The city of Monkey King

Chapter 133: Seven stars sneaky, join hands!

"I... I can't do the Lord."

Zhang Di took the contract, the whole person is a little trembling, he is the president of the Skyhawk Group, this is not wrong, but more than one billion compensation, this must be the chairman, that is, the family of Zhang family nod!

If he arbitrarily signs it, he has to be alive and smashed.

"That means you can be the master."

Qin Feng faintly said: "Before people didn't come, all three of you stood for me in this lobby. Who sat down, I told you not to stand up again in the future."

The words are cold and fall in the ears of these three people.

After that, Qin Feng turned and left, and the Nangong Yi people quickly followed.

These three people are also very obedient, so they stand up and look at each other. After all, there are precedents. The old man who built the foundation said that he had to say a word and then he was scrapped.

The three of them were kept in mind.

Since the end of the farce, the five people who were incomparable before the moment, three standing at the moment, two squatting, can be described as embarrassing.

"It’s all gone, it’s gone, go back to work.”

Deng Qing indicated that several people would appease the employees of the gathering, after all, the group should still operate normally, and it is necessary to take a break to prevent accidents.

After half an hour.

The top floor of the Qin Building, the chairman's office.

Qin Feng is standing by the falling window and smoking. Nangong Yiren just moved his own full set of coffee equipment and is screaming at the coffee. It seems that she is ironic and wants Qin Feng to drink a cup of coffee she personally developed.

At this time, Deng Qing pushed in the door and was very happy.

"Chairman, Tianying has come to the news, and their chairman will personally sign the compensation contract tomorrow morning."

When Qin Feng heard the news, he was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the Tianying Group would have been so soft, and the old-fashioned family of comprehension was not put.

“There are no other conditions attached?”

"Yes, but this condition is beneficial to us. Their chairman told me to tell you that the responsibility for this matter is all in Skyhawk, and the liquidated damages will be compensated, and the previous cooperation projects will continue, and Let the 90% profit be given to us to show sorry."

When Deng Qing said this, even he himself felt incredible. Obviously he did not expect that things would become like this.

"Well, then the next thing will bother Deng Shu."

Although Qin Feng did not know what the chairman of Tianying was so concession for, was he scared by himself? It shouldn't be... This family of hundreds of years has a arrogance, and you won't be convinced that you don't hit him on the ground.

As for the specific reasons, Qin Feng was too lazy to think about it and could not think of it for the time being.

In fact, as long as he knows one thing, he will understand that Zhang Hao, chairman of Tianying Group, and his younger brother Zhang Wei are the spiritual masters of Xianling College.

Qin Feng’s reputation at Xianling College is naturally inconvenient to say, how can the Zhang Hao, the vice president of Gongsun and the deputy dean, dare to provoke!

Apparently, after learning about this, Zhang Hao quickly made up for his homework. After hearing the background of Qin Feng, he chose to give in.

After all, the wood has become a boat, even if it is cut meat, it must be planted. Gongsun is not the person he can afford.

If Qin Feng knows the truth, I am afraid that he will laugh. Unconsciously, the Gongsun Tong has become his own backing.

"The chairman is assured that everything will be handed over to me."

Deng Qing is particularly happy, with a compensation of 1.3 billion yuan. In addition, this time with Tianying Group's project, the profit is at least 2 billion, and it can get 90%, that is, 1.8 billion, totaling 31 billion, near the group. Half a month of pure profit, he is not happy to blame.

"Hey? Miss Yiren, this coffee is good, I will taste it."

I don't know what Deng Qing's eyes are all about, and suddenly I stared at the coffee from the Nangong Yiren.

"President Deng, this is for the chairman..."

The Nangong Yi people whispered.

"Ira, you give Deng Shu, he has a lot of hobbies, coffee is a line, my preference for coffee is still brought to me."


The Nangong Yi people licked their mouths, apparently very unhappy: "Okay..."

Then he handed the coffee to Deng Qing, then looked at Qin Feng and smiled: "Then I will give you a cup of tea~!"

"No, I have to go home, you should go to rest first."

Qin Feng smiled and then greeted Deng Qing and walked directly outside the office.

"Coffee is good, good craftsmanship, is the raw material of this coffee bean, Miss Iraqi, I told you that I know that there is a special coffee bean special on Jinghua Road..."

Deng Qing was very appreciative when he was drinking coffee. When he was about to evaluate it, he was greeted by the resentment of the Nangong Yi people, and suddenly shut up.

I wonder where I am getting this little beauty? !

He certainly couldn’t think of it because he was already drinking.

ten minutes later.

Qin Feng’s car galloped out of the building’s garage and went straight to the Qin’s manor.

However, half an hour's drive, but when Qin Feng went to the gate of the manor, he saw a familiar back.

Super shorts, white t-shirt, red sneakers, wearing a white sports cap, straight shoulders.

Qi Linger.


As soon as Qi Linger heard the sound of the car, he smiled and smiled. He stopped in the aisle and opened his hands, showing a large cross.

The car stopped slowly, Qin Feng got out of the car, and soon the parking lot at the door came to help Qin Feng stop the car to the garage.

"How do you know my home is here?"

Qin Feng saw Qi Linger with a smile on his face. Then he thought, suddenly felt that he had asked a silly question.

Qi Linger is in the land of Jiangzhou, looking for his own home, and directly using the square mirror to check it.

"I checked it with a square mirror, and then I said, I am here to accompany you on a business trip, how can I not be around you!"

Qi Linger said that it is justified.

"Since it is here, come in for a cup of tea."

Qin Feng smiled slightly and walked past Qi Linger. Anyway, since the mother and sister and Qi Linger are very familiar, the door is no problem.

"I don't drink tea, I want to drink pure milk!"

Qi Linger sneered, and the fart was followed by Qin Feng and walked into the manor.


Qingcheng, the place where Qingzhou Branch is located.

It is also the headquarters of many forces in Qingzhou, one of them, such as Tianqiaotang of Qixingmen.

Similar to the ancient prince's house, a white-haired old man who seems to have been a rarity, a Tai Chi white dress with a bird cage in his hand, and a bird walk in the garden behind the house.

By his side, there is a middle-aged person to accompany him.

"How about the ninth rudder check?"

The old man teased the bird in the cage and asked casually.

"If you return to the Lord, the following people have already found out that it is a boy named Qin Feng. What is interesting is that when we investigated this person, we also met the people of the Three Gates of the Ghost Gate. They also Just investigating this person."

"Oh? How?"

The old man is interested.

"According to their statement, the people who ruined our ninth rudder, that is, the people who killed the third rudder of the Sanchatang in Jiangzhou, were killed."

“Is it so coincidental?”

The old man laughed, and the charm was even stronger.


"Go, take my words to the old ghost of Sanchatang, tell him that this person is going to do this together, but people must be alive, I am very interested in this guy."

"Yes, the owner." 2k novel reading network

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