The city of Monkey King

Chapter 155: Killing my Tang family, sin is a sin! [Three more]

In the middle of the dance floor, when the screams of Tang Yi sounded, the lights became bright instantly.

Everyone is looking at the scene that took place in the middle of the dance floor.

"! You and his mother are looking for death!"

Tang Yi's face was red, and the painful biting of his teeth, with his right hand licking his left hand, just about to rush up, when he saw the cold eyes of Qin Feng, suddenly stunned.

From the eyes of Qin Feng, he saw a word: death.

At this time, most of the people around are watching jokes.

After all, the six families have never been in harmony. The other five people have seen the Tang family doing things, and naturally they are happy to watch the fun.

But the Tang family is not like this.

Behind Tang Yi, there are hundreds of people who have come over, practicing Qi, building the foundation, and having the fourth stage of the lower middle and upper peaks.

These people are all Tang family!

"Yi, what's going on!"

In the foremost one, the foundation is built, this person is Tang Yi, his grandfather Tang Gao, a white-haired old man, who is very high in the Tang family.


"He has abolished my hand!"

Tang Yi used the remaining finger to touch Qin Feng, and at the same time looked at his grandfather, and his eyes actually burst into tears. This scene is also ridiculous.

For a time, the hundreds of people in the Tang family looked at Qin Feng, and they saw the killing in their eyes.

"You... how come you are."

In the cold wind on the side of Qin Feng, a v-shaped white evening gown with a three-foot mop, the face has an urgent color, seeing hundreds of people who came up, suddenly his face was white.

"It happened to meet, don't be afraid, just stand behind me, I promised your grandfather to protect you in this life."

Qin Feng’s eyes were light, and he said with a cigarette.

When the words came out, Luo Qing, who was on the side of his body, was happy in the rush, but he was disappointed.

It turns out...he didn't take care of himself because he agreed with his grandfather.

"Kid, move my family, I am bold enough."

Among the group of Tang family members, a young man with a temperament came out: "Hey? I seem to have seen your kid, who... the rich second generation of the Qin Group?"

He snorted: "A rich second generation in the secular world, how much do you think you are? I dare to scatter on my Tang family. Today I will repair and repair you on my cousin!"

This young man is called Tang Bin. He is not a Tang family, but a subordinate brother and a cousin of Tang Yi. He has always been dissatisfied with being repaired as a lower Tang Yi.

The so-called shackles are the descendants of the Tang family's Tang dynasty, and the collaterals are the descendants of his brothers, and even more distant bloodlines.

At this time, Tang Bin came out, obviously wanting to show the limelight, telling his people, my Tang Bin is stronger than Tang Yi's waste!

Moreover, he saw that Qin Feng is also a peak of practice, and his confidence is full.

Qin Feng smoked and looked at the jumping clown in front of him.

"Today, you don't waste your hands and feet. You really don't know how high the sky is!"

Tang Bin rushed up, and the other Tang family did not move. In their view, Tang Bin was enough. After all, a martial arts peak that was cultivated by hundreds of years of family, to deal with such a half-way debut, is not the peak of practice. Difficult.


Qin Feng did not move, faintly a word, the body's spiritual power was released, directly hitting Tang Bin's body, this cargo was directly bombarded like a cannonball, and a slamming sound fell to the ground.

Wow wow vomiting blood, a pair of eyes squinting in the direction of Qin Feng, eyes rolling round, twitching a few times.


I really don’t die and I won’t die.

The audience suddenly fell into silence!

Not to mention that Qin Feng is not terribly powerful, in the face of almost the entire Tang family, the Tang family was killed!

This kind of thing, in the past, is something that I dare not think about, but now, it does happen!

"I rely on, who is this kid? So not afraid of death?"

"It seems to be the Qin Group. I saw it once in the Jiangzhou Evening News. It is said to be the chairman now."

"This kid is a good man! When did Qin become a real family? Isn't it always a custom?"

"Ghosts know, watching the fun, this is fun!"

"Tang Yi, the Tang family, played female stars all day, and finally met hard, haha, watching the show."


The other five people, one by one, are not busy, holding snacks, drinking red wine, and only seeing this as a play.

"Killing my Tang family, sin is a sorrow!"

Tang Yi’s grandfather Tang Gao’s eyes suddenly became fierce, watching Qin Feng, cold and cold.

"All the Tang family listened to the order, and this person, a thousand knives, the soul is smashed!"

As soon as the words came out, the hundreds of Tang family people behind him rushed up.

Luo Qinghan saw this rushing person, his face suddenly white, subconsciously looking at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is still cold-eyed, with a cigarette in his mouth, and has not waited for all of these Tang family members to come up.

Ten black lights passed by these Tang family members.

Before these people reacted, the screams of pain and anger sounded.

Tang Gao’s eyes were full of horror, and he looked at the ten nails that were nailed into his ten heavens. His eyes were full of horror.

These ten black nails, all the repairs in his body were nailed to death. When I just wanted to move, a cold voice fell into his ear and let him squat.

"It's best not to tamper with it, or next second, you are likely to fly away."

Qin Feng took off the smoke at the corner of his mouth and shook his ash.

The family members of the Tang who were originally fierce were all stunned. They turned to look at Tang Gao, the only son of this family, the first person in the Tang family except the owner.

Even standing in the same place, I dare not move.

Cold sweat, falling from Tang Gao's forehead, he is very clear that the words of this kid are definitely not fake.

He can feel the cultivation in his body. At this moment, he is completely sealed and can seal his own cultivation. It is not a difficult thing to kill himself.

Looking at the boy who is only practicing the peaks, Tang Gao’s heart is cold and he feels the threat of death!

"Fast, go and inform the owner."

The whispered opening, behind him, the scared Tang family quickly rushed back.

And Luo Qing Han behind Qin Feng, is even seen by the scene in front of him...

She never thought of it, Qin Feng turned out to be so powerful! Decisive killing, not shocked!

This and the rich family in her influence, it seems that it is not right.

The scene was extremely embarrassing, and suddenly fell into a dead silence, those who were originally fierce Tang family did not dare to go, one by one are standing in place.

And it is at this time.

The crowds who gathered around the crowd suddenly groaned.

There is an area, that is, where Qin Feng was sitting, seven or eight men are surrounded by a woman, a rhythm of forcing a sister.

And this woman is Qi Linger.

Qin Feng glanced at him and felt pitiful for these guys.

Ms. Qi Jiasan, who is afraid of being tired of life. 2k novel reading network

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