The city of Monkey King

Chapter 123: Devils are secreted and see the Holy Spirit! [Three more]

As time went by, Qin Feng was lying on the lounge chair of the room, looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out at the night, seemingly quiet, but frowning.

From his back, until now, at 12 o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuexi still disappeared. The more he thought Qin Feng felt that there was a problem.

Even if you want to go out to work, there is no need to turn off your mobile phone.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to go to Qin Chuxue to ask, came to the room of Qin Chuxue, and pulled Qin Xuexue, who was still asleep.

"Brother... What are you doing?"

Qin Shixue wore a pink bunny pajamas, squinting at her eyes and looking at her brother with a sleepy look.

"Where did you go with the moon today?"

Qin Feng is very serious looking at Qin Chuxue.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this time, the **** dog lying at the end of the bed was also awakened by Qin Feng, and it was called to Qin Feng.

"Mom, say people!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and a kitchen knife was placed directly on the neck of the **** dog.

"You, you are a scorpion, I am waking up and screaming twice, practicing scorpion!"

The **** dog suddenly screamed, and the Sichuan dialect came out.

"Little black oh oh~"

Qin Chuxue is the dog's head that touches the **** dog. This scene is a bit funny. My brother is holding a kitchen knife and holding a dog's head. The younger sister touches the dog's head and says ‘乖’.

That means that Xiaohe is awkward, and the knife is very fast.

"Little snow, you continue to say."

Qin Feng coldly glared at the **** dog. The **** dog was framed by a kitchen knife. There was no way. He could only recognize it and buried his head in the quilt. He did not speak.

"We didn't go anywhere, we went home from the ancient wood courtyard this morning, and then we didn't go out."

Qin Chuxue was very careful to recall, and did not go anywhere.

"Is there something strange that happened?"

Qin Feng continued to ask, he did not believe that nothing happened, Lin Yuexi would leave without saying a word.

"something weird…"

Qin Chu snow bites his fingers and thinks for more than ten seconds: "With!"

"When I arrived at the door today, I had a worn-out person who looked like a madman. The man wrote some words on the fence outside the manor. When he finished writing, he left. It was strange at the time, my name is That person did not care about me, and at that time, my sister looked at these lines and looked at it for a long time. I called her for a long time before she took her away."

"Word? What word?"

Qin Feng brows, the intuition tells him that Lin Yuexi’s departure must be related to these words.

"Brother, wait, the word Zheng Bobo has been wiped off, but hey ~ I took a photo~"

Said Qin Chuxue quickly took his mobile phone over and pulled out a photo, which is the wall outside the Qin's manor.

Above, four lines of words are written in ink.

"Innate illusion, and companion will die, if you seek spiritual solutions, Dongdishan view."

Yingxiang...the meaning of the disaster star.

Death with the companion, that is to say, whoever lives on it!

Lin Yuexi lost his parents from an early age. Although he did not talk carefully about his parents with Qin Feng, it is certainly an unfortunate past. Later, her master, the brothers and sisters were killed.

In addition, after encountering myself, the Seven Stars Gate, the ghost door, so many things happen one after another.

With Lin Yue’s thoughtful thoughts, I will definitely think that these sixteen words are about her, she is the disaster star!

So in order not to drag Qin Feng, she wants to leave Qin Feng.

"Where the madman is talking nonsense!"

Qin Feng has a cold color in his eyes, looking at the last eight words on the photo wall.

‘If you ask for a solution, Dongdi Mountain View’.

Dongdi Mountain is a hill in Jiangzhou. This mountain has been transformed into a scenic spot. However, there are not many tourists. After all, there is really no glimpse. The mountain also has a Taoist temple, but only the last century. It has been abandoned, there are no Taoist priests, and no one is going to burn incense.

"Little snow, you continue to sleep."

Qin Feng took a shot of Qin Chuxue’s head and then got up and went straight out.

"In the middle of the night, the nerves are dripping, I don’t know how to use this kitchen knife to make a scorpion all day."

The **** dog saw Qin Feng gone, and he was relieved, and muttered in the dog's mouth.

"Little black, you are not allowed to say bad things about your brother~!"

Qin Shixue licked the dog head of the **** dog: "My brother is also worried about the sister of the moon."

ten minutes later.

Ink black Lamborghini, from the Qin's manor, when the highway was opened, it flew out.

Half an hour.

Dongdi Mountain.

Qin Feng parked the car on the road under the mountain. In front of his eyes, the hill was over a hundred meters high in the dark. At the speed of the Qin wind, it was soon to the top of the mountain.

In the moonlight moonlight, between Qin and Qin, Qin Feng saw a broken road view. This Taoist area does not have a large villa. There is not even a yard. Except for the broken houses of three residents, only the most In the middle of the temple dedicated to the three clear statues.

The spider web is spread over the horns, lining the gloomy vegetation around, and the scene is broken, with a bit of awkward atmosphere.

However, for Qin Feng, this is nothing, but it is a lot of peace.

Because this Taoist temple has a faint candlelight swaying, and on this land, Qin Feng saw the footprints and looked at the size ratio of the footprints. It was obviously a woman's footprint, Lin Yuexi.

I ordered a cigarette, and there was a cold man in the eyes of Qin Feng.

He would like to see what the person who left the sixteen words wants to do!

With the smoke, Qin Feng went to the Guanzhengtang, and pushed the door directly. As soon as he entered the Taoist Temple, he saw Lin Yuexi sitting in the chair, but Lin Yuezhen at this time fainted.

Qin Feng brow wrinkled, but fortunately, Lin Yuexi's breath is very stable, and should not be hurt, this is a brow.

On the grass group in this hall, there was a Taoist who was wearing a rotten robe, and his hair was in a mess. He couldn’t see his face and was sitting cross-legged.

Just when Qin Feng entered the main hall, this broken Taoist priest opened his eyes!

At the same time, he raised his head and revealed the face under the hair.

When you look at the face of this priest, Qin Feng looks a little.

In his mind, there is a name except!

This name does not come from Qin Feng, but from the inheritance of the Great Holy Spirit!

Devils are secret!

This ruined Taoist, as soon as he saw Qin Feng, first glimpsed, then sat on the spot and stared at Qin Feng for four or five seconds. When he finally confirmed what, his eyes showed a very exciting color.

The rotten priest stood up. When he stood up, the rotten robes on his body gradually disappeared, and a purple-black robes appeared. The hair was not messy, purple, and turned into two.

The face is handsome with a touch of demon, and there is a deep purple between the eyebrows. The eyes are like a star, which gives people a deep unpredictable meaning.

Just stood up, not waiting for Qin Feng to open, this person went up two steps, and went to the Qin Fengxing ceremony.

"The devil is secret, and see the Holy Spirit!"

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