The city of Monkey King

Chapter 146: Luo's mine? ! [Three more]

Office of the Chairman.

When Qin Feng opened the door, the Nangong Yi people had already stood in the office, near the living room of the falling window, and a cup of coffee was placed right on the tea table.

"How do you know that I am coming?"

Today, the Nangong Yi people are wearing a little black dress, and the slender ** is extremely eye-catching.

"I, I want to go to work~"

The Nangong Yi people with their hands behind their backs, the eyes deliberately look at the scene outside the falling window, apparently lying.

In her suite, she would look out the window every few minutes to make sure that Qin Feng had not come. Just now, she saw Qin Feng’s car coming from the street.

Surprisingly, I quickly got out of the suite, came to the chairman's office, and soaked a cup of coffee at a very fast rate.

"You have a cup of coffee~"

"it is good."

Qin Feng smiled slightly, then sat on the sofa and took a sip of the coffee.

"How? Good to drink?"

The Nangong Yi people were very nervous and asked. After all, it was a hard time, and she finally let Qin Feng drink her coffee.

Qin Feng was frowning, which scared the Nangong Yi people.

"No, it's not good to drink... No, I, I have tasted more than a hundred cups myself, and the taste is still good, okay...?"

Listening to the tone and discourse of the Nangong Yi people, Qin Feng could not help but smile.

"Good, I deliberately frowned."

Qin Feng then took a sip of the big mouth, which put the cup down.

"Call~ scared me, I thought it was hard to drink."

Nangong Yi people patted their big breasts.

At this time, the door knocking outside the door rang.

"Go open the door, the people you want to meet are here."

"Well, okay~"

The Nangong Yi people nodded very well and then went to the door with pleasure.

The moment the door opens.

When Zhang Haoyi saw the Nangong Yi people, he suddenly stopped, and he glanced at the beauty of the Nangong Yi people.

However, this old fox is not covered, and soon it is reflected.

"Oh, Qin Dong, I have heard a lot of names for a long time, and I have heard a lot of names!"

Zhang Hao quickly came in and laughed while walking, and his secretary was stopped by the Nangong Yi people when he was about to come in.

"Sorry, please wait outside."

The secretary of this artisan is also looking straight at the Nangong Yi people, and when Nangong Yi people talk to him, he is just a foolish nod.

Until the Nangong Yi people closed the door, this guy still stared at the Nangong Yi people, it is really a second son.

"Zhang Dong, staying slow, let you wait so long, please sit down."

Although Qin Feng said this, but there is no feeling of embarrassment, even the station did not stand up.

However, Zhang Hao is not angry at all, but very happy.

After all, there are people in the background who are different!

In his view, behind the Qin Feng, there is the Gongsun of the Xianling College supporting the waist, and it will be very good to be polite on the verbal.

If this is to change him to be Qin Feng, he will not come to see such a small role.

After all, this line, the weak meat and strong food, Zhang Hao touched and climbed for nearly a hundred years, the door that has long been seen is clear.

"Qin Dong, I haven’t listened to the rabbits underneath. I don’t want to pay attention to them. After I go back, I will punish them. I also promised compensation and liquidated damages. Within ten days, I will definitely join Qin’s. There will be no less points in the account."

Zhang Haoxian put his own posture very low.

Qin Feng looked at the front of this building, the chairman of the Tianying Group, Zhang Hao, the old guy... what kind of ghost abacus.

Taking out the cigarette case, Qin Feng pumped out the roots and slammed it in the corner of his mouth.

"Zhang Dong, I am a cool person. If you have something, please say it."

Qin Feng tilted his legs and smoked his cigarettes. He looked at Zhang Hao in a faint look. He didn't believe that this guy came from afar. After waiting for more than three hours, he apologized in addition to losing money.

"Oh, Qin Dong is really eye-catching, I am still a little abacus, but Qin Dong!"

Zhang Hao is very emotional and still does not forget to flatter.

Such an old guy who is nearly a hundred years old, so shooting a young man in his early twenties, even a little bit of a sense of violation.

It can be seen that for this guy, the effort to make a flattering, we are serious, trained!

"Say, what?"

Qin Feng is not willing to insult with such people.

"This is Zhang Dong. Recently, there is a rare earth mine in Jiangzhou. It is particularly popular. Many consortiums are vying for the mining and management rights of this rare earth mine. I wonder if Qin Dong is interested?"

"Rare earth mine?"

Qin Feng smoked and looked coldly at Zhang Hao: "Zhang Dong, if you still want to achieve your purpose, it is best to tell me the truth in the next sentence."

He doesn't want to sell off, the rare earth mine is worth more, and it is not worthy of Zhang Hao's concession for this. After all, dozens of billions are not a joke.

"Oh, that's why I can't escape the eyes of Qin Dong. If this is the case, then I can only talk with a thick face."

"In fact, this is not a rare earth mine, but a Lingshi mine. The rare earth mine is just a foreign name. Therefore, participating in this competition for mining rights is a consortium mastered by some comprehensible families."

Sure enough, Qin Feng eyes are slightly congested.

"The so-called near-water tower first month, the six people in Jiangzhou are fighting for this time. Originally, I was fighting as a representative consortium of Shenjia, but Shenjia’s old guys don’t talk about credit, they temporarily change, this is not I just…"

"I have no interest in this."

I haven't waited for Zhang Hao to finish it completely, Qin Feng blocked it back.

"Qin Dong, you will not consider not considering it. After you have obtained the mining management right, you don't have to do anything. I am willing to give you 50% of the annual profit. Lingshi is a scarce thing, you have to practice, and the future is powerful. All the tools need to be replaced by Lingshi."

Zhang Hao’s face changed and he quickly got up.

Qin Feng is his only hope. If Qin Feng refuses, then his own billions of compensation will really be lost.

"No, I am a drop-off."

Qin Feng faintly opened, Nangong Yiren was politely walked to Zhang Hao: "Zhang Dong, please."

Zhang Hao still did not give up, still sitting.

"Qin Dong, you really don't think about it? 70%, I will give you 70%!"

Still want to struggle, but the gaze of the eyes is the cold eyes of Qin Feng.

"I don't want to say the second time, send the guest."

The faint opening, Qin Feng is not stupid, so many comprehension families to fight for it, Zhang Hao obviously can not help, want to let him to do him as a shield, this kind of small profits and do the big things, Qin Feng will not do.

Although he did not put the six people in Jiangzhou in his eyes, in fact, he did not look at the entire cloud water industry.

But how can it be a place, and now the strength of Qin Feng is not strong enough, and it will only lead to more trouble for no reason.

Zhang Hao was very embarrassed, stood up, took two steps, sighed and sighed, and turned back to Qin Feng.

"Qin Dong, the old man of Luojia finally put this ancestor out, I really can't miss it!"

When this was said, Qin Feng browed.


Luo's mine? ! 2k novel reading network

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