The city of Monkey King

Chapter 157: A broken egg! [Request for tickets]

At the time of Xiantaolin, Yunling once said a word when Qin Feng conditioning the body.

The spiritual power of Qin Feng, its richness, is even more intense than when she built the peak of the foundation. That is to say, the strength of Qin Feng surpassed the peak of the foundation of Yunshui, but it was not as good as that of the Dan.

This is also why, before Qin Feng used the soul of the town, it was easy to seal Tang Gao’s repair.

However, it is also the peak of the foundation, and in the case of the death of the monk, Qin Feng is not necessarily an opponent, but although not an opponent, but life is still enough.

The only purpose of Qin Feng’s coming today is to transfer the pressure of the six family to Luo’s family.

Of course, it is better to be able to solve things completely today.

The door of the banquet hall was pushed open.

The six family members, six people almost walked side by side, six spirits of the old man, when you see the ice flame of this banquet hall, they are all wrinkled.

Especially Shenye, Lei Tian, ​​Xiong Songbai, Tang Yu, because they all got the news that their own people were killed. As for the two owners of Yao and Guo, the look is very calm, and their people did not happen. What is going on here is nothing more than a look at the excitement.

However, among the four people in Shen Lei Xiong Tang, Lei Tian’s expression is different from the other three...

He recognized who Qin Feng was at a glance, and Qin Feng knew that he recognized himself.

Lei Tian has a younger son. Although this younger son is not the strongest among his five sons, it is the most valued by Lei Tian, ​​just because this young son is not in Lei, but in Xian. The cabinet serves.

Can enter the fairy pavilion, that is enough for the family to be proud.

Jiangzhou Xiange Sudi, the strongest is He Hua, He Hua, who built the foundation for repair, compared with these few Dan's family, the strength is much worse.

Even so, if He Hua stood in front of six of them, the six owners would have to give a bit of politeness, and they would never dare to come.

It is not difficult to understand that the black boss is no longer arrogant, nor dare to glory in front of the official boss.

This is also the reason why Lei Tian’s young son who entered the Xiange was highly valued by Lei Tian.

And this little son of Lei Tian who entered the fairy pavilion is the governor of Jiangzhou Xiange, his name is called Lei Qiong.

Before Qin Feng saw Lei Qiong in the roster's roster, there was something strange. He thought it was a heavy name, but when it was turned over to Lei Qiong's page, it was certain.

This Lei Qiong is the fifth son of Lei Tian.

Lei Qiong knows the background of Qin Feng, it is natural, his father Lei Tian is also very likely to know, and even know the appearance of Qin Feng.

When seeing Lei Tian’s eyes changing, Qin Feng knew that his own guess was right.

The anger in Lei Tian’s eyes disappeared completely at the moment, but instead tangled, ignored, or helped?

"It’s really courageous to practice squid."

Xiong Songbai saw the repair of Qin Feng, his face was horizontal, and on his body, the breath of the knot was released, and the ice flames of the ballroom were all extinguished.

"Whatever nonsense with him, this arrogant boy, killing is."

Shenye looks elegant and wears a pair of golden frame eyes, but people are extremely hot.

"is it?"

Qin Feng saw the anger on these faces, but smiled.

"I saved you. If you don't thank me, you will kill it."

"Save us? It’s ridiculous."

Tang Yan’s eyes were cold, Tang Bin’s body was still lying on the ground, and Tang Yi’s hand was crushed. Tang Gao’s appearance at this moment was sealed and he was seen in his eyes.

This is the provocation of the Tang family and his Tang Yan!

"What, I am wrong?"

The smoke of Qin Feng is burning up slowly: "I am offended by Miss Qi Jiasan, can you afford it? If you think about it, what will happen?"

As soon as this was said, these couples were all stunned, except for one person, Guo Jiajia, Guo Yuan.

The six eyes were condensed on Qi Linger's side.

"You said she is Miss Qi Jiasan?"

Xiong Songbai is suspicious in the eyes, but also has a jealous meaning!


For the family that they have risen for hundreds of years, the nine great families that have been inherited for thousands of years are absolutely great!


Qi Linger embraced her hands and looked at the eyes of these couples.

"You said she is?! Why do we believe that you are nonsense?"

Shen Ye is also looking at Qi Linger, saying this in his mouth, but there is a tangled color in his eyes.

"Believe it or not is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Qin Feng faintly said: "I am only here for one thing."

As soon as he raised his hand, in the hands of Qin Feng, the celestial instrument of Yuanshan Ling Mine appeared: "Yuanshan Ling Mine is mine now. If you want to make any idea, you will save the heart early. If you can't bear it, it doesn't matter. Although I am coming to find me, I will help you save."

When I saw the Qinge hand in the hands of the Xiange, these six owners were all stunned. I didn’t expect Qin Feng to have this thing!

This is how they mourn for centuries! They are gathering today, but also for this thing!

"The Qin Feng brothers are relieved that the Leishan of Yuanshan Ling Mine will not be half-scoring."

At this time, Lei Tian spoke up.

In this sentence, the other five owners were heard, because Qin Feng did not say his name, but Lei Tian shouted out, and the tone was very polite, obviously knowing what.

"The people of Lei family, leave with me."

Without waiting for the five people to ask why, Lei Tian took his family and turned and removed.

He chose to compromise.

The spirit of the spirit, the background of the Gongsun, and... From the mouth of his younger son, he also learned that Qin Feng may have a more powerful background, which is not known to Lei Qiong.

Lei Qiong was only accidentally obscured from He Huakou. There is a predecessor standing at the peak of Yunshui, who is extremely optimistic about Qin Feng.

For the Lord... Lei Tian has a self-knowledge, he can not afford it.

Lei Tian’s withdrawal made other people frown, especially Tang Yan, Xiong Songbai and Shenye. They didn’t know why Lei Tian chose to quit.

You know, the previous Thunder is trying to get this spirit mine. In order to get more points, I almost didn't fight.

"Let's forget something."

However, when these homeowners thought about the reasons for Lei Tian’s departure, Qin Feng was self-satisfied and went to the Tang family. This group of Tang family saw Qin Feng’s smoke and his hands in his trouser pockets. It was let go with a scared look.

After all, the shock that Qin Feng brought to them before was really too great.

Qin Feng, slowly walked to the front of Tang Yi, Tang Yi saw that Qin Feng came to his front, but even scared to tremble, without any previous prestige.

Just when everyone was wondering what Qin Feng was going to do, Qin Feng looked at the guy with his right hand on his left hand, his eyes cold.

"In order to be on the safe side, you can only trouble you with a small amount of things."

Qin Feng faintly opened, but before Tang Yi reacted to the meaning of this sentence, aiming at Tang Yi, and slamming his foot.

The whole person of Tang Yi was smashed under this foot and flew for a few tens of meters. He slammed into the wall, and there was a broken egg between the vague.

A broken egg!

"Oh, wow!"

Tang Yi hurts the cold sweat and falls, falls to the ground and shrinks into a ball, one hand holding his own block, but he has not touched the familiar egg, because it has become a thin piece of mud.

Blood, soaked the red trousers.

Qin Feng promised that Luo Laofu protects Luo Qing's Zhou Zhouquan, and this Tang Yi thinks that he wants to follow Luo Qinghan '嘿嘿嘿'. In this case, Qin Feng broke his root and he missed it.

Tang Yan was so stunned to see this scene, he could not believe that this is called Qin Feng's kid, who dared to face his own face and abandon the life roots of his great-grandchildren!

The anger in his eyes has already burned his taboos!

Maniac! Deceive me too much! 2k novel reading network

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