The city of Monkey King

Chapter 150: Nineteen deeds! [Request for tickets]

The first day of Wanjie, the first world.

Nothing to Xianting.

Among the singular scent, the Yantianpan, which is as high as Baizhang, is still circling rapidly, and the white fairy light surrounds it.

Before this Yantianpan, there were three people.

A young man is less.

The old man in white is the Yan Tianxing Jun who rules the Yantianpan, and on his left and right sides, he is responsible for the two fairy fairs who watched the Yantianpan on weekdays.

"Xingjun, Yantianpan has been so many days, why is it? Is it something wrong?"

Fairchild on the left is very worried.

"Xingjun, His Majesty has ordered the 36th House to enter the Xianting, and if there is no result, it will be angered."

The fairy on the right goes on, and his face is very ugly.

In fact, this is no wonder that they are arrogant. After the Jade Emperor learned that he was overjoyed, the first thing was to make a squatting order. He summoned the 36th House to Xianting, ready to take the Tianbing army and press it into the magic monkey. .

However, after a full day, from the beginning of the matter of the change of the heavens and the present, there is still no news at the end of the Tianxingjun.

This is to let the thirty-sixth house of the monarchs feel uncomfortable in the heart, let us come, is it not the northwest wind that specializes in drinking Xianting?

They are unhappy, and the Jade Emperor is even more upset.

In the past few days, it has been linked to the 18th purpose, so that Yan Tianxing will quickly display the magic monkey trail.

The most helpless is Yan Tianxing.

At this moment, this white-haired old man has written two words on his face: helpless.

If you don't pay attention to your own decent, I really want to swear!

Urgent, urgent, useful? !

Although he is a fascinating star, he can't control the Yantianpan. To be precise, no one in this world can control the sacred things that the chaos has begun to evolve and the heavens and the earth have evolved.

The so-called Yan Tianxing Jun, but it happens to be able to sense one or two with Yan Tianpan.

At this moment, from a distant place, a golden stream of light came, and when the streamer came to this place, it stopped, the golden light spread, and a majestic voice echoed.

"To spread the meaning of the Emperor of the Jade Emperor, let the Yan Tianxing Jun, quickly show the magic monkey trail, there must be no bad pool!"

Yan Tianxing Jun, holding his own white beard, when he heard this decree, the gas almost did not pick up his beard.

Between heaven and earth, only Yan Tianxing can communicate with Yantianpan, so only he knows the heavens, and other people, including the Jade Emperor, are unclear.

Because of this, Yan Tianxing is the most helpless, I thought that since you are not clear, then what reminder reminder...!

Want me to die? !

You urge me, who am I urging? ! Can it be that I can still inspire this Fang Yantian? ! This holy thing can also be considered by me!

In the past few days, Yan Tianxing has taken the initiative to want to make contact with Yantianpan. However, every time he is succumbing to Yuyu, Yantianpan is not at all, and the slightest news has not been transmitted.

"Xingjun, this, this is already the 19th decree of His Majesty."

On the left side of Yan Tianxing, Fairchild reminded him.

"This star knows, would you like to tell me?!"

The old man couldn't help it. He shouted and scared the fairy face to a white color. He didn't dare to say a word.


It was at this time, when the jade Emperor in the sky was dissipated.


A fierce end!

And Yan Tianxing Jun, is also a glimpse, and then revealed a happy color, and quickly communicated to promote the secret law to communicate with the heavens.

After tea!

On top of the Lingxiao Temple, a voice sounded.

"Yan Tianxing Jun See you!"


On the thirty-sixth day, a remote and small world, the name of the name: Yunshui.

Qin Feng came out from Luojia Manor, the car had not been opened for ten minutes, Qi Linger’s phone was called.

"Hey, Qin Lingshi, where are you old?"

Qi Linger at the other end of the phone was a very playful word.

I have to say that Qi Ling’s heart is indeed very big. Every time Qin Feng goes, she is mad at the fire.

But the next time I called Qin Feng, it was sunny, I didn’t know how happy I was, and I didn’t remember how Qin Feng made her angry.

"When driving, is there something?"

Qin Feng also thought about how to check the bottom of the six Jiangzhou, Qi Linger called, Qin Feng thought of it.

Jiangzhou Sudi!

In the realm of comprehension, the place is the official organization established by the Fairy.

For example, the Fangxiange instrument in the hands of Qin Feng was also awarded to the ancestors of Luojia in Jiangzhou, and he had to check the bottom of the six houses. Naturally, there is no more suitable place than Xiange.

"This is the case. Vice President Gong Sun came to the place today. He wants to see you. Let me ask when you have time to come."

Qi Linger’s voice came, but Qin Feng gave a slight glimpse, and then the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

It seems that this Gongsun is repaired to be quite tall. The power in this cloud water world is also high, but this heart is still not good. It is so urgent that instead of going to Xianling College, I am eager to find myself in Jiangzhou.

However, when I thought about it, Xianling College died in three plains without any reason. I haven’t got the murderer for so long, and the thing happened when Gongsun was in the college. It’s natural for him to come. Putting it flat, it is estimated that the old guy’s recent pressure is not small.

As for why Gongsun will go to the fairy pavilion and let Qi Linger inform himself.

That is the face problem.

Gongsun Tong obviously still gave Qin Feng a face, even if he got a lot of secret reports from his men, in this secret report, nine copies of the nine points pointed to Qin Feng.

After all, the place where Qin Feng killed the three spiritual masters was not far from Xianling Mountain. A little speculation and analysis, plus some clues to investigate, if the people of Xianling College could not find Qin Feng killing for so long, It is really incompetent.

In fact, in the third hour after the incident, Gongsun Tong had already received such a report on Qin Feng.

Even if you know this, he still gives Qin Feng face.

Xianling College is one of the six directors of Xiange, and Gongsun Tong is the deputy dean of Xianling. He came to Jiangzhou and went to Jiangzhou, where he was equivalent to the leadership inspection.

In the fairy pavilion, see Qin Feng, and it is given enough steps for Qin Feng. After all, with his cultivation, if you want to ask Qin Feng to ask clearly, you can find Qin Feng directly.

However, he did not, but respected the life of Qin Feng, so that Qin Feng had time to see him again.

It seems that Qin Feng’s master, the singer’s predecessor’s shock to Gongsun’s, is too big, so that such a knotty product is so polite to treat a practicing monk.

Anyway, Qin Feng had to go to the sacred place to check the things of the Sixth family, and he agreed.

"I know, you let the Vice President Gong Sun wait a moment, I will arrive soon."

Hang up the phone, Qin Feng will take the last bite of the smoke in the corner of his mouth, the car left at the intersection ahead, galloping to the Jiangzhou lodgings. 2k novel reading network

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