The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1170: Wrathful Fury

Xianting, Lingxiao Temple.

The land of the center of the tactics, the Jade Emperor, the heaven and earth supreme, the pair of scorpions with platinum light, looked down slightly, looked at the scene, and looked at a huge stone statue at the bottom of the temple.

At the moment, within the underground palace.

All the black walls, the runes... are all flowing, just like the ones that emerge from the walls of the palace, the light of platinum and the same as the silk, flowing along the void, and finally wrapped around the stone. .

Little by little, these silk lines are shining and are not in the stone statue.

These are the majestic spiritual powers that have been obtained from the refining and transformation, and are constantly being injected into the stone statues.


It is faintly visible that the surface of this stone statue has a crack and spread.

Jade Emperor, naturally, has noticed this, and the eyes are even more fiery. This crack is a description of his previous guess, right!

In the past, he used the power of Shura to inject into the stone statue, which was able to ignite the stone statue. It was because the power of Shura was the ultimate force under the heavens.

There is also the power of the eyes of Yang Lan, the same is true.

Without these two forces, the Jade Emperor thought of a little... the power of nine!

The power of heaven is divided into nine shares.

This is the power of nine.

The repairs within the lotus pond are different in their spiritual powers. They refine and refine these people, and their spiritual powers are combined in one place.

It is...

It conforms to nine roads and has achieved the shape of heaven.

Although there is no heavenly power, it has the shape of heaven and can not be used for other purposes, but it is used to awaken the punishment... Jade Emperor guesses, excellent!

This force was injected into the stone statue of the criminal sky, and in an instant it was a strong reaction to the stone statue.

Verification of Jade Emperor's previous guess, there is nothing wrong with it.

This makes the enthusiasm of the Jade Emperor's heart more burning, and how about refining and repairing? ! As long as he can awaken his punishment today, he will be brave and fearless!

Big sleeves, a fierce wave.

More majestic spiritual power was injected into the formation, and time, four heavenly beams, and a new round of refining power appeared above this formation.



Surrounded by the Platinum Array, many of the monks in this tactic are all treacherous battles, but only fear, the next moment... themselves are refining and turning into nothingness by the power of refining in the formation. dissipate.


"The power of refining is coming again!"

"Damn! Damn it!"

"Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, you will eventually be punished by Heaven!"



All kinds of roaring roars, however...not very useful, the coming, the coming is coming.

The new wave of refining and chemical power, suddenly passed through the entire lotus pond, this moment, the whole lotus peach pool, but the strength exists under the Taiyi Xuanxian.

They are all made into fly ash and dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

Becoming one after another, into the array, I don’t know where to go.

Mourning, sorrowful mourning.

Every wave of refining power has passed, and some powerful monks will see their younger generations, and in this way they will be refining into nothingness in front of themselves.

And myself, there is no way to do it, only, watching it.

This, for them.

It is a torture.

Unspeakable torture, their hatred, their anger, can't be vented!


The eyes of these people are concentrated in one place.

That is the center of the lotus pond.

Yes, the lotus pavilion where the mother is.

Invariably, the road was not good, and they began to look toward the center of the lotus pond. These people, step by step, leaned toward the center lotus pond.

Around the lotus pond, the Heavenly Soldiers who guarded the Queen Mother were all looking very tight. They all looked at the soldiers and looked coldly at these dependent monks.

"Anniling, he, they..."

In the lotus pond center, in the lotus pavilion, in this lotus pavilion connected to the entrance and exit of the lotus bridge, the fairies who accompanied the mother in the same day are all changed face by face, and they are all crowded into this place of entrance and exit.

With a look of horror, looking at the mother, I want to know... what to do next.

"They have to rebel!"


With a fairy, the voice is already with fear.

Many of them have participated in the peach festivals several times, but they have never encountered such a thing.

The white gold array, and the murderous monks, tell them all...

Death is approaching.

Mother, did not speak.

How does the lotus peach pool do not need these fairies to tell her that when she entered the lotus pond, she already thought of the current situation.

"All, come back."

Sound, a touch of mouth.

The mother of the moment is still calm.

In the words, with absolute prestige, let these fairies, all but scared and afraid, do not know what to do.

But they are also all exiting the lotus pavilion, waiting outside the lotus pavilion, every fairy, looking at the monks in the distance, can not help but look up.

Their gaze, subconsciously falling on the guards of the Heavenly Soldiers, they can only pray for these Guards of Heaven, and can block these coming martial arts.

Inside the pavilion.

"The niece, it seems that his majesty is ironic, and he has to fix this to death."

On the side of Yin Shi Niang, looking at the crowds approaching the front, made a long sigh and said.

"No one can change the things he decided."

The mother looked calm as usual, she knew that these monks approaching themselves were all wanting their own lives, but... she didn't care very much.

"Mother, are you really planning to do that?"

Yin Shi Niang is also very calm, her husband, is now in the realm of the road, his three sons, have also left the Xianting, are, very safe.

For Yin Shi Niang, there is nothing to worry about.

Mother, for her.

It is the benefactor of her eldest son and second son. It is indifferent to accompany the benefactor, even if she is going to die.

"Try it, though..."

There is a smile on the mother's face: "He, always doing things is always very close."

Ling Xiao Temple.

The center of the Platinum Formation.

The jade emperor and emperor robe flew in the wind, and his eyes were filled with a deep platinum light. At this moment, the jade emperor... looks very calm.

Within this calmness, there are some unbearable things.

"You, do you really have to take that step?"

Muttering and whispering, I can hear that the Jade Emperor’s voice, with a touch of disappointment, even his own, are not willing to admit this reluctant existence.

The ‘you’ in his voice, the one that is referring to is... the mother.

He, **** of Wanjie, everything that happened within Xianting, what Wangmu is doing, he would not know what he was. 2k novel reading network

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