The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1172: Golden body is coming


The new round of refining and chemical power, like a storm, swept through the whole lotus pond. At this time, there is no such thing as a monk under Taiyi Xuanxian.

Even among the great Luo Jinxian, those middle and lower monks, at this time, could not resist the powerful refining power, all of which were transformed into spiritual power and dissipated under the sweeping power of refining.

In the end, it was absorbed by this refining and large-scale array and became a nutrient for the big array.

The wind whizzed past.

The many monks in this lotus pond have become closer to the center of the Taolian Pool. Looking at it, this scene looks extremely horrible.

There are countless monks, surrounded by the center of the lotus pond, as if to completely engulf this lotus pavilion!

At this moment, the inside of the lotus pavilion where the Tao is located.

"Master, we don't care."

Lv Dongbin swept his eyes on the lotus pond. When he saw the group of murderous monks who went to the center of the lotus pond like a madman, the brow wrinkled and said, the tone was very bad.

In the heart of Lu Dongbin, Zhang Bairen may not be a good thing. The person who is in the high position will never take care of the life of the people. In the eyes of Zhang Bairen, the world is full of ants.

What's more, today's Taoist and Xianting are already near the existence of a deadly enemy. They are still relying on a little thin face and holding a thin piece of paper. That's all.

And this piece of paper, in the current situation, before the Taoist and Xianting, can be completely torn at any time.

However, for this mother-in-law.

Lv Dongbin has a different attitude. Since the establishment of Xianting, the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law of the heavens has never committed any jealousy, but has done many things that have been passed down.

All the worlds are famous for their mothers.

one more…

It is also the most uncomfortable in the heart of Lu Dongbin, but anyone who can see it in a clear eye can see that the mother will appear in this lotus pond, and its usefulness is to give the jade emperor thunder!

Come to the Jade Emperor, and scream the anger of this lotus pond!

A man, a heaven and earth supreme, a heavenly emperor who ruled hundreds of thousands of years in the world, finally wanted a woman to scold himself.

This kind of thing makes people feel uncomfortable and makes people feel awkward!

Lu Dongbin's life is a person who loves and distinguishes people. For these things, my heart is naturally extremely unhappy. If there are two ancestors sitting here, he has already come forward.

"The matter of Xianting, I can't help but intervene."

Taishang Laojun pinched his beard and said.


Lv Dongbin also wants to say something. The Tongtian teacher on the side is condensed and exports: "Dongbin, can't be small and chaotic, listen to your teacher's ancestors, now is not the time when my Taoist side comes out."

When the words came out, Lu Dongbin wanted to come out again and restrained it, because he knew very well that the two masters were right.

No matter what happens here, this is always a matter of Xianting.

A few of them are the core of the Tao.

At this time, it is indeed inappropriate to come out.

"But Zhang Bairen, the kid, is indeed not a man. He has been doing the Jade Emperor for so many years, and his temperament has not changed."

The Tongtian teacher screamed coldly, and the Taoist circles could not be shot. It does not mean that the Tongtian teacher can get used to this scene.

His temper has always been hot, whether it is the first day of his practice, or the name of the Taoist ancestors, his temper, has always been so, can not help but scream.

Lv Dongbin took a deep breath and clasped the sword in his arms. He looked at the center of the lotus pond. His look was very complicated.

Speaking of it, he used to talk to the mother of the lotus pond center.

That is, Lu Dongbin has just become a fairy.

In this place of Xianting, wandering around, I have always been interested in the beauty, naturally came to this lotus pond, standing on this lotus bridge, watching this full of lake lotus, the mood is wonderful.

It was also at that time that Lu Dongbin met a woman dressed in Chinese costume in this lotus pond. Later, Lu Dongbin knew that the woman was the mother of the mother.

On that day, the conversation in the lotus pond made Lu Dongbin greatly appreciate the mother.


I am afraid that the world’s strange woman will also be on this day.

At the same time.

The lotus pavilion in another place is also in the lotus pavilion where the Buddha world is located.

Sakyamuni in the lotus pavilion is still closed with a look, knees on the lotus platform, and slowly recites the Buddhist scriptures in the mouth, with a Sanskrit sound and a constant flow throughout the body.

Behind him, Jin Zizi stood, dressed in a white robe, fluttering in the wind, his look seemed calm, but his eyes were... but it was tight.

"You, still can't let go of the fourteen years."

The voice of Sakyamuni, slowly opening.

In these fourteen years, it was the fourteenth year of the Journey to the West. It was the fourteen years since Kim Jong-tuk was the Tang Sanzang, and it was also the fourteen years... changed everything he had as a Buddhist disciple.

When he finished his trip to the Westward Journey and returned to the Buddha world, it was already... no longer the original golden scorpion.

In the past, the golden scorpion who dared to refute Buddhism in the Daxiong Hall, facing Sakyamuni, completely disappeared, and there was only one obedience.

"The disciple does not know what the teacher said in the fourteen years."

The golden scorpion put his hands together and made a slight sigh. His look calmly said that it was obvious that he was deliberate.

"It's worth it."

Sakyamuni is another voice, no more words.

The golden scorpion is also giving a gift again. He also does not make a sound. His eyes are looking outside the lotus pavilion. The heart... is tightly squatting. He knows what will happen next.

Fang Cai, he is already the Buddha of Sakyamuni has been passed back to the Buddha.

This Buddha command is specially made and made for one person.

As long as this Buddha command reaches the Buddha world, that person will emerge from the Buddha world and appear here.

In other words, at the moment of the fairy court...

Xianting, the land above the highest.

At this moment, Xianting is already completely enchanted and shrouded. The four heavenly gates are all inexhaustible.

The entire Xianting, like a discus, could not penetrate.

Just above the high above the Xianting, there is a figure, the volley is between this nothingness, a golden red slanting draped over the body, with a string of beads hanging in the neck.

His eyes are the most amazing.

Like a puppet, there is no such thing as a slight look. It is like... a sly, the volley of the wood is above this fairy court. Since the arrival, it is no longer moving.

The golden monkey hair on the body, fluttering in this wind.

This is the golden body of Sun Wukong. 2k novel reading network

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