The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1160: Sign, apologize.

Lotus pond, Cailian is floating around.

The center of the lotus pavilion.

This lotus pavilion is the most central place of the whole lotus pond, and it is also where the Queen Mother of Xianting is located.


In the lotus pavilion, behind the Queen Mother Yang, there is a maid, this time respectfully export.

"What is it."

The mother-in-law just looked at the scenery in front of it, and the vast lotus pond was so busy. At this time, it was already a mess. The land of the square, everyone... is waiting for the arrival of the Jade Emperor. Now, in this case, only the Jade Emperor When we arrive, we can stabilize this messy situation.

However, the repairs within the Tao Lianchi pool are all looking forward to the arrival of the Jade Emperor. They are also looking forward to the meeting of the Peach Blossom Festival. I look forward to the peach that will be coming to the mouth. After all, this is for many monks, it is used for life. presence.

However, the mother of the mother Yang Lan, the master of the control of the peach, did not expect the slightest, because she already knew that the Jade Emperor... can not appear in the lotus pond today, and will not come to participate in this peach festival.

This so-called peach festival, but ... is just a scorpion that gathers together.

From the beginning, she knew the existence of this bureau.

She also knows that her existence is the key to this scam. She...just a piece in his hand.

Now, it has become a deserted child.

Heart, like a knife cuts the blood.

Chess pieces and abandoned children are not important to the current Queen Mother.

"Your Majesty gives the slave a gift to the goddess."

The maid was owed, respectfully opened, and her hands were holding an inch-long bamboo golden ancient sign. The mother saw the moment of this ancient sign, the whole person... had such a moment, lost, long-term memories that are hard to remember. It came out in her mind, and it was the happiest time of her life.

And she has already permanently sealed this memory.

Not she doesn't want to think about it, but... don't dare.

She is afraid of her nostalgia.

I missed myself at that time, and there was that man...

Wang Mu, raised her hand and picked up the bamboo golden sign in the hands of the maid. This ancient sign was given to Zhang Bairen in the same year as a fixed letter.

Today... Zhang Bairen, the poor sent it back to himself.

How can you know the charm?

"Sign, modest..."

The mother whispered.

There was a smirk that appeared on her face.

That is, the smile of death.

"I don't need your apology."

In the hands of the mother, there is a blue flame that appears on the ancient sign.

This ancient sign, a little bit, burned out.


The maid, who was shown in the ancient sign, saw this scene, scared that the whole person had a change of face, and he slammed into the ground with a splash.

This is what the Jade Emperor gave to the Queen Mother, but now it is burned by the Queen Mother? ! If she is left to know the matter, once she blames her, she is a little maid who has no dead body.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

The cold voice of Wang’s mother opened the mouth of the maid, and she quickly slammed her head to the ground: “The slaves thank the maidens.”

"All come back."

The mother opened again.

Many of the fairies in this lotus pavilion were all squandered, and then they withdrew from the lotus pavilion. The entire lotus pavilion was left with only two people, Wang Mu and Yin Shi Niang.

"Ten Niang, the hour is coming."

The mother looked at the front and looked at the lotus pavilion. The whole lotus pond was in the eyes of the eyes. The four monks, their anxiety and their uneasiness, became more and more obvious with the passage of time.

"Mother, are you really planning to do this?"

Yin Shi Niang stood on the side of the mother, and she couldn’t bear it on her face: "You and your wife are together..."

"I have decided, Ten Niang, you don't have to persuade."

Wang Mu did not hesitate to interrupt the words of Yin Shi Niang: "He is brilliant, I don't want to see him go astray, don't want to see him... let his eternal life be destroyed."

Yang Lan’s eyes are unbearable and heartache.

she knows…

The man who is tall, the man of the Supreme Reality is not the one that she knew in the past, he...has become crazy, he...has to do one thing, life and death.


Yin Shi Niang, who was on the side, sighed heavily, and then said, "The goddess, to be honest, I have no absolute certainty to do our previous plans. Ten Niang can only say, do my best."

"Whether you make it or fail, I promise you to count things. If there is nothing wrong with it, now your two sons are already leaving Xianting."

After the mother’s words were finished, Yin Shiniang’s whole person was a glimpse. In her eyes... there was an unspeakable gratitude.

She doesn't care about her life and doesn't care about her life.

In her life, she lived for her three sons and lived for her husband. She never cared about her feelings.

For the wife and mother, Yin Shi Niang is the ultimate in the world.

Eyes and redness, Yin Shi Niang is busy to squat to the mother, but it was pulled by the mother, the mother looked at Yin Shi Niang, with a hint of envy in her face: "To tell the truth, ten Mother, I... I envy you."


蟠桃莲池, just north, from the middle of the northern Tianmen, there is an empty hall, this temple... there are strict Tianbing guards, not letting anyone step on half, and in this hall, there is a golden golden light, Dazzling.

In the center of the main hall, the ground has a picture of the lines of vertical and horizontal outlines. These patterns are all flowing with platinum flowing, and the center of the pattern is sitting on the knees.

This person is the Ziwei Emperor who left the Lingxiao Temple.

At this moment, the Ziwei Emperor, the eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and the look is somewhat unnatural. Even though he is, this time, the heart can not help but be nervous.

He knows very well what he is doing, what will happen in the future, and the place where the lotus pond is located, but there is a gathering of people in the world.

And this thing... success is not successful.

What the consequences will be, it is simply unimaginable.

at the same time.

In the south of the lotus pond, Zhengnan and Zhengxi, and the main hall where the Ziwei Emperor is located, each has one person, and the knees are at the center of the temple. These two are the Shanggong Emperor and the Houdi Emperor. .

The three of them are each guarding one eye.

In the direction of the east of the lotus pond, it is the location of the Lingxiao Temple, where the main array is located, that is, the Jade Emperor.

Ziwei, Houtu, Shanggong, all three are waiting, waiting for the Jade Emperor... As long as the Jade Emperor will launch the main eye, the three of them will immediately open the eyes and will have an unprecedented purgatory level The array of annihilation, shrouded, lotus pond. 2k novel reading network

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