The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1192: The axe came.

For the realm.

At this moment in the land of Xianting, the Jade Emperor does not need to come out of his own, and the penalties that will be born will slap everything.

He only needs to look at it in the dark, quietly, it is enough.

In the Buddha world, there is a grandson of Sun Wukong.

The atmosphere of this Monkey King is constantly soaring, and it is very likely to reach 10% of the power. Ten-year-old Sun Wukong is golden and powerful.

Sakyamuni does not need to come out.


Road boundary.

If there is a dispute in this Xianting, Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Master will have to take it out personally.

The two of them, absolutely do not want to confront the golden body of the sacred **** and the Monkey King. For them, it is a great loss.


At this time, the whole Xianting fiercely vibrated, and the source of this vibration was the place where Lingxiao Temple was located.

All the Heavenly Soldiers in this Xianting, with this sound, are all horrified, and they are looking at the direction of this Lingxiao Temple.

The vibration is getting stronger and stronger.

There is a supreme pressure on the air, with the center of the Lingxiao Temple as the center, instantly covering the entire Xianting, suppressing the square!

"I, how can I not move?!"

"me too!"

"How can it be like this?!"



Many of the Heavenly Soldiers and Fairies in this Xianting, as well as many immortals, have changed their faces and are all embarrassed.

They were surprised to find a problem, their body could not move, even the eyeballs seemed to be completely solidified.

One by one, the fear of starting to be crazy in my heart.

They, but they know what happened in the lotus pond, knowing what it’s like to participate in the peach festival.

That, but all fell into it.

The Jade Emperor even killed the monks who belonged to Xianting, and those who are themselves...

One by one, my heart is crazy and smashed.

at the same time.

In the four heavenly gates, the number of Heavenly Soldiers guarding the land in Tianmen is extremely numerous. At this time, the eyes are concentrated on the golden body of Sun Wukong above the Xianting.

Because with the vibration within the Xianting, the Sun Wukong golden body above the sky, this time the breath is also skyrocketing.


It was another loud noise.

It is already a ruined fairy court. Under this huge earthquake, there is a ruin of smoke and dust.

The outer edge of the lotus pond, Qin Feng calm, for everything that happened in this fairy court, do not care.

But... at the moment, in his nephew, there are two fires that are burning.

That is, the eyes of the fire.

His knowledge of the sea, Sun Wukong's ideology, this time has already completed the cohesion of power, ready to shoot, and now there is only one opportunity.

The bottom of the Lingxiao Temple.

Among the ruins of the underground palace, the Jade Emperor is standing on the shoulder of the sacred god. In his eyes, the rune of the rune echoes the runes in the body of the sacred god.

The crown of gold on the top of the head is now scattered.

The fluttering hair is scattered behind him.

The hand of the Jade Emperor slowly lifted up at the moment.

At the moment when the hand is lifted, the fragments of the surrounding palace, the strange runes above the fragments, from these runes, there is a majestic spiritual power, madly pouring into the body of the **** of the heavens.

Hey, hey...

I saw that the stone above the **** of the sacred **** was madly shed at the speed visible to the naked eye, but it was only the time of the three interest, and this sacred **** was completely and completely revealed.

One, no head!

"Axe is coming."

The Jade Emperor faintly opened his mouth and waved his hand. Within this palace, there were several groups of purple-gold light clusters. These light groups were combined in one place.

Turned into an axe!

Pangu axe!

In the moment when Pangu’s axe appeared, the hand lifted forward and grabbed the ancient axe.

Almost at the same time.

The lotus pond is refining and refining the white gold array of Wan Xiu. At this moment... it is dissipating.

At the moment when the array was dispersed, all the holy powers within the lotus pavilion were frowned.

It’s coming... After all, it’s coming.

Heaven and earth, a silence.


Two interest rates...

Three interest!

Boom! Xianting madness, countless cracks appear on this Xianting ground, the entire Xianting, it seems to be torn apart!

The other three positions of the array method.

The Ziwei Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, and the Shanggong Emperor, all stood up from their respective eyes and walked out of the hall.

In the eyes of the three people, they all have a firm color.

And many Heavenly Soldiers outside this Tianmen, this time has been a way of magical magic, turned into a huge and one Heavenly Soldier.

Lin Li Ling was in the square of this Xianting, and the whole Xianting was surrounded.


Ashura Circle.

Where, Yang Lan.

The two stood outside the top floor of the pavilion. From here, it was the sea without a margin. At this moment... the brows of the two were crumpled.

"Ashuro world..."

Especially where, looking at everything around him, his heart has an inexplicable familiarity, he... is also known as Ashura.

Once, he was born from here.

"Zhang Bairen!"

At this time, Yang Lan’s nephew condensed and read the name of the Jade Emperor.


When I saw Yang Yan’s expression, it was a wrinkle, and then... his face was also changed, and he was also aware of it!

"The penalty day, born."

Where is the whisper of whispers.

Yang Lan just nodded slightly: "Zhang Bairen wants to use your power to wake up the **** of death."

"But now you and I are not there, that guy, how is it done?"

Yang Lan has a celestial eye. He has already seen the existence of the bottom of the Lingxiao Temple. He is only very puzzled now. He does not have his own eyes and the power of Shura.

The Jade Emperor, how to awaken the **** of the heavens.

I am afraid that he and Yang Lan, how can they not think of the two, the Jade Emperor will use the lotus pond as the reason, the monks of the heavens and the world will gather together.

With the power of refining and refining, we can achieve the last step of awakening the **** of the heavens.


Although they knew that the Jade Emperor was a vicious person, they never thought that the Jade Emperor was already hot to this point.

At this time, from the pavilion, the door was pushed open.

Yun Ling was in white and her face was calm.

"She, no problem."

After saying this, Yun Ling is still looking at Yang Lan and where, obviously... there is something to say.

"The girl has something but said."

He said it out loud.

Yun Ling, the brow slightly wrinkled, and there was a urgency in her eyes.

"Take me, go find him."

He naturally knows who the ‘he’ is Yunling said, Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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