The city of Monkey King

Chapter 143: Big black dog is dead? ! [Three more]

seven in the morning.

The sun rose from the east, and Qin Feng walked out of Taolin.

Different from the previous times, this time Qin Feng came out of Taolin, with a secret on his body, a secret that could not be said.

Looking at the peach forest behind him, the peach blossoms danced.

In the hustle and bustle of Qin Feng, the eyes of the fire dissipated, and this piece of peach forest disappeared in his eyes, and a piece of rocky forest was turned.

Go in the direction of the previous parking.

Among the peach forests, the most peripheral forests, peach blossoms, Yunling stood under the peach tree, watching the back of Qin Fengyuan.

There is a trace of disappointment in her eyes, there is a trace of low, and there is... expectation, looking forward to the next coming of Qin Feng.

Ten minutes later, the sound of a Lamborghini sounded on the nearby road.

Qin Feng held the steering wheel and a cigarette that had just ignited.

Regarding Yun Ling's business, he still can't find a suitable way to solve it.

At this time of Qin Feng thinking, there was a phone call, Deng Qing.

Call yourself so early...

There are some doubts in Qin Feng’s eyes. Generally speaking, even if Deng Qing is busy with his work, he will not start work at 7:00 in the morning.

"Hey, Deng Shuqi is so early."

For those around him, Qin Feng’s attitude has always been moderate.

"Chairman, Zhang Dong of Tianying Group is coming. I have sent people to the airport to pick up the plane. It will take about half an hour to get to the group. You see, do you want to come over?"

It’s so early...

Qin Feng thought for a few seconds.

"Well, when he arrives, let him wait in your office, I will take an hour and a half to get to the group."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

In fact, he did not want to see this goods at first, just let Deng Qing accompany a few words to talk about it, but the Tianying Group's surname Zhang's retreat into this, a shot is a few billion white.

If you don't see one side, it's too much to give face.

After all, Qin Feng is the chairman of Qin, he is the face of Qin, and some faces in the industry still have to give each other.

Eight o'clock.

Qin's Manor, Qin Chuxue just woke up, wearing her rabbit pajamas, habitually getting up the first thing, that is, 'dog walking'.

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the snow was often held in the neck of the **** dog at the end of the bed, and then shouted: "Little black gets up!"


According to the usual rules, the **** dog at this time must come up with a ‘Do 啥 哟, Lao Tzu wants dumplings (sleeping)...’.

But this time, the **** dog did not respond at all.

However, this is not a big deal. What makes Qin Xuexue scared is the body of the **** dog, cold! And all four legs are frozen!

Live like a dead dog!

"Little black, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Chuxue suddenly panicked, anxious to get up, desperately shaking the **** dog, but the **** dog is not responding at all.

The shouts of Qin Chuxue suddenly alerted Song Yu and Lin Yuexi.

The two men had already got up, and they were chatting with the morning tea in the living room downstairs. When they heard the shouts of Qin Chuxue, they ran up.

"what happened?"

Lin Yueyi saw Qin Shixue holding a **** dog crying, and suddenly his eyebrows wrinkled.

"Moon sister, you see Xiaohei... He is not moving, he is not dead?"

"Little black, don't die... I don't want you to die..."

Qin Shixue hugged the **** dog and burst into tears.

"Little snow, don't worry, let your sister see."

Lin Yuexi quickly went up, Song Song came to his daughter at this time, and hugged her, so that life comforted.

Hands, on the dog's lap, Lin Yuexi's spiritual power began to fall into the body of the **** dog, when the spiritual power did not enter, suddenly his face changed, because she was in the body of the **** dog, I could not feel the slightest vitality.

To put it simply, there is a dead dog in front of you.

How could it suddenly happen like this...!

Nothing happened. Last night, the **** dog ate a whole roast chicken. The appetite was not as good as it was! Why is it suddenly dead? !

Lin Yuexi did not believe it, but after several times of viewing it, the result was still the same. Although she did not understand medical skills, she could judge whether she could survive or die.

The **** dog in front of me is deadlocked!

Looked at the tears in his face, looking forward to seeing his own Qin Shixue, Lin Yuexi took a deep breath.

"Xiaoxue rest assured, Xiaohei is fine. He is not a normal dog. He will not die. It is estimated that he ate too much yesterday and will wake up later."

Lin Yuexi said with a very calm smile.

"is that true?"

When I heard Lin Yuexi’s words, Qin’s mood was slightly calmer. After all, she still believed in Lin Yuexi.

"But...but why do you have a cold body when you eat too much?"

Qin Chuxue asked such a question, Lin Yuexi did not know how to answer, she just said a word.

"Sister will lie to you? Xiaoxue, go to bed with my mother."

Lin Yuexi can only cover up the past, laughing and licking the hair of Qin Shichu.

"Your sister-in-law said nothing, then it will be fine, look at you, every day so late, breakfast is cold, and quickly go downstairs with my mother to eat."

Song Yu naturally knows that Lin Yuexi said that it is not the truth, but now the most important thing is to stabilize the mood of Qin Chuxue, and also laugh and pull his daughter out to go downstairs.

"Mr. Sister, Xiao Black wakes up and calls me."

Qin Chu Xue said in a step back and three times.

"My sister knows, let's go."

Lin Yuexi waved his hand and smiled. When the snow fell to the ground in the early Qin Dynasty, the smile on his face slowly became dignified. Looking at the **** dog that kept his posture, Lin Yuexi had a trace of sadness.


The **** dog saved the lives of the three women before, and now she is so unclear, how can she feel uncomfortable.

But she couldn’t figure out anyway, why did this happen suddenly? ! After all, when I was in the hotel, the **** dog was cut by Fengmao with a dagger and it was not dead. How could it be so dead!

The Qin wind, which is only a dozen kilometers away from the Qin's building, gallops on the streets of the ink-coloured Lamborghini winds, causing the street to bypass people.

And at this time, a phone call came over.

Lin Yuexi.

"where are you?"

Just connected to the phone, Lin Yuexi is a direct question, there is an eager tone.

"what happened?"

Qin Feng listened to Lin Yueqi's tone, and could not help but frown.

"Little black... seems to be dead, you have to come back soon!"

"It seems to be dead? What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you on the phone. You should come back first. Anyway, from the morning, Xiaohei seems to be dead, and I am not sure what is going on."

Qin Feng heard Lin Yueqi’s words, what is called death, and then said, the dead dog is a nine-tailed swallow, how could it die without reason? !

"I know, come back soon."

Qin Feng brows and wrinkles, in front of him is a crossroads. At this time, the green light is only three seconds left, and other cars have started to stop.

Only the Qin wind, the file is dialed, the throttle is stepping on, and the roaring sounds.

Lamborghini rushed straight up, crossed the intersection at the last second of the traffic lights, then turned to the direction of Qin's manor in the nearest corner! 2k novel reading network

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