The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1165: Call him

"Senior brother, it seems that this hundred-bearing is out of heart."

Among the lotus pavilions in the border, the master of the heavens, the eyes swept through the four platinum pillars rising in the sky, with a bit of coldness in the voice, said openly.

"Oh? What happened to the younger brother."

Taishang Laojun looks very calm, and regardless of the four Platinum beams, after all... Taishang Laojun is very clear, even though these four Platinum beams have powerful power.

He and the Heavenly Masters, their own children, will never suffer any damage.

Since there is no danger, it is better to take another look and see what this is, what you want to do, and what is the purpose of doing this.

"Refining and refining."

It is the best proof that the master of the Tongtian religion is superb.

Therefore, when these four platinum pillars rise to the sky, he has already distinguished them. The four pillars of light, the next thing to be shaped, is a refinery.

The goal of refining and chemical conversion is this lotus pond.

When the words of the Master of Heaven pass, and behind him, Lu Dongbin’s brows are fierce: “What are the benefits of Zhang Bairen?”

Lu Dongbin is not a member of Lu Dongbin. When other Taoist children were still shocked by the singer-in-law of the reincarnation, Lu Dongbin was already thinking about what benefits this ‘refining and refining can bring to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen, the master of Xianting, the heaven and earth supreme.

After the collapse of the floods, the heavens and the worlds formed, and under the support of the Taoist circles, they became the co-owners of the heavens and the earth, and even more, quietly let Xianting grow to the present completely independent existence.

Even Sanqing, at first, did not notice the change of Zhang Bairen.

When Sanqing noticed it, it was too late, and the control of Xianting from the border was a foregone conclusion.

Discourse, though simple.

But the process is extremely long, and it is extremely complicated and cautious, but if it is a wrong step, Zhang Bairen is nothing.

Such a budget-conscious person is absolutely impossible to do a loss-making business, and it is not going to do useless work.

"Refining and refining Wan Xiu", for Zhang Bairen, will sweep away his accumulated reputation. From now on, the repairs of the heavens will hate him.

This is not a good thing for Zhang Bairen.

This is also the bet of Zhang Bairen.

Since there is a bet, there is something he wants to blog. Lu Dongbin is curious, this is the hundred-bearing, the owner of Xianting, who wants to get something.

Worth, he went to do it.

‘Refining and cultivating 10,000 repairs, this step, as long as you step out, it is no longer possible to recover.

"Dongbin asked this question well."

Taishang Laojun smiled and pinched his white beard, eyes, and looked at the lotus pavilion. The lotus flower fluttering around, even the lotus pond, reflected the four platinum pillars.

"I am with your teacher's uncle, and I really want to know, Jade Emperor, what I want."

"What is what he wants, according to my temperament, the celestial celestial squad, let him ruin the refining and smashing."

Tongtian teaches that the temper is always hot, and this time it is directly standing up.

"The younger brother is slow."

Taishang Laojun looked at his own younger brother. It was really speechless, and he couldn’t smile. He had been so many years, and his own younger brother was still temperamental and had not changed.

"Since the Jade Emperor knows that you and I are here in the lotus pond, haven't you guessed your brother-in-law?"

When the words came out, Tongtian taught the Lord to pause, and then he sat down and stopped talking. He knew that his brother said nothing wrong.

Zhang Bairen, this guy, has always been thoughtful.

Since he dares to play the heartbeat of 'Refining and Refining Wan Xiu', he must have comprehensive measures, and his own ancestors must be considered.

"Senior brother, what do you say? This Tao Lianchi pool also has the repairs that belong to our borders."

Tongtian teaches the Lord and speaks again.

"It’s all fat numbers, and this is their fate."

Taishang Laojun sighed and said.

When this is said, there is not much to talk to other people in this lotus pavilion. It is true... This is the number of lives, some things cannot be changed.

The name of life and death, perhaps, has a life count.

If you ask, why do you go to Laojun and Tongtian, do not go to shelter? !

That's because they can't shelter.

This refining and chemical formation is the Jade Emperor personally laid down, and the strength of the Jade Emperor, although the former Jade Emperor is only the Taoist beside the Hongjun... But now his strength is absolutely no less than Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Teach either of them.

The fine refining and squad that he carefully laid out, once concentrated on one person, even if it is too old Laojun and Tongtian teacher, it will be extremely difficult to cope.

A careless, serious injury.

Even there is a risk of corruption.

For Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Master, they naturally do not risk such a risk.

This is the way the lotus pavilion is.

In another place, the lotus pavilion is also among the lotus pavilions in the Buddha world.

"Golden scorpion."

Sakyamuni, who has always been knee-shouldered and closed his eyes, blinks at the moment and his voice is open.

"Master, the disciple is here."

The golden scorpion, with his hands clasped together, bowed slightly to the side of Sakyamuni.

"Call him, come."

Sakyamuni is just a very simple word, the golden scorpion... The expression of the ancient well has no change, but it is just a moment, this is the same.

"Yes, the disciples obey."

After receiving the reply from the golden scorpion, Sakyamuni closed his eyes again, and the ‘he’ in the mouth of Sakyamuni, referring to... is a person.

That, the person who waited for a long time in Lingshan.

The golden scorpion looks dignified. He knows that Sakyamuni, his own master... The person to be called is Sun Wukong!

To be precise, it is the golden body of Sun Wukong!

And it is at this time.

Among the crowds, the existence of Qin Feng is not eye-catching among this group of people. In addition, there are now chaos, and with the appearance of these four platinum columns, the people who are already impetuous are even more upset. .

Qin Feng, it seems very comfortable.

He looks like he likes this wine, a cup, and a cup.

At this time, he held the hand of the cup, but it stopped. In his ear, there was a voice coming in. This voice came from... Jun Jun.

"The Holy Spirit, the Lingshan has changed."

Words are very simple.

There are only six words, but the information conveyed by these six words is thousands.

Yan Jun's spies are all over the world, whether it is Xianting, Taoism, and Buddhism. There are only one main purpose in the Buddha's spies.

That is to monitor the golden body of Sun Wukong.

Since there is a change, it is to explain... The golden body of Sun Wukong has changed! 2k novel reading network

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