The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1140: What is it?

Before the North Gate.

Originally noisy land of Tianmen, this time... Instantly fell into silence, although there are many people before Tianmen, but there is no one language, those who follow Zhou Chun, and the guardians around Tianmen.

They are all looking at the position around Zhou Chun, the place where the dog leg was standing before.

This person, but the red man of Zhou Fujun.

Don't look at it as a dog's leg, but it's strength. It's also full of quasi-sacred peaks. It's stronger than the 99% of the monks who are present.

However, just... just a kind of pressure, it will instantly become a fleshy, direct soul flying!

So powerful, what strength is it? !

Those monks who are surrounded by people, in twos and threes, can't help but put their eyes on the Qin Feng four people.

One by one, there is an indescribable shock in my heart.

Especially those monks who were originally in the Qin Dynasty, this time has a happy color, I am glad that I have not offended these big men.

If not, now it is also a fleshy bubble in the wind, it is estimated that there is no residue.

However, in their hearts, they also have the same doubt. That is... why is it so powerful that it can instantly smash the sacred peaks into the place?

Shouldn't this level of arrogance directly enter Tianmen? ! How can they line up with their group of monks? !

"Who are these people?"

"One by one looks good!"

"I don't know, I have never seen it before."

"Hey, rain brother, you are a fairy, you have a wide experience, you should have seen it?"

"No, no, I, I haven't seen it..."



Even if I have seen it, I dare not say it.

At this time, silently, small transparency is the right way, who dares to say more.

The whispered arguments, among these monks, are like waves, and the above the identity of Qin Feng’s four people. After all, for them, such a powerful four big men are still so born, that is A very frightening thing.

Because no one knows whether these four big sisters will suddenly go crazy, and directly wipe out the people in the audience.

And this time.

Mo said that these monks were surprised one by one, even the second king of the heavenly monarch, the Zhou Chun Zhou Fujun, is also in the eyes of a surprise color.

He did not think of it, even someone who really dared to be in front of his own face, and his own cronies, so killed in front of himself.

Completely, it is a little face and does not give him this house.

one more…

Zhou Chun looked at the back of Qin Feng's four people. He was extremely strange. He was only one side of the Emperor. He also looked in his eyes and did not know.

With such strength, the Zhou Fujun asked himself, the whole of the heavens and the world, the fairy buddha, there should be no one they do not know. But in front of these few, I didn’t even have a slight impression.

In the end...what is sacred? !

If there are no people around, Zhou Chun will be planted at this time. It is a big deal to eat a sullen loss and quickly leave. A crone from the district is dead. It is not worth taking the risk to go to hard.

After all, as long as his **** is there, no one will shoot.

However, in this case, Zhou Chun’s eyes narrowed around her eyes.

At this moment, it is full of people around, and... this place is Xianting, if he is not the one who cares about the death of his own people.

Once this matter is passed out, then he can really do not have to do it, and there is no prestige at all.

Take a deep breath.

At this time, Zhou Chun, on the surface, looks calm and incomparably, and his eyes are even more angry, with a scream of anger.

"Whether the lord killed the prince, should he give this confession an account?"

This sentence just exported, not waiting for the next sentence, Zhou Chun is a step forward, hand in the direction of the Lingxiao Temple.

"This is the fairy court. It is before the majesty of God. Although I am a prefect, I cannot deny your sin."

"Killing my army, it’s a big thing, it should be handed over to His Majesty, and I would also like to join you in the Tianmen, to find your Majesty and to be fair!"

This is a straightforward statement.

It sounds like there is no logical error, but a careful analysis... can be seen, this Zhou Chun Zhou Fujun, absolutely not as simple as it seems.

People, it looks very arrogant,

But this arrogance is only limited to those who fear him.

When faced with things that are difficult for them to solve, this week, Zhou Zhoujun, naturally pushed things away and directly pushed them to the Jade Emperor.

And, I also hide the guilt in my heart.

The meaning is very clear, it is not that the prefecture does not want to move you, nor is the local government dare not move you.

Just because it is Xianting, there is something that needs to be handed over to the squatting and cutting!

"What is Zhang Bairen's calculation?"

Just after Zhou Chun’s voice was finished, Emperor Huang squinted at Zhou Chun, his mouth was cold and cold, and his disdainful voice was spoken from the mouth.

The audience was shocked.

Who is Zhang Bairen? ! Everyone knows that it is the Jade Emperor, the Lord of Xianting!

When you are ordinary, who dares to mention these three words? ! Unless you don't want your head, now... this person is the name of the jade!

This sentence!

Like the frying pan, the Tianmen Tianbing, who was still watching the lively, was a brain that came out at this time.

The head of the Tianmen keeper, pointing a long knife to the Qin Feng four people, screamed: "Despise your majesty, sin should die."

At this time of Zhou Chun, I saw that the Tianmen Guardian had already appeared. It was also a joy in the eyes. Because he didn’t have to die, he could still seem to be filled with indignation: “Dare to despise your majesty, really do not know how to live and die, the second world Tianfu soldiers listen, and The Heavenly Soldiers cooperated and won this arrogant."

A big drink, suddenly these troops brought by him, rushing up, and the Tianbing at Tianmen, the regiment surrounded the Qin Feng four people.

The monks, this time are all scared and whitish, and they are all going backwards, almost all of them have retreated to the most marginal place of the North Gate.

And at this time.

Between the misty clouds outside the northern Tianmen, there are three days in which armor will appear. These three heavenly, the breath of the body, are the power of the Holy Ghost.


"How is Beitianmen so messy?"

"Hey, these little boys, don't know if today is a peach festival? It is still in the sky!"

These three heavens are full of anger on their faces.

Obviously, it is a person who leads the army outside. This time, the peach festival will be called back to Xianting to attend the upcoming peach festival. 2k novel reading network

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