The city of Monkey King

Chapter 153: Shangqing Court Dinner [Request for Ticket]

Jiangzhou Suodi, the square of the square.

"Hello, you are bored... seeing these things can see an afternoon."

Qi Linger boring turned over the table of several books of the family that Qin Feng had already seen, and the face of bitter melon, she spent the whole afternoon with Qin Feng to see these things.

Qin Feng is watching the enthusiasm, but she feels that there is no meaning at all.

Finally, when Qin Feng put down the last family book, Qi Linger had excitement in his eyes and quickly spoke.

"Are we going out?"

"Not in a hurry."

Qin Feng looked calm. He had just finished watching the development process of the Sixth Family. After the end of the era of Luojia and Bajiang.

The six-time family began to emerge.

To be more precise, it was the rise of the so-called Jiangzhou Liujie, and the six men had successively settled in the past ten years, and then founded the current six-generation family.

However, these six people, from now on, are also the best products.

"Where are you going?"

Qi Linger asked on the side, Qin Feng did not care about her, turned and walked toward the temple.

"Hey, you are talking!"

Looking at the back of Qin Feng turned away, Qi Linger snorted, every time he wanted to leave, this lady accompanied you for an afternoon, is it easy? !

When I was stunned, I followed it up. When I followed the shape of Qin Feng, Qi Linger asked the gang to ask again.

"You can't tell me where to go?"


Qin Feng walked toward his car and faintly opened his mouth.

The so-called Shangjiang is a river in Jiangzhou. Because it is in the upper part of Jiangzhou, it is called Shangjiang.

And the ‘Upright Court’ dinner.

It is not actually held in a hotel, but a luxury yacht.

Qin Feng came to the side of the car and pulled the car door and sat in. When the car was to be started, Qi Linger took the co-pilot from the other side.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Feng stunned Qi Linger on the car.

"Go with you!"

Qi Linger laughed.

"I am not going to play, get off."

Qin Feng brows a wrinkle.

"I don't care, anyway, I am going, you have to drive me to go, or walk on your own."

Qi Linger snorted, and the long legs were framed up, with a look of what you are.

"You choose it yourself!"

Going to go...

It’s already more than six o'clock. It’s really going to go up to Shangjiang from here. It’s estimated that it’s not enough at 8:30. The Shangqing dinner is starting at 7:00, and almost at 8:30.

"Don't mess up for a while."

Qin Feng regained his gaze and directly launched the car. Lamborghini drove away from Jiangzhou Suize with a low snoring.

In the night of Jiangzhou, neon lights flash on every building.

Shangjiang River.

There is a very luxurious three-story yacht moored, and on the bank of this pier, there is one car after another, like the Mercedes-Benz Land Rover, which is the lowest level, and can't be seen here.

Super-run, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce and other cars are even more numerous.

At this moment, a blue Masalati came over. When the people in the car got off the bus, the reporters who had been holding the dock for a long time in the docks all came up, but they were given by the security guards on the dockside. Stopped.

Tang Yi got out of the car and then bypassed the front of the car. It was the gentleman who pulled the co-pilot's door open and Luo Qinghan walked out of it.

However, the clothes she wore were not the ones that were in between, but they have already been changed.

A white v-type tube top evening dress, the skirt is dragged to the ground three feet, the pair of peerless \ 'murder\' device, it is against the backdrop of this clothes, fierce!

For the buddy of the faint ‘milk’, this look looks past and can see the nosebleeds that people see!

The reporters, the cameras that were lifted, were aimed at the pair of snow peaks. When the shutter was pressed, the ‘咔咔咔’ full screen was Xuefeng.

At this moment, Luo Qinghan became the only focus of the dock.

The rest of the cars, people who have come down, seeing this scene, many people are scoffing.

Those who can participate in this dinner are the six-generation family and some monks who have a face-to-face Jiangzhou local comprehension family. In their eyes, female stars? Plaything.

Tang Yi is very enjoying the feeling of becoming the focus.


Tang Yi stood straight and wanted Luo Qing to hold his hand, but he was disappointed.

Luo Qinghan can be a big concession to sit in his car, but to hold in with the hand in front of the media, she can never do it!

Once this is done, I am afraid that the headlines of all major media will start to speculate tomorrow.

"Without Don Shao, I will go by myself."

Luo Qinghan is very sweet smile, facing the lens, with a very elegant posture, these are very common for her such a traffic star who is often focused.

Tang Yi stunned a bit, although his heart was very uncomfortable, but there was no attack. After all, there are too many people here.

"Miss Luo, please."

It was a gentleman who made a gesture of asking, and Luo Qinghan nodded with a smile and then boarded the ship.

And when Tang Yi and Luo Qing Han boarded the ship.

A Lamborghini, now also came to the dockside. Although there are many luxury cars here, but it is more aggressive than Qin Feng's Lamborghini poison, it is really impossible to find a second one.

Many people are subconsciously condensing their eyes, but not looking at people, but looking at cars.

The Qin Feng in the car, through the windshield, just saw the Luo Qing cold back on the escalator entering the yacht cabin.

Although I only saw the side face, I also recognized Luo Qing Han at a glance.

"How is she?"

Qin Feng subconsciously muttered to himself, and glanced at the man in the red suit standing next to Luo Qinghan, his brow slightly wrinkled.

"What are you saying?"

Qi Linger, the first officer, is already excited. She is lively and lively. The favorite thing to do is to join in the hustle and bustle and see the lively scene in front of me. I can’t wait to get it right away.

"Nothing, get off."

Qin Feng faintly opened, then pushed the door open, Qi Linger also followed.

When Qin Feng walked in the direction of the yacht, Zhang Hao, who was waiting for this early, saw Qin Feng and hurriedly greeted him.

"Oh, Qin Dong, you are finally here!"

Zhang Haoyi was very happy to see Qin Feng.

"What about the admission?"

Qin Feng is just an icy opening.

"In this, I have already got it for you."

Zhang Hao quickly took out two invitations with gold-rimmed inlays.

"Well, you can go to rest."

Qin Feng took two invitations from Zhang Hao, and then went to the yacht with Qi Linger.

Zhang Haoyi...

Ugh? Is it wrong? !

These two admission posts, one is yours, and one is mine? !

Why have you taken it for me? then what do I do? ! Just turned and looked at the past, Qin Feng is already carrying Qi Linger on the yacht.

What is this routine? !

You want to take a girl, can't you say it earlier? ! Hey, just give you one more. Now where do you go? !

Zhang Hao smashed, and the river wind with moisture blew on his face. 2k novel reading network

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