The city of Monkey King

Chapter 138: Yun Ling's abnormality! [Request for tickets]

The moonlight is pouring.

The wind in the mountains, especially in the middle of the night, is even more whistling.

Perhaps it is because the wind is too loud, perhaps it is the wine, and the person who sleeps in this mountain weed wakes up.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and it was this starry sky.

Got drunk?

Qin Feng brows, pressed the forehead, and slowly stood up.

It was suddenly found that the injury I had suffered before was actually better!

How could this be? Qin Feng tried to run the spiritual power of the body and found that the spiritual power in the body was several times more numerous than before. He realized it instantly!

This is not the spiritual power to practice the best, but the peak of practice!

I broke through!


Can you drink a pot of wine? !

Qin Feng is speechless, looking around, except for two sports cars, nothing.

The wine madman has long since left, and can be known from the surprise of the former drug lord.

The name of the wine madman, the sword is not drunk!

Qin Feng’s life, enmity will be reported.

Starting today, he is just getting up with the drug prisoner valley.

In the same way, he also owes the sword to no drunkenness and a life-saving affection. These are all in mind.

As for Zhou Hong...

He was taken away by that paragraph, and the next fate will be, Qin Feng is not clear, but he hopes Zhou Hong can live.

Because, to report the killing of the Father, you have to kill him by yourself!

I took a cigarette and went back to the car. Lamborghini started and galloped down the hill!

As for Zhou Hong’s car, Qin Feng can’t control it.

Holding the cigarette, holding the steering wheel, the car is arrogant, Qin Feng is constantly searching for many magical magical powers in the inheritance of the Great Holy Spirit. He is looking for a means to save his life in front of his own monks.

In the case just now, Qin Feng didn't want to go through the second time!

If the sword is not drunk, this wine madman suddenly appears, and today I am 100% scorpion!

"Blood surgery..."

After searching for a long time in the inheritance of the Great Holy Spirit, Qin Feng finally found a suitable secret method. With the cost of one-third of his own blood, he could instantly move his body to other places.

As for how far you can go, look at repairs.

However, this is too dangerous. Once it is bloody, it will be caught up, and a third of the blood will be lost. Almost half of the damage will be lost, and even the power of resistance will be lost.

This kind of secret law can never be used unless it is necessary.

However, this is also the only suitable Qin Feng can find, because this blood stasis has no additional conditions for the exhibitor.

And some other high-end life-saving magical powers, this kind of supernatural powers and the magical heavens are different, and many need some precious materials.

For example, Li Daitao is a magical power. If the corresponding materials are prepared in advance, you can motivate this magical power when you are in the midst of a thousand miles, and exchange the body with the prepared thing for the dead, to save a life.

However, the need for the mortal thing is extremely precious and complicated. It is not the cloud water industry that can be gathered.

The car was soon under the winding road.

Half an hour later, the speed of the original gallop slowly stopped, because Qin Feng saw a place, Xiantaoling.

From the fall of the autumn to the city, it is indeed necessary to pass the Xiantao Mausoleum. It has not been to Taolin for two or three days. When I think of Yunling alone in the lonely peach forest, there is a kind of lonely in the heart. Pampered feeling of falling.

Parked the car on the side of the road, Qin Feng walked to Xiantao Mausoleum.

When it was close, the eyes of the eyes were lit up, and the original piece of waste rock forest became a continuous peach forest, falling flowers and dancing, so beautiful.

With the light road, Qin Feng walked into the peach forest and felt the rich aura coming on the head.


When Qin Feng is about to come to the center of Taolin, which is the area where Yunling is usually located, it feels a bit wrong.

The brow wrinkled and Qin Feng walked quickly.

Just stepping out of the jungle, in the mist of the spring, Yunling and the long hair of the ground, the whole person is naked, the delicate collarbone is exposed outside the water, even the faint snow peak, you can also see a two.

Qin Feng, who should have turned around, this time, but not!

Because Yunling is not bathing, her face is extremely ugly at this moment, bursts of redness, hot sweats keep going down, the whole person is weak and weak, always want to faint.

Yunling is like a poison, and the whole person is fascinated and full of pink.

"Cloud predecessors, what happened to you?"


Qin Feng tried to ask a few words, but Yun Ling completely ignored him.

The difference between men and women is that Qin Feng is very clear.

However, at this time, you can't be so particular about it.

Tearing off a piece of cloth from the white vest on his body, Qin Feng covered the cloth with his own eyes. With his feeling, he entered the Lingquan.

Going forward to Yunling little by little.

When Qin Feng was only half a meter away from Yunling, Qin Feng stopped his body shape and reached out and grabbed Yunling’s hand. The first feeling was: hot!

But the next moment!

Let Qin Feng unexpectedly!

Yun Ling was actually attached to Qin Feng's body, and Qin Feng also subconsciously hugged her.

You must know that at this time, Yunling's clothes are all on the body, and they are directly attached to Qin Feng's body. Xuefeng is pressing the chest of Qin Feng.

Smell the unique peach flower woman's breath, feel the delicateness of the lubrication of the skin, Qin Feng even if not close to the female color, but he is also a normal man!

He is just a bad color, it does not mean that he does not feel women!

"Cloud predecessors, you..."


Yunling's consciousness is blurred, and the body is almost subconsciously squatting on Qin Feng. A pair of jade feet are sandwiched by Qin Feng, and the instinct is up and down.

And Yun Ling, who looks like this, has her eyes closed, but her face looks much better than before, not as uncomfortable as before.

It is as if it is extremely hungry and urgent for one thing, and now such things have appeared and are released.

This looks like... more like a peony.

Perhaps it was because of an accident, perhaps it was not tight enough. The white cloth belt that Qin Feng covered his eyes suddenly loosened.

The subconscious opened his eyes. At this moment, the two of them were attached to each other. Everything about Yunling was seen by Qin Feng.

The horrible cheeks of the celestial beings, the waves under the delicate collarbone, and the lingering of Yunling, the Qin wind suddenly stunned.

He admits...

At this moment, his brain has completely collapsed, and he has not thought about why Yunling has become such an ability.

Almost instinct, Qin Feng looked at the cherry mouth, actually slowly lowered his head.

At last…

Printed up!

And Yun Ling, when the two people are entwined, it seems to have found the venting mouth, it is extremely active, hands around the neck of Qin Feng.

The hand of Qin Feng, at this moment, was unconsciously lifted up, and fell on the white and tender of Yun Ling, and began to move up and down.

The mist is transpiration, and the water splashes.

The squirrels on the edge of Lingquan were holding the peach blossoms and stunned, watching the two people who were almost integrated into the Lingquan. 2k novel reading network

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