The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1145: Become a king, become a dog.

Clouds, floating over the entire Tiantianmen.

These Heavenly Soldiers will be.

In addition to leading the Heavenly Soldiers here to maintain order, these monks who came to participate in the peach festival will enter Xianting in accordance with the order.

Heavenly Guards, there is also a duty.

Then, it is to personally greet the Holy Power. For them... Every Holy Power comes with a good life.


The power of this coming is completely different from the previous one.

Status, transcendental!

The blue-green golden clouds above Tianmen are slowly spreading away. From the center of many clouds, there are ten figures, and the figure is slowly showing up in this cloud.

The forefront of the two shoulders, one person is old-fashioned, dressed in a white robe, must be white, giving a very compassionate feeling,

This person is one of the three clearings of the Taoist world.

And the other person alongside him, wearing a black-colored robe, the old-fashioned face with a serious meaning, let the later generations look at it is a trembling.

This is the younger brother of Taishang Laojun, who teaches the Lord.

In addition to these two, the eight people behind them, all of them are the leaders of the Tao, one of them, dressed in a white robe, carrying a long sword, scattered in front of the forehead.

A handsome face, full of meaning.

This is Lu Dongbin, who is known as the first talent of the Taoist world.

The person sent the nickname, Lu Zu.

When these ten people appeared, Nantianmen... Even if it was quiet and orderly, this time began to confuse.

Those who were originally attributed to the realm of the Tao, this time are all lifted up one by one, glance around, no arrogance in the eyes.

In comparison, other monks will appear dim.

And the guards at this gate, the faces are also turned into purple, I don't know what to do, you see me, I see you, are in the same place.

Road boundary.

This is totally different from the Buddha world.

The Taoist and Xianting, once the most rigorous forces, have been for a long time... There is almost no distinction between the Taoist and Xianting.

The will passed down from the Taoist world can be perfectly reflected in Xianting.

And now, all of this is a complete subversion.

On that day, 斩 Sendai robbed the battle of Li Jing.

It was the hard battle between the Taoist and the fairy courts. In the midst of the war, but the people who really passed through the blood and died, the war... announced the road and the fairy court, completely broke!

In the future, there is a road to help, to help Yang Lan and where to escape from Xianting.

This is also a big hate for the Jade Emperor.

The crack between the Taoist and Xianting has long been difficult to make up.

At this time, the Sanqingzhi of the Taoist world appeared in this South Tianmen, and it is no wonder that the guardian of the Nantianmen would be awkward.

Their strength, their immortal position, so that they have no way, no qualifications, to deal with the coming Taishang Laojun and Tongtian teachers, so they can only kneel in place, waiting...


The people of the Taoist world went to the south of Tianmen, and at this time, Qin Feng four people, this time has already entered the Xianting.

The land of Xianting.

For the big fairy court, Qin Feng is very strange, naturally...

The three people who have been secluded have never been here, and they are naturally strangers.

However, among the Xianting, people with large stocks appear from different positions, but in the end they are heading in the same direction.

You don't have to think about it at all, you can know that the place where these people go is the place where the peach festival will be held.

Qin Feng did not want to draw any attention, it was with three people, and also followed the crowd, heading for that place.

"Holy respect."

When Qin Feng four people walked through a magnificent temple, the emperor whispered a whisper. Qin Feng’s footsteps stopped slightly, and the subconscious mind squinted at the fairy temple next to it. It should be just a small bias. The temple is of a general scale.

At this moment, from this temple, a group of people came out of it.

At the forefront of this group of people, there is a person, eight feet tall, wearing a white brocade, middle-aged appearance, surrounded by some fairy homes.

It can be seen that these fairy houses are complimenting and laughing, and talking with the middle-aged people.

Qin Feng’s nephew, slightly congested...

Falling at the forefront of this person, this middle-aged man dressed in white brocade!

Because from his body, Qin Feng felt a very familiar atmosphere.

The breath he feels is different than that of the Emperor!

Oh, it’s because I’ve noticed the demonness of this person, so it will attract attention, and Qin Feng’s perceived and concerned attention is not just simple.

From the middle-aged man's body, Qin Feng perceives the breath, is... Jiuwei swallows the wolf!

If you didn't guess wrong, this guy... is the ‘Wolf King’ who is now the nine-tailed swallowing family.

And to be honest, this does not need to guess. When the Xiantai rescued Li Jing in the past, Qin Feng was in Xianting, and he appeared in the second body against the Changsheng Emperor. He also met the Wolf King in Xianting. '.

And a little thought, this ‘Wolf King’ appears in Xianting is also a normal thing, it is strange to not appear.

The nine-tailed swallowing wolf family, since being taken over by the ‘Wolf King’, has been completely crouched on the soles of Xianting and has become the loyal and powerful dog of the Jade Emperor.

Naturally, the 蟠 peach event will be a grand event. The powerful ‘wolf king’ dog leg is of course to participate actively.

Look, recover.

Qin Feng did not pay attention to this 'Wolf King' points, and directly followed the crowd, from this fairy temple.

He didn't pay any attention to it. Of course, the Emperor couldn't do anything. He just looked at the figure of the 'Wolf King' and felt shameful about the demon who was lying under the feet of Xianting. Then he continued to follow Qin. The side of the wind.

After walking through this fairy temple, the left side of Qin Feng, the quiet whispered.

"The saints are assured that the princes have all been arranged, and your friend has regained the throne of the nine-tailed family, with a success rate of over 90%."


After listening to the words of Feng You, Qin Feng just nodded and did not speak any more.

His nephew is tight...

When Jun Jun did things, he was naturally relieved. The nine-tailed familyland must have been covered with chess pieces, but... the world under the sun is unpredictable. Qin Feng has already understood this.

Although the probability of success is 90%, but the final success of Tianjiuyunyun, before the results are not out, it is still an unknown number!!

Now Qin Feng, there is no way to help him.

What to do, Qin Feng has already let Qi Jun help Tian Jiuyun to finish the cloud, and then he can rely on it, only himself.

This time, Cheng Wang is still a dog, relying on Tian Jiuyun to grasp himself! 2k novel reading network

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