retire."

The body of this projection of Jun Jun disappeared.

And Qin Feng, the three purple illusions in the hands are rising, and drifting toward the Song dynasty, Qin Feng will use this illusion of the dream fox family to create a dream for Song Yu.


The perfect dream, so that she can be in the dream, but regret.

In this dream, there is her husband, her daughter, and her son. 2k novel reading network

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