The city of Monkey King

Chapter 126: If you don’t agree, start playing!

Qin's Building, the president's office.

"Have your chairman come? Did you let me wait so long, you Qin is really amazing! Do you know who I am? You?!"

Zhang Yong’s tripod was on the desk, and his face was uncomfortable. Deng Qing, who was sitting in front of him, was right to be fart and completely ignored.

"who are you?"

It was at this time that a cold voice came in from the door of the office.

“I am the vice president of Skyhawk Group!”

Out of the subconscious inertia, replied along the voice, Zhang Yong looked back, just to see Qin Feng standing at the door of the office, and in the office aisle, there are constantly employees walking around... one by one, looking towards the office Obviously I want to watch the fun.


Deng Qingyi saw Qin Feng coming, just got up, this **** has not left the chair.

I saw Qin Feng's face chilling toward Zhang Yong. I haven't waited for Zhang Yong to figure out the situation. The hand inserted in the trouser pocket is violently pulled out. Zhang Yong's collar is lifted by the left hand. The right hand punch is hammered down. .

Suddenly, Zhang Yong’s nosebleeds splashed.

The other two middle-aged people stunned and then showed anger, but just stood up, Qin Feng coldly glanced at them, and when they met Qin Feng's gaze, the two goods suddenly scared their legs.

They are only practicing the upper grades. Although Qin Feng is also a top grader, this is not a level. It feels the pressure of Qin Feng, and these two people are instantly forced.


Zhang Yong has a panic in his eyes and looks at Qin Feng.

"What are you?"

Qin Feng slaps a fan on Zhang Yong’s face, and several teeth are directly fanned out.


"What am I?"

Qin Feng was a slap in the face, and then a hand, Zhang Yong directly to the ground, stepped on the foot and stepped directly on his back.

"The words are unfavorable. A vice president will dare to force himself in the land of Laozi? Are you alive and tired?"

Outside the office, the group of employees looked dumbfounded, and suddenly the frying pan, a large group of employees ran over and squeezed at the door.

"I am going to... we Qin Dong is so violent!"

"Good man, it doesn't matter if you don't agree!"

"This kind of loading force, you said that a vice president ran to our group 瞎 bb, but also had to see the chairman, itching is not, Qin Dong played well!"

"Qin Dong Mo is not a black section of karate, that is a tricky stream!"

"If my boyfriend is Qin Dong~嘤嘤嘤, shame..."

"Stupid woman, don't daydream..."


In the office, Zhang Yong, who was stepped on by Qin Feng, was forced from the beginning, and he did not respond at all.

When he reacted, he was already lying on the ground.

"Is you going to sign a contract with me?"

Qin Feng took his foot back and squatted down. He took out a cigarette case and looked at Zhang Yong, who was covered in blood on the floor.

"Yes, it is me..."

Zhang Yong has been beaten completely.

The words just came out.


A slap in the face of Zhang Yong’s face: "Ask you again, is it you?"


Zhang Yong wants to cry, and his heart is screaming! It's me! It is me! I am not wrong!

Just when he is struggling to answer.


It was a slap, and he hit him a few more teeth. It is estimated that he will have a full set of dentures after this return.

"not talking?!"

Qin Feng’s eyes stunned and scared that this eternal call would not dare to scream. I thought about who is this, and if I don’t agree, I will start playing! Say hello before you beat it...!

"I...I...not me!"

Zhang Yong answered an opposite answer this time. Qin Feng got this answer, smoked and slowly stood up.

Seeing Qin Feng standing up, Zhang Yong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but he thought he was right, and finally ended.

The real cup is just getting started!

Qin Feng, a fierce face!

"Not you?! Not you, your mother's ran to my group 瞎 bb, do you/mother take me to open up?! Do you think Laozi is very busy?! Want to smash the field?!"

Qin Feng’s voice screamed, and he couldn’t help but say that he immediately greeted Zhang Yong’s face with one foot and one foot, and Zhang Yong’s mouth was beaten again.

That scene, it is called a bloody.

at this time…

Many of the Qin staff who are on the outside, a few careful people have found that our vice president Zhang Yong is crying.

My heart is mourning...


I want to go home…

Without such a whole person!

Yes, beaten.

No, it is also beaten.

Keep silent, but also be beaten!

What is the world?

"Big brother! I am wrong... You let me go! Let me go!"

Zhang Yong’s psychological defense has been completely defeated by Qin Feng. He is extremely eager to look at his two uncles and hopes to get some friendship support.

The result is that the two uncles pretend that they don’t see a cockroach, and they look at each direction, that is, they don’t look at themselves.

These two people are not stupid...

Damn, go up to help you? ! In this case, help you, idiots go!

"Deng Shu, give me the contract."

Qin Feng was also very tired, and Zhang Yong, who was on the ground for mercy, took the contract from Deng Qing.

The other messy terms on the contract, Qin Feng passed directly, he could not understand, he saw the most important.

The cooperation is divided into terms, which is the income.

According to the contract, Qin’s share is 30% and Tianying is 70%.

After all, this cooperation project is mainly done by Tianying Group. Qin is just helping out. It is very good to get 30%. For the business rules alone, Tianying is very interesting.

But... Qin Feng feels too low.

"You two, come over."

Qin Feng smoked and sat on the boss's chair, smashing Zhang Yong's two uncles.

Where are the two goods dare not obey, do not obey, the next one lying on the ground is they, quickly scraped over.

"That, Qin, Qin Dong, this contract is already ahead of schedule..."

"Shut up, I just let you come over, didn't let your devil talk."

Qin Feng raised his eyes and the two middle-aged people were scared and suddenly shut up.

"The division is unreasonable, immediately change, Qin Shi 70%, you Tianying 30%."

"Who is that, go to the contract."

Qin Feng looked at the office and stood on the side of the arrogant Deng Qing secretary. The girl nodded quickly and took the contract from Qin Feng and ran out.

"Let's let it go, don't block the way!"

There were a lot of people at the door, and the female secretary left the crowd and went out.

The entire office is quiet.

Qin Feng smoked, Zhang Yongzhen was on the ground like a dead dog, and the other two middle-aged people named Zhang were stunned, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. They were afraid that Qin Feng would be unhappy and put them together. Give it a sigh.

Only Deng Qing, it is really a dumbfounded look at this scene.

However, he is very much in favor of Qin Feng's practice. For those who play the king's boxing, only with the more iron fists to fight back, can they be impressed. 2k novel reading network

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